
  Chapter 353 The Tensile Situation (Five thousand words, please subscribe)    Hei Kong's body beast He is far away from the dimension of Earth. It is not so much that he directly sensed the breath of Ancient One and the others, it is better that he judged the location of Ancient One and the others based on the remaining breath of the Earth dimension.

Huang Wen and Qin Ge Lei did not leave a breath in the dimension before, but it was a coincidence that last time, Huang Wen and Qin Ge Lei had just left the Earth dimension and went to the Earth dimension where Mephisto is. They The breath left above the dimension has not dissipated yet.

"It's not just these people, but also some unfathomable aura, leaving traces on the dimension, damn, how could Earth be so dangerous? Shouldn't I be in the wrong place?" Black After Sora felt it earnestly again, he started thinking with a little fright.

"Master...Master?" Botu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. They didn't quite understand why Hei Kong stopped talking after tapping a few times on the map. In the end What happened?    "en? Someone is coming?" Hei Kong was thinking, when he wanted to collapse and sell, he was yelled by the blogger's voice to come back to his senses, then suddenly raised his brows and looked towards the outside In the direction, he sensed that a large group of people were moving towards him and rushing.

"Trash! I didn't know if someone hit the door?" Hei Kong coldly glared at the blogger and the others, said solemnly, "Assemble all the ninjas, and solve them first! "

In the end, Hei Kong did not intend to leave directly. Although this body condenses part of the power of the beast deity, it is not the deity. Even if it is lost, it is just a period of cultivation. This mysterious dimension still needs black space to explore!    "Someone hit the door? Huh? It's the breath of Iron Fist? Avengers is here?" The blogger and the others glanced at each other, and then felt something, a surprise flashed in their eyes!    Now, there is black space, bloggers and the others, naturally, they will no longer be afraid of Hulk. In their opinion, at this time, Avengers and Iron Fist are coming to die!    However, bloggers and the others soon realized that oneself had made a mistake, and the people who came were simply not Avengers, but Iron Fist Danny, Defenders and Chaste.

Defenders and The Hand do not know the people, but Chaste and The Hand are still very familiar. The Hand expresses disdain for this organization that is not very capable but has overestimate one's capabilities to deal with them.

Moreover, Chaste has always dealt with only one of The Hand, that is, the Murakami one, and Murakami, until now, has cheated the death of the Chaste ninja for fun, constantly using the one that can be resurrected. Ninja, go for the life of Chaste Ninja.

"Erica?!" When the black sky appeared, the two invisible but sensitive Matt Murdoch and Stick exclaimed at the same time, they felt the breath of Erica , Even though Erica's body is now occupied by Hei Kong.

"Oh? You still know the owner of this body? It's really interesting!" Murakami looked at Matt Murdoch and Stick said with a smile, "However, now this body is already our great master's The container is gone, she is no longer called Erica, she is called Heikong!"

"I thought it was Avengers who came here, and I also looked forward to it, but now it seems that it is just a bunch of stinky fish and shrimps. That's all, Master, you don't need to take action, just a few of us can solve them!" The blogger turned his head to look at Hei Kong and said flatly.

"Oh? They are not Avengers?" Hei Kong's eyes flashed with surprise, and then nodded, "In this case, they will leave it to you to solve..."

As the black empty voice fell, a group of ninjas who were not afraid of death in The Hand rushed directly to Defenders and Chaste, and the ninjas of Chaste did not hesitate and rushed directly.

"Erica!" Matt Murdoch felt the completely different breath from Erica at this time. He couldn't help gritting his teeth, subconsciously trying to rush over, but was given by Luke Cage. Stopped, also stopped, also Iron Fist Danny who is ready to do it!

"Matt, don't get excited, also you, Danny!" Luke Cage looked at Matt Murdoch and Iron Fist and Danny solemnly said, "Danny, it's up to you to break the game today. Judging from the attitude of the guys in The Hand, the guy who occupies Erica’s body should be a more powerful guy, Danny, your power should be used at the most appropriate time!"

"I Able to block two people, Jessica can also block one person, and the rest will be handed over to Matt you and Stick Old Mister..."

"No problem, although my strength is not comparable Go up these four fingers, but I can still do it by holding on to them..." Stick nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Iron Fist, let me see the power of Kunlun!"

"I... I was suddenly a little nervous..." Iron Fist Danny's complexion became a little unnatural. He originally thought that after oneself came, he directly blasted the strength of Dragon and put The Hand It was enough to get rid of the four fingers, but now, after feeling the pressure from his companion, Iron Fist Danny was a bit nervous for a while, and even couldn't grasp his own qi well.

"Danny, you..." Luke Cage was subconsciously frowned, but at this moment, Botu and the other four rushed over, and Luke Cage was forced to rush out, relying on oneself skin. is rough, flesh is thick, which stopped the blogger and Alexandra.

And Jessica Jones also flew up and greeted Suwander, and the remaining Murakami was handed over to Matt Murdoch and Stick.

"Erica..." Matt Murdoch faced Heikkong and couldn't help being lightly sighed.

"Matt, restrain your own distracting thoughts and concentrate your own attention. She is no longer Erica! And, what you have to deal with is Murakami. The half-hearted end in the battle also needs me now Tell you again? Or, don't you understand the situation now?" Stick's voice echoed in Matt Murdoch's ear, and then Stick rushed towards Murakami.

For Murakami, Stick’s heart is naturally full of anger. He knows that countless people of Oneself Chaste have equivalently died in Murakami’s hands. However, he even had a cellphone meeting with Murakami personally. No, because the strength of the two is so different!

Last time, Stick saw Murakami showing his own strength. It was when Kunlun’s people found him. At that time, Kunlun’s people had already prostrate oneself in admiration that Stick admired, but Kunlun’s people were the same Not taking Murakami, this made Stick at the time feel deeply desperate.

But this time, Stick knows that despair is of no use. The only thing he can do now is to hold Murakami, even if it is his own life!   (End of this chapter)

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