
  Chapter 411 The Odin's Revenge (Three Changes)

"This time is true for Thor's experience It’s necessary. Alas, as a Thor, it’s really embarrassing to be knocked down by such a small amount of electricity..." Odin watched Thor, who was sent to the hospital by Jane Foster and the others in a hurry. Said with a sigh.

That is, Jane Foster and the others is not a bad person. Otherwise, if there is any evil intention, Thor who loses the divine force will definitely lose his life. At least this time experience will completely fail. .

With a sound of "shua!", Odin's voice fell, and the storm hammer in his hand turned into a rays of light, following Bifrost and disappearing into Asgard.

"en? The breath just now? Mjölnir? Impossible, Mjölnir, who was thrown out by the Royal Father in front of me and Thor. Why did he show up in Asgard? He was expelled even with Thor. God World is now, I must have felt wrong..." At this time, the cute Loki has fallen into self-doubt, because he had discovered the own anomaly in the battle with the frost giant before!    In the Wing Chun dojo, Huang Wen was just reading with Belle at this time. Suddenly Huang Wen's face changed because he noticed a powerful force and attacked in the direction moved towards own, and this The power comes from the sky.

Almost instantaneously, Huang Wen released the power of perception and saw a hammer, like a meteorite moved towards own Wing Chun dojo smashed over, exactly the same way Mjölnir landed before.

If you really let this hammer down, then Huang Wen’s Wing Chun dojo, it’s a white build!

"Odin! Fuck your uncle!" Huang Wen roared angrily. Amidst Belle's very strange expression on the side, Huang Wen directly activated Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

Therefore Huang Wen knows that if oneself goes up, no matter what method oneself uses, there will be leakage of impact force. Only by using Immortal Beheading Sword Formation to block the entire hammer in the sky can it not It hurts Wing Chun dojo and Chinatown!    "weng!" Immortal Beheading Sword Formation rises up, that is, it is late at night, and there is no staring at the sky, otherwise the storm hammer above the sky will attract many people's attention.

Of course, Avengers, has already noticed this hammer.

"Fuck! What's the situation? Another hammer?!" Tony Stark stared wide-eyed, who had not yet returned home, looked at the storm hammer falling down in the sky with some surprise. This scene It was exactly the same as when Mjölnir landed before, but this is the downtown area of ​​New York!    "This is what Huang Wen said, the second hammer?" Steve Rogers first came back to his senses, "that is, the second hammer Odin promised to build? He threw it like this? He is not afraid Did you hit someone? This is New York!"

"hmph! This Odin is really not a good bird!" Tony Stark's eyes flashed a bit of discomfort, said solemnly, "Jarvis, look at this Where is the hammer going!"

"Chinatown, Wing Chun dojo..." Almost instantly, Jarvis' voice rang, making the whole Avengers stunned, and the corners of Tony Stark's mouth twitched slightly Now, the first reaction is that you, Huang Wen, also have today.

However, Tony Stark soon came back to his senses. Even if the storm hammer is directed at Huang Wen, there is a great possibility of accidentally hurting the innocent people around. It’s midnight, who Know if Huang Wen has time to defend himself?

"Jarvis! Interception of air-defense missiles!" Tony Stark immediately issued an order, "Fortunately, Huang Wen asked me to evacuate New York by those means, but I haven't evacuate yet..."

"No, Boss is already working on it." The silly girl's voice rang in the Avengers Building, making Jarvis subconsciously stop, and then the picture given by Jarvis was turned around, and the falling storm was seen more clearly The hammer.

With a sound of "weng!", seven beams of light rose above Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, condensed together to form a sword, exactly what the Immortal Beheading Sword looks like.

However, this is not the entity of Immortal Beheading Sword, because Huang Wen is worried that Immortal Beheading Sword will break a hole directly on Storm Hammer. Therefore, the Immortal Beheading Sword at this time is Immortal Beheading Sword. The strength of Formation is condensed.

With a sound of "clang!", Immortal Beheading Sword slashed on the Storm Hammer and directly slashed it out. The target was a place where there was no one on the outskirts of New York.

"This...this is how Huang Wen handles it?" Tony Stark looked at the image in front of him, his mouth twitched slightly, not knowing what oneself should say for a while.

"Boss said, this way, compared to your energy weapon strikes, the movement is much smaller!" Some proud voices of the silly girl echoed in the Avengers Building, leaving Tony Stark speechless. Yes, I didn't know what to say to refute for a while.

But also, the power Tony Stark extracted from Tesseract is used as energy. Although the weapons made by Tony Stark have powerful formidable power, the movement is not small, especially when it collides with Storm Hammer. Let the whole New York hear the movement.

Unlike now, the Storm Hammer was knocked off by Immortal Beheading Sword before it had time to react. The citizens below New York just heard the sound of iron strikes, and then nothing. I couldn't hear it, so they just lifted the head suspiciously and looked at the sky, but saw nothing.

At this time, the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation has already converged. Even if it does not, normal people will only think that this is the light pollution of that commercial building when they see the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation.

"Steve, Boss said, this hammer has landed on the outskirts of New York, let you go and bring him back." Just when Tony Stark fell silent, the silly girl's voice sounded again , So that Steve Rogers' eyes lit up.

During the day when Steve Rogers raised Mjölnir, he had the feeling of endless divine force. Steve Rogers had not forgotten that he could force Mjölnir down, and Steve Rogers also possessed great self-control.

Even when he lifted Mjölnir, Steve Rogers had in his own mind, conceived a combination of Mjölnir and vibranium shield!

At this time, Steve Rogers can't help but get excited when he can once again possess a hammer with similar abilities to Mjölnir's. Because of this time, he can finally display oneself's combo skills. NS!

"I'm going with you, I want to see, this hammer, can I pick it up!" Tony Stark stood up a little unconvinced, even he didn't understand until now, Steve Rogers Where are they strong, they are able to pick up Mjölnir that no one can pick up.

(End of this chapter)

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