
  Chapter 423 Thor’s Inner Struggle and Resistance (three shifts)    "Your goal is them? "Thor heard Laufey's words and hesitation flashed in his eyes. After this period of time, Thor has thoroughly understood oneself's current situation, lost the thor's position, lost the divine force, lost Mjölnir, he is a slightly stronger A little mortal.

This kind of strength, let alone dealing with Laufey, even if it is dealing with the most common frost giant, Thor is not an opponent at all, especially the frost giant has its own attribute attack, so you can't guard against it, Thor knows that oneself simply cannot defend against such attribute attacks.

Originally, Thor was able to get out of the car and face the Frost Giant as if he were dead, because Thor knew that they would not be able to run away like this, and Thor thought that the Frost Giant was here to find He is revenge, he doesn't want to involve Jane Foster and the others, but now Thor hesitates...

"hahahahaha! It seems that you have made your choice!" Laufey saw Thor Suddenly he hesitated and laughed frantically, the laughter echoing in the air, as if echoing in Thor's heart.

At this moment, Thor remembered oneself’s past glorious achievements. It turned out that all the achievements and courage of own came from the divine force and Mjölnir of in one body. Without these, oneself would have nothing. Not anymore...

Thor’s mind flashed with thoughts, and his heart was struggling crazily. Moreover, during this time, everything that Thor and Jane Foster got along with also surfaced in front of Thor. If Jane Foster dies in front of the owner like this, Thor feels that oneself may not forgive owner for the rest of his life!

Even the cold current did not stop Avengers from continuing to observe what happened between Thor and the Frost Giant, because Tony Stark had sent the little bee robot to watch them nearby, so their conversation, Avengers Also heard clearly.

"Coward!" Tony Stark looked at Thor who was hesitating and said disdainfully, "This is the so-called Thor of Asgard? It's ridiculous! No wonder he was deprived of the thor's position. Compared with Steve, he is nothing. Neither!"

"Cough cough, are you complimenting me?" Steve Rogers on the side felt oneself face reddened, and looked at Tony Stark and asked somewhat sorry.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly take action, are you really waiting for those frost giants to do their hands on Jane Foster?" Tony Stark rolled the eyes, put on Combat Armor, and rushed The crowd urged.

"No hurry." Huang Wen smiled and waved his hand and stopped Tony Stark. Although Huang Wen didn't have a good impression of Thor, who had just made his debut, but Huang Wen believed in courage. For Thor, there is no shortage, especially what Thor needs to guard is Jane Foster and the others who have been with oneself for so long... well, mainly Jane Foster.

"Stop!" Sure enough, as Huang Wen expected, when Laufey crossed Thor with a big laugh, Thor finally strengthened his own conviction. He screamed at Laufey, "I think To deal with them, step over my corpse first!"

At this moment, Thor felt that his own faith had reached the Peak of this life, his imposing manner, although it did not contain any divine might, But it can also shock people!

"Bang!", but at the next moment, Thor knew that oneself was wrong, and even Laufey didn’t do anything. An ordinary frost giant heard Thor’s voice and didn’t hold back, so he directly killed Thor. He flew out and fell to the ground very embarrassed.

"..." The Avengers, who had just thought that Thor would change, fell into silence, and didn't know what to say.

"en? So, after being beaten to death by the Frost Giant, will he regain Mjölnir's approval?" Huang Wen's thoughts are different from Avengers, his eyes moved slightly. Thor fell to the ground with a layer of frost on his chest, muttering in his heart.

"If I get the approval of Mjölnir in this way, the educational methods that Tony and I prepared seem to be useless, um, but in this way, I haven't done anything, and I have made a Divine for nothing. The King’s Proof and Storm’s Hammer, it doesn’t seem to be a loss..."

"However, that stingy Odin, won't you take these two things back again? It shouldn't be? According to Ying Faming, Loki is able to run to Earth. Then Odin should have entered Odin’s sleep. It shouldn’t be time to come to me..."

"Furthermore , I at least sat down at the critical moment of Thor’s transformation. I think it’s a bit useful, right? Shouldn’t it? To the ground, Thor, with frost on his chest, was struggling to stand up again. This time, he didn't say anything cruel, but directly picked up the stone next to him and slammed it at the frost giant.

With a sound of "bang!" Laufey did not expect that Thor, who had become a mortal and was beaten out, was also able to resist, so Laufey was directly smashed. , Laufey's heart was filled with angry flames, and the Frost Giant was also angry!    "courting death!" Laufey let out a violent cry, and an ice storm blasted directly towards Thor, blasting Thor directly away, and even icing Thor's body.

"It's still a man, but don't we take action yet?" Tony Stark looked at Thor who was frozen in ice, subconsciously looked towards Huang Wen, "If this goes on, he won't die Right?"

"Don't worry, it's not that easy to die. Although he was deprived of his position and divine force, the blood flowing in his body, but Odin's blood..." Huang Wen confidently shook the head, turned his head and looked towards Steve Rogers and asked, "How? Did you feel Mjölnir's change?"

"Mjölnir really trembled, just when Thor was frozen, but , It doesn't seem to have any other changes..." Steve Rogers looked at Mjölnir on the side and said softly.

That’s right, Mjölnir was also brought here by Steve Rogers. After all, Stormhammer was still in the lab in the Avengers Building. Steve Rogers took Mjölnir with his hand. If Thor can use it, It also allows Mjölnir to fly a little less distance.

"en? Isn’t this recognized?" Huang Wen’s eyes flashed with surprise. From Huang Wen’s point of view, Thor’s injuries and the courage he showed at this time are nothing compared to How much is the difference in the movie, but this has not been recognized by Mjölnir, can it be said that Odin really hopes that Thor can make a big change in the personality of shedding body and exchanging bones?

(End of this chapter)

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