
  Chapter 502 Loki who has been controlled twice (Five thousand words for subscription)

However, around Everyone in "didn’t want to pay attention to Pietro’s meaning, because after the shock wave came, a huge Space Wormhole appeared in the space where Tesseract condensed just now, and behind it, you can faintly see the universe. Condition.

"en? "Huang Wen's brows couldn't help but condensed. He felt that behind the Space Wormhole, there was a strong breath, which was bigger than the current oneself stronger, and compared to the current Captain Marvel card. Roll is also stronger!

"Sure enough! Worthy of being a Thanos in this comprehensive world! Fortunately, I didn't own the strength before breakthrough. After reaching the epic level, I rushed to find him to fight!" A single flashed through Huang Wen's mind. thought.

"Captain Marvel Carroll in this world is about to break through to the heavenly father level. It is much stronger than the original movie. There is no reason that Thanos will not be strengthened..."

"After all, Thanos is an ambitious cosmic hegemon. If he wants to complete his concept in this more powerful integrated world, his strength must be stronger!"

"En?" Not only Huang Wen felt the breath of Thanos, but Thanos also felt the breath from Huang Wen. However, Thanos’s perception ability of breath is not as good as Huang Wen after all. He has not even had time to perceive it clearly. , Space Wormhole was closed directly.

"Is that who? The people of Ancient One?" Thanos' gaze moved slightly, and he thought about it. "It's not impossible. After all, Ancient One is Sorcerer Supreme, and I heard that her deadline is approaching. Like Odin, this should be the descendant cultivated by Ancient One? It seems that the plan at this time is not so easy to proceed..."

"However, since Ancient One has participated, then, Just try first, to what extent they can do this lineage, anyway, your limit is approaching, after you are gone, no one can stop me, whether it is Earth or Asgard..."

"???" Thanos thought, Loki naturally didn't know, but when Loki appeared in the laboratory, he saw that the whole Avengers, together with Huang Wen, were looking at oneself, Loki His heart jumped wildly, "Am I? A lamb in a tiger's den?"

Loki subconsciously wants to display his own Illusion Technique, trying to see if he can escape from here, but At the next moment, Loki's figure was once again set in place, just like when he met Ebony Maw before.

"No, you powerhouses, can't you change a method?" A single thought flashed through Loki's mind, and the corners of his mouth twitched constantly, but at this time Loki was still thinking How to fool Huang Wen, leave from here, and wait for the opportunity to steal Tesseract and complete Quest.

Under the control of Mind Stone, Loki has regarded Quest as an important thing second only to oneself’s life. Even Huang Wen and the others are not so afraid. Of course, they are just not so afraid. Now...

"Loki? How did he come back here? How about Thor? Why didn't he go with him? Did Loki steal Tesseract?" Faming Ying looked at oneself's familiar sandbag ...No, it's the familiar Loki, who couldn't help but muttered.

"I am not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!" Loki also heard the voice that is familiar to oneself, but like a hell demon. At this time, it is Mind Stone's control. There was a slight blemish, and he yelled in a flustered manner.

"No, that Thanos sent a guy like Loki to steal Tesseract? Wouldn't we be too underestimated? Or do we overestimate that Thanos?" Tony Stark was a little bit at this point. Disappointed shook the head, said softly.

"I think it may be Huang Wen that you made a fuss too much, will you be able to kill Thanos solo now, don't we need to take action?"

"How can it be that simple?" Huang Wen rolled the eyes ill-tempered, shook his head and said helplessly, "I just sensed the aura of Thanos, it is very strong, and may not be comparable to the dimension of United Kingdom Captain Bu Laien Incarnation, but stronger than any other enemy we have encountered!"

"It doesn't matter, you can wait for a while, maybe, wait two years, you can do it?" Tony Stark Shrugged, some said indifferently, "After all, it will take you three or four years from being a little famous to being so powerful now. If you give you a little more time, we don’t need to take action at all..."

"It looks like you need to take action before. You seem to be making soy sauce every time, right?" Logan on the side heard Tony Stark's words, ruthlessly dismantled Tony Stark and said.

"You mean me? Do you make any difference? Don't think you have a new transformation ability, I am afraid of you!" Tony Stark glared at Logan not to be outdone. Said.

"Okay, stop arguing, solve Loki first..." Huang Wen shook the head speechlessly. Why did the pair of uncles and nephews, Logan and Tony Stark quarrel again?

"No! Don't kill me!" Hearing Huang Wen's words, Loki obviously misunderstood. He broke free from Mind Stone's control and hurriedly shouted at Huang Wen. "I didn't want to come. I said I didn't want to come. They wanted me to come and controlled me with this scepter. I was forced to come!"

"..." Loki snarled The sound reverberated in the laboratory, Huang Wen and Avengers quieted strangely, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and the atmosphere was a bit strange for a while.

There was a good alien invasion, what a crisis situation, why has it suddenly become such a painting style now? Avengers and Huang Wen also don't understand, this is definitely not their problem, right?    Well, yes, I blame Loki. The psychological endurance is too bad. You see Thor has also suffered the same treatment as Loki, even longer. He has not lived well yet, and even realized the law of thunder. NS?

"Although you said that, I still have to be safe with you. After all, you have a criminal record." Huang Wen came back to his senses and took out the purple bottle directly gourd, aimed at Loki.

"You... what are you going to do?" Loki looked at Huang Wen in horror, but he was completely disabled to move at this time, and could only shout loudly, "Don't mess around, I It's really controlled, and I don't want to come to a ghost place like Earth!"

With a "weng!" After calming down, his expression was confused for a moment, and then slowly returned to normal, completely controlled by the Centrifugal Charm.

Poor Loki, who just broke free from the control of Mind Stone, is now controlled by the centrifugal curse of the purple bottle gourd...

(End of this chapter)

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