
  Chapter 544 The Plan of Ancient One

"No, Ancient One Master, it’s already this time. Just tell me directly, what kind of plan is it?" Huang Wen looked at the Ancient One that disappeared in the transmission gate of the circle of fire, and cried out a little helplessly.

"Some plans are easy to fail if you tell them all in advance..." Ancient One said with a faint smile, "So, wait slowly. Anyway, it won't take much time. Now."

"Ai, it's all like this, also mysterious and secretive. It seems that she is not going to die, she is just leaving..." Huang Wen lightly sighed, looking at Fire Ring Transmission Where the Gate disappeared whispered.

"It seems that Ancient One Master is indeed worse than the other parallel world's Ancient One. After the other parallel world's Ancient One handed over everything to Strange, even if she was relieved, she I have to go to United Kingdom Captain Bu Laien..."

"Moreover, judging from the various performances of United Kingdom Captain Bu Laien, that place is definitely not simple, otherwise, it won’t require everything. Phoenix Force went to help...huh?"

Huang Wen was muttering, and suddenly listened, because he could feel that the own Avatar Chen Long was talking to Ancient One at this time .

That’s right, after Ancient One left Huang Wen, he came directly to Chen Long, which made Huang Wen stunned for a while, then realized something, and turned his consciousness to Chen Long’s side. .

At the beginning, Huang Wen had just drawn the Legendary item lottery of the Sombra Corps and obtained this Legendary-level Avatar Chen Long, although now it seems that Chen Long’s strength is very weak and even placed in Avengers. Middle, which is the level of the students on the second floor, but Huang Wen was planning to use this Chen Long to do something.

However, it is a pity that the plan is not as fast as the change. Chen Long just left Huang Wen and was directly discovered by Mephisto. This is also the first time Huang Wen knew about the existence of Mephisto and saw Mephisto for the first time.

Later, Mephisto still didn’t understand why Huang Wen had such a big opinion of him, and even the constant sneak attacks on him made him feel uneasy. All fate must be told from Chen Long’s body. rise.

At that time, Mephisto saw the pure dark power on Chen's dragon body and thought that Chen Long was a lucky guy like Dormammu, so Mephisto wanted to use Chen Long to find the Dark Space.

But in the end, Mephisto was discovered by Ancient One. Therefore, he was driven away by Ancient One. In order to ensure that Chen Long would not fall into the hands of powerful players such as Mephisto and Dormammu, and to complete his own Purpose, Ancient One brought Chen Long to the own private library to learn dark magic and learn more about Darkness Domain.

And now, Ancient One once again appeared in the library, watching Chen Long who was reading a book, his eyes moved slightly, and he said softly: "I really didn't expect that you are a man with dark power. People, I can really stay here for so long, and I've been reading books all the time..."

"Apart from this, I don't seem to have any other choice..." Chen Long looked at Ancient One Spreading out his hands, he said, "After all, I can neither leave here directly nor be your opponent, even more how if I leave here, I am afraid it will be very dangerous, right?"

"During this period, What have you learned?" Ancient One was silent for a while, looking at the book in Chen Long's hand and asked.

"There are not many things learned, but I know, this world, or in this universe, there are also many big guys..." Chen Long lightly sighed, whispered Said, "With my strength, let alone in the entire universe or even in the multiverse, even if it is only on Earth, it is not a powerhouse!"

"Actually at first, in you Before you came to this library of mine, you could be regarded as a relatively powerful powerhouse, and maybe even some names..." When Ancient One heard Chen Long's words, he suddenly laughed and said softly.

"But unfortunately, after you came to this library, the variable of this world, the ability to change the fate of others, has become stronger. Therefore, your current strength can only be reduced to An ordinary passerby."

"Variable? Change the fate of others?" Chen Long's eyes flashed with surprise. The main reason was that Chen Long did not expect that oneself was in Ancient One. In his mouth, it turned out to be such an evaluation.

"Yes, soon, I will let him work with you and do me a favor!" Ancient One hearing this, nodded with a smile, said, "When the time comes, you You can regain your freedom, and, as compensation, when the time comes, you will no longer be afraid of Mephisto. Even if I cannot reach my current strength, there is still no problem in becoming the powerhouse in Earth and even the universe!"

"en?" Chen Long heard the guarantee from Ancient One, subconsciously frowned, and then seemed to realize something. He glanced at the book behind him and asked, "You want me to steal Dormammu Power?"

"Yes, you are very smart, but it is not stealing Dormammu's power, because I stole his power. Such power stealing is not too big for Dormammu. The role of..." Ancient One took a deep look at Chen Long, first nodded, then shook the head, and said solemnly.

"What I want is for you to steal the power of Dark Dimension, and attack the power of Dormammu from the root!"

"It's not that simple, right?" Chen Long brows He wrinkled more tightly. After thinking about it, he looked at Ancient One hesitantly and asked, "If it is placed at first, when Dormammu does not have Absolute Control power against Dark Dimension, maybe he can still Do this, but now, the entire Dark Dimension is Dormammu, even if you enter Dark Dimension, it is not that easy..."

"He will help you enter Dark Dimension!" Ancient One smiled shook the head and looked at Chen Long and said seriously, "Don’t worry, I will hold Dormammu’s energy with him, so that he doesn’t have time to take care of you. When the time comes, everything depends on your own. You can steal How much Dark Dimension’s power can even fight against Dormammu and share Dark Dimension is not an impossible thing!"

"..." Chen Long heard Ancient One’s words like painting a cake, the corners of his mouth He couldn't help but twitched slightly. He didn't expect that when Ancient One faced oneself and Avatar, they would have two completely different attitudes. This plan clearly meant that Chen Long didn't care about Chen Long's life and death!

Even if Chen Long can steal the power of Dark Dimension and want to survive the pursuit of Dormammu, it is almost impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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