
  Chapter 458 The Osborn Industry Explosion

"If you want to tap these capabilities to their potential, It takes some time..." A single thought flashed through Huang Wen’s mind, "Yes, now I finally have a goal, unlike the law of Buddhism, I have no clue at all. Maybe, I can take this opportunity, Use the power in Tesseract to comprehend the Cold Ice Law first!"

Yes, Huang Wen didn’t give the Ice Treasure Box to Thor to bring him back to Asgard. After all, Thor was at that time. Walking in a hurry, and Odin just ignored the rules and rushed to hit Avengers. Huang Wen naturally had no intention of returning the Ice Treasure Box to Odin.

Furthermore, Huang Wen said that when Thor returned to Asgard, he brought back the Ice Treasure Box, but Huang Wen did not say which time Thor would return to Asgard, and the next time Thor will return to Asgard, take the Ice Treasure It’s not impossible to bring the box back, and it will be fine next time...

Well, after all, Huang Wen basically doesn’t mean to return the ice box, especially with Odin. Under the circumstances of a very stalemate, Huang Wen didn't bother to care if Odin felt that he would not be credited.

However, Huang Wen did not know that Thor, already not in Asgard at this time, and even Loki is not in Asgard anymore. Asgard only has Odin and Frigga. The empty nest old man.

In this way, Huang Wen began further research and practice of his own strength. The ice power contained in the ice treasure box was finally revealed in Huang after Huang Wen gained new abilities. In front of Wen.

"Boom!" On this day, in the Osborn industry in New York, an explosion occurred in the laboratory. Yes, the Osborn industry at this time did not close down and did not change its name, because Harry Osborn has inherited the entire Osborn industry after the accident in Norman Osborn.

Of course, if it were just an ordinary high school student, Harry Osborn would naturally not be the opponent of Board of Directors which old foxes, but Harry Osborn got the Green left by oneself father Norman Osborn Goblin medicament.

When Norman Osborn successfully used Super Soldier Serum at oneself, he brought a portion of the serum back to the owner's home and named it Green Goblin medicament.

Although Norman Osborn at first did not want to give these inheritance to Harry Osborn, but when he was blocked by the flogging for the first time, Norman Osborn came up with this idea.

Therefore, Harry Osborn later learned that Green Goblin was the own father Norman Osborn, and he also knew that his own father died in the police station and died in the hands of Jack.

The angry Harry Osborn was injected with Green Goblin medicament and became a new generation of Green Goblin. However, Harry Osborn did not rush to avenge him, because he clearly knew the strength of oneself and father Norman Osborn , And Jack can kill Norman Osborn, there must be something about him!

Therefore, Harry Osborn began to integrate the resources of Osborn Industry and found an Avatar copy of Jack, Avengers! At    that moment, Harry Osborn knew that it would be difficult for oneself to want revenge, because the strength of Avengers was not something Harry Osborn could contend with.

So, Harry Osborn wanted more powerful power. He began to look for talents everywhere, trying to create weapons that could defeat Avengers, kill Jack, and avenge Norman Osborn! In the    end, Harry Osborn found Otto, an outstanding nuclear energy physicist who specializes in atomic energy physics. Harry Osborn wanted to use Otto to develop nuclear weapons that could threaten the entire New York. He wanted to pull The whole New York people went to death with Avengers to avenge Norman Osborn!

I have to say that after being injected with Green Goblin medicament, Harry Osborn also changed his personality, becoming extreme and crazy. More importantly, Harry Osborn was hiding well, and there was no one. I have found him, because he has never shown too much own strength. At this time, Harry Osborn is like Viper waiting for his prey in the dark...

It is worth mentioning that this In the world, Harry Osborn and Peter Parker also Huang Liang, although they are students in the same class, do not have much overlap with each other.

Moreover, Harry Osborn dropped out of school after inheriting the Osborn industry. Therefore, Harry Osborn would never know that there are two Avengers in oneself class, and Gwen from the next class is also A member of Avengers...

"What's the situation?!" At this time, Harry Osborn couldn't help but jump after hearing the explosions and sirens from the Osborn industry, and he was a little surprised.

Because after viewing the entire process of development that happened before the Osborn industry, Harry Osborn clearly knew that the last time the Osborn industry had an accident was because the Osborn industry was too eager to succeed, which led to an experiment. error.

Therefore, when Harry Osborn knew that there was an accident in the laboratory, Harry Osborn's heart jumped and became a little worried, so he hurried to the direction of the laboratory.

Of course, Harry Osborn is not only worried about the situation before the Osborn industry once again appeared, but more importantly, Harry Osborn also needs Otto to study a sufficiently powerful nuclear weapon. By then, He had a chance to avenge his own father Norman Osborn. If Otto had an accident, Harry Osborn could only look for other means.

"What happened?" Harry Osborn came outside the laboratory. Fortunately, this is a nuclear energy laboratory. The entire laboratory was manufactured in strict accordance with standards. Explosive forces are extremely resistant. Otherwise, the entire Osborn industry will probably face radiation threats.

However, it is precisely because it is a nuclear energy laboratory that the door of this laboratory cannot be opened easily. Harry Osborn can only stand outside the laboratory and wait and see the laboratory. Is there any possibility of restoration of the monitoring screen?

With a sound of "Cracking!", Harry Osborn found that the monitoring screen of the laboratory was completely destroyed, and he was hesitant to enter the laboratory to see what was going on, the door of the laboratory opened.

The first thing that came out of the laboratory was a mechanical tentacle. This mechanical tentacle was very familiar to Harry Osborn. It was precisely because of this mechanical tentacle that Harry Osborn was attracted to it. Otto’s potential is funded to provide Otto with a laboratory.

This kind of mechanical tentacles, developed by Otto, can lift up to eight tons of heavy objects. It is easy to operate, immune to radiation, and has extremely high accuracy. This is very important for Otto’s Experimental research is of great help!   (End of this chapter)

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