
  Chapter 550 He is the powerhouse you said (three shifts)

Before the new star empire did not Huang Wen and the others are in the eyes, even if Huang Wen and the others invaded Planet Xandar by unknown means.

After all, the New Star Empire is an empire-level force in the universe. Even if it is not comparable to the most powerful empires, it is well-known far and wide. Even Kree Empire has signed peace with the New Star Empire. According to the agreement, it can be seen that the New Star Empire is already a gradually raised new star in the universe.

Therefore, in the face of the stowaway who suddenly broke in, the Nova Empire naturally behaved very strongly, and this matter is really not a mistake. The only problem is that they did not Finding out the origins of Huang Wen and the others also underestimated their strength.

"These are who? How can they have such a powerful force?" Roman of Nova Corps looked at Huang Wen in the picture, subconsciously swallowed saliva and said, whispered, "even Ronan The Accuser doesn’t have such strength, right? What about that crazy Titan?"

"Supreme, what do we do now? Should we continue to gather more spaceships, or have a good talk with them," After all, they really don’t seem to have the intention to engage with us, and they didn’t even hurt anyone from Nova Corps..."

"Then have a good talk with them!" Xinxing Zhizun took A deep breath, she was also shocked by Huang Wen’s strength just now. She knew deeply that it’s better not to provoke a powerhouse like Huang Wen, especially Huang Wen suspected of possessing the ability of space teleportation, come and go without a shadow or trace, the threat is too great for one Great Influence!    "Sorry, the unfamiliar powerhouse, we don't know your identities, now, please..." Xinxing Zhizun used the sound transmission equipment and was talking to Huang Wen and the others in the sky, wanting to transfer Huang Wen and the others received her location.

Of course, Xinxing Zhizun is impossible to be so close to a powerhouse like Huang Wen. After all, she cannot guarantee whether oneself will be assassinated by Huang Wen, so she prepared a layer for oneself Energy projection, evolve own body to talk with Huang Wen.

However, what Xinxingzhizun didn't expect was that before she finished her words, Huang Wen led everyone to her side. In an instant, Xinxingzhizun's cold sweat came down.

However, Xinxingzhizun is the head of a cosmic empire after all. Although she was cold sweat, she did not seem to show her timidity. Instead, she took a deep look at Huang Wen and was about to speak.

"Sniff! Sniff!" At this moment, what hadn’t happened to Xinxing Supreme happened again. Logan’s nose sniffed, and then he took two steps back with a bit of disgust. He didn't speak, but the expression of disgust, as if the new star Supreme was not just a cold sweat in fright, but also peeing his pants.

With a sound of "shua!", this time, the complexion of Xinxing Zhizun finally couldn't hold back, and her white complexion instantly turned red. Even with her self-cultivation, she couldn't recover for a while. Growth status.

"Cough cough!" Roman walked up at this time, coughed slightly, and signaled the Nova Corps behind him to be more alert, and then said for the new star supreme, "Hello you strange powerhouse, we Xinxing Zhizun’s body is a little unwell, so let me have a good talk with you..."

Although Roman’s words seem to be addressed to everyone, his eyes have been focused. In Huang Wen's body, after all, among Huang Wen and the others, except Tony Stark and Wanda, no one else has done anything yet. When Logan was about to do it, Huang Wen had already stopped him.

Moreover, both Roman and Nova Supreme could see that Huang Wen was the one who took the lead among all of them. Therefore, Roman looked towards Huang Wen directly and began to say.

"Yes! We are here this time, mainly to see other civilizations in the universe, and to ask you something instantly..." Huang Wen looked at Roman nodded with a smile, Huang Wen can feel that this Roman is also an extraordinary level of ability, but this strength, let alone Huang Wen look down on, even Avengers.

"I don't know yet, what should I call you, where do you come from?" Roman's gaze moved slightly, and he asked with a smile.

Romain just heard Huang Wen's words, and he directly judged that the planet Huang Wen is in is definitely not a powerful Interstellar civilization, otherwise Huang Wen would not say such a thing.

Of course, this can be judged not only from Huang Wen's words, but also from Tony Stark's previous work on Nova Corps' spaceship.

Even though Roman is still very afraid of Huang Wen, a powerful powerhouse, since Huang Wen has a home star that is not too powerful, it means that Huang Wen is not that absolutely does not have a way to deal with it!

"We are from Earth!" However, the answer that Roman did not expect came out of Huang Wen's mouth. Huang Wen did not intend to conceal Earth in the slightest. Huang Wen used the help of the Zeta Rising The corpse, the name of Earth was typed out, just for the present, or in the future, for Earth to formally enter the civilization of the universe.

And Roman didn’t think of this answer, and it’s not because he hadn’t heard of the name of Earth. People are familiar with it, and even in the universe, Earth is called the earth star.

But some time ago, that sword light that penetrated most of the universe made almost all cosmic civilizations aware of the existence of Earth. They knew that there was one in the solar system that they had never heard of before. Among the planets passed by, an extremely powerful powerhouse was born!    And the most important thing is that Earth annihilated the most notorious cosmic pirate in the universe, the Zeta Rising Man. This not only proves the strength of Earth, but also does a good deed for the entire universe!    And now, when Huang Wen said that oneself came from Earth, the first reaction in Roman and Nova Supreme’s mind was the powerhouse that cut out the powerful sword light in Earth. Of course, they I don't know yet, that person is Huang Wen.

"Earth?!" After looking at Huang Wen up and down, Roman asked again tentatively, "We know that there is a super powerhouse on Earth, which has wiped out the Zetaris for the entire universe. I don’t know, do you know him?"

"Haha! The super powerhouse you are talking about is not our Boss Huang Wen?" Logan was a little proud and mocking when he heard Roman’s words. He laughed, pointed to Huang Wen and said.

(End of this chapter)

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