
  Chapter 488 The Truth and Wanda’s Conditions    "Ding! Quest: Kill Apocalypse completed, Reward Reward Epic character lottery once.” The voice of system appeared in Huang Wen's ear, and the corners of Huang Wen's mouth raised slightly. He knew that Apocalypse was finally dead!    "gu lu!" Standing next to Huang Wen, Avengers and Wanda also Pietro, who were watching the situation in the Vibranium war room, swallowed saliva and said at the same time, the Immortal Beheading Sword Formation power that broke out in the Vibranium war room, They were shocked.

"This is all money! This is Vibranium!" Tony Stark looked at the broken Vibranium war room, his mouth twitched slightly. He was not scared by Huang Wen, because he was used to Huang Wen showing The strength that came out, he is just a little bit painful now, this Vibranium spends all his money after all! I    have to say that as Tony Stark's expenses are increasing and he has to secretly launch Interstellar war armor into the sky, Tony Stark can no longer say that money is not important, and his banknote ability has also been weakened. .

"Resolved? Is Apocalypse dead?" Pi Pietro looked at Huang Wen beside him, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. He thought of Huang Wen with no difficulty grabbing his fist before. Thinking of oneself saying bad things about Huang Wen while Huang Wen was away, Pietro swallowed saliva and said again, cautiously asked.

"Well, Apocalypse is dead." Huang Wen nodded with a smile, glanced deeply at Pietro and Wanda, and said softly.

"You... what are you going to do..." Pi Pietro saw Huang Wen's eyes and stepped back subconsciously, shielding Wanda behind him, like a little threatened Kitty hunched over, watching Huang Wen warily and stuttering.

"Don't worry, I'm not malicious, after all, we've just fought side by side!" Huang Wen shrugged, glanced at Tony Stark next to him, and explained with a smile, "I just want to know. Has the problem between you been resolved..."

"I already know what's going on!" Tony Stark heard Huang Wen's words, took a deep breath, looked at Pi Pietro and Wanda Said, "Just now, you told me that your parents died under the shells with the Stark Industries logo, so you regard me as your enemy..."

"This one Things, even if someone sells Stark Industries weapons without my knowledge, I do have an inescapable responsibility!"

As Tony Stark's voice fell, Jarvis released a paragraph Video data, it is a series of videos about Obadiah selling Stark Industries weapons privately, and sneak attacking Tony Stark, and finally fighting Tony Stark, defeated by Huang Wen...

"Huh? You were still shooting at the time. Are you down?" Huang Wen looked at the image in front of him and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He glanced at Tony Stark in surprise, and then thought of something. He looked at Tony Stark with a dark face and asked, "By the way, you were originally Record this video, don’t you want to study something?"

"Why! Huang Wen, where did you think of it? I’m this kind of person!" Tony Stark’s complexion changed, hurry up Said with a smile at Huang Wen, "I can't trust you any more, why would I want to record it, what shall I study?"

"I remember, you also recorded Hulk You said that you have a set of Hulkbuster Armor!” Bruce Banner ruthless on the side debunked Tony Stark and said, “I think you are afraid of Master’s abilities, so I want to study Finished apprenticeship father's weakness!"

"But it's a pity, you simply can't find the Master's weakness, so every time you face the Master, you can only admit it!"

"The thing about high IQ geniuses, that can be called Admit it? That's just avoiding the edge..." Tony Stark looked at Bruce Banner subconsciously and retorted, muttering constantly in his mouth.

"So, are our parents really suffering from the unjust disaster?" "Wanda and Pietro simply ignored Huang Wen and the others' squabbles. They stared straight at the image displayed by Jarvis and muttered to themselves.

The image displayed behind Jarvis , Including the threat of Stark Industries’ weapons being sold privately by Obadiah, how did Tony Stark find a way to solve the harm caused by the sale of these weapons...

"Although your parents are not Because I died, but I also have certain responsibilities. If you want to beat or scold, just come at me! "Tony Stark heard the voices of Wanda and Pietro, turned his head, looked at them solemnly and said.

"Moreover, I will solve your future life problems, whether you are If I want to go to school or what I do, I will do it all..."

"Wanda..." Pi Pietro heard Tony Stark's words, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes, and turned his head subconsciously and looked towards Wanda , I want to ask Wanda’s opinion. After all, the matters between their siblings are basically handled by Wanda.

"These are not necessary..." Wanda glanced at Pietro. Later, he took a deep look at Tony Stark and said, "These image materials are all prepared by you. I can't guarantee its authenticity. If you are willing to let me explore your memory, I will I really believe everything you say! "

"en?" Huang Wen heard Wanda's words, subconsciously frowned, Tony Stark's memory, can't be seen so easily by Wanda, after all, Tony Stark's memory also contains many secrets , Especially about Thanos, Infinity Gem and Interstellar war preparations, I can’t let others know.

Even if Huang Wen knows, this Wanda looks the same as the Wanda in the Marvel movie, but it doesn’t Without Mind Stone’s ability development, he should no longer have contact with Infinity Gem. Huang Wen still does not want more people to know the secrets in Tony Stark’s mind.

Therefore, Huang Wen subconsciously wants Help Tony Stark reject Wanda and prove Tony Stark's innocence from other places.

"Okay! "But what Huang Wen didn't expect was that Tony Stark did not even hesitate, and directly agreed to Wanda's request. It seems that he was determined to make Wanda and Pietro forgive him. Otherwise, I'm afraid Tony Stark owns his heart. Can’t accept this!    This is very similar to the situation of Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes. At this time, Tony Stark, who was Bucky Barnes, caused the death of other people’s parents without oneself’s knowledge. Other families brought a tragedy.

Even if Tony Stark did not personally take action, for Wanda also Pietro, there is no difference. Their parents also died innocently...

(End of this chapter)

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