
  Chapter 427 Tony’s Quirks    "And, most importantly, we already know , He will come to Earth, which is why, Steve will say, we know more than you..." Tony Stark turned his head and looked towards the laboratory not far away, where Thor is slowing Thaw it out slowly.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Thor, who came out of the ice, woke up very quickly. He seemed to have avoided a catastrophe, lying on the bed and panting heavily. He soon came back to his senses, looking vigilantly at the strange environment around him.

Because Thor remembered that he was still fighting the Frost Giant just now... Uh, well, it was unilaterally slammed by the Frost Giant.

However, Thor, who was just hanged and beaten, realized that oneself appeared in an environment similar to a hospital. It was obviously not quite right, especially when he saw that next to own, he was also alone. A monster in armor!   "Bang!" With a sound of "bang!" Thor subconsciously punched it, and hit the robot hard.

"Ah!" Then, Thor exclaimed. There is no way. Although this robot is not made by Vibranium and Adamantium, it is also a precious material of gold-titanium alloy. Naturally, this robot is not now a mortal Thor can destroy it.

If the gold-titanium alloy is so easy to be destroyed, then at first Tony Stark's Mark Combat Armor will not choose this material to make it.

"Thor!" Jane Foster screamed when he saw Thor covering his hands, and ran in, looking at Thor with some worry and asked, "Are you okay?"

" Jane?" Thor couldn't help but stunned when he saw Jane Foster, and then hesitatingly asked, "Jane, why are you here? Why am I here? Where's the Frost Giant?"

"Avengers saved us, we are safe!" Jane Foster looked at Thor and said with emotion, "You can be fine, really very good!"

"Avengers actually saved us Oh?" Thor opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and then thought of something, "No! It's not safe to stay here. Although the frost giants don't know how they found us, they will definitely not stop there. We have to hurry. Leaving..."

"Thor, you may not understand what I mean..." Jane Foster smiled and shook the head, and said softly, "The Frost Giant has been solved by Avengers."

"What? This is impossible! That's the Frost Giant, how could you Midgard be the Frost Giant's opponent?!" Thor heard Jane Foster's words, stared wide-eyed instantly, and couldn't help exclaiming. Looking at Jane Foster in disbelief, shouted.

"What is impossible? This is Avengers!" Daisy Louise curl one's lip on the side said with some disdain, "In front of them, trifling the frost giant is just an avalanche tile dog That's all, you don’t know, those frost giants are only for being killed in seconds!” The Avengers outside heard Daisy Louise’s praise, one by one nodded satisfied, this Daisylu Although Yi Si speaks a little bit more, it is not completely without merit!   But soon, Tony Stark's complexion darkened because of what Daisy Louise said next.

"Although the Frost Giant was resurrected and has become a big one, he was also directly beheaded by Avengers' powerful means of falling from the sky. Avengers is so cool!" Cey Louise looked at Thor, who still couldn't believe it, and continued to talk excitedly.

"Resurrection? A powerful method that descends from the sky?" Huang Wen raised his eyebrows, looked towards Tony Stark, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and asked with a faint smile, "Tony, you are not going to explain anything Is it?"

"Cough cough, Huang Wen, you listen to my sophistry...No, you listen to my explanation?" Tony Stark coughed slightly, but accidentally said his true thoughts.

"Master, it's like this..." John rolled his eyes at this time and suddenly stood up, looking at Huang Wen and said with a guilty expression on his face.

"Huh!" Tony Stark heard John's words and finally sighed in relief, but John's next words made Tony Stark's complexion darker, and he was about to become Nick Fury.

"Tony wanted to study the difference between the frost giant and us humans, so he asked me to gather the ice scum..." Although John was full of guilt, he pushed the fault to Tony Stark. Body.

"I didn't think too much, so I helped Tony gather those icy scum. Who knew that frost giant was resurrected. Fortunately, Tony reacted fast enough to remove the frost giant directly before you came back, Master. It’s destroyed by what turret."

"John, you kid!" Tony Stark gritted his teeth and stared at John viciously. Obviously, Tony Stark said about John's behavior of selling his teammates. Very dissatisfied!    "Okay, I see." However, what Tony Stark didn't expect was that Huang Wen just waved his hand casually, and didn't mean to settle the account.

"No, are you really Huang Wen? Wouldn't you be a fake?" Tony Stark looked at Huang Wen in disbelief and asked after taking a close look at Huang Wen. road.

Obviously, Tony Stark is a little unaccustomed to not being tossed by Huang Wen's little tricks. Maybe, Tony Stark has awakened some strange hobbies...

"???" Huang Wen couldn't help but was stunned when he heard Tony Stark's words. His head was full of children...

But soon, Huang Wen took out the Wushuang sword and went to Tony Stark. With a slightly expectant look, Huang Wen tried to be 100% empty-handed.


Yes, this sound is comfortable, not Huang Wen said, but Tony Stark said, he once again felt the weapon of causality Strength makes him feel refreshed!

"???" This sentence made Tony Stark the first to say that when he was comfortable, Huang Wen suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, as if he didn't spit out the breath in his heart.

"What are you...what are you doing?" Daisy Louise walked out of the laboratory, just in time to see Tony Stark kneeling in front of Huang Wen, catching Wushuang Sword, Daisy Louise As if he realized something, he opened his mouth slightly, and was stunned for a while.

"Cough cough, I am training Tony's reaction speed to deal with the crisis situation when he does not have Combat Armor." Huang Wen's complexion did not change. After giving a quick reply, the body flashed Disappeared in the same place, and then appeared again, swung his Wushuang sword by Tony Stark. Next, it seemed to prove what oneself said.

(End of this chapter)

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