
  Chapter 574 Zarathos and the Spirit of Vengeance

"Since his face, far surpasses his strength , Then, can he still survive from your hands?" At this moment, the spirit of vengeance who had remained silent and did not speak suddenly spoke.

"Unfortunately, I really want to do this, even, I really want to turn his soul into an existence like you, imprisoned in my hell dimension forever and ever, but it's a pity , I can't do it..." Mephisto was silent for a moment when he heard the words of the Vengeful Spirit, and then said lightly sighed.

"His face, far surpasses his strength, but his strength is also very strong, even if he does not really reach our level, he still has the power to protect himself, especially He is in the Earth dimension, and I can’t give full play to my strength in the Earth dimension!"

"So, you are time, and the purpose of releasing us is to deal with him?" Revenge The spirit seemed to realize something, and looked at Mephisto and asked.

"To deal with him? That's it, but you have to go around a little bit. If you are directly discovered by that guy, I'm afraid you will be useless. Moreover, you can't directly let you contact me directly. In the hell dimension, isn't Lucifer that bastard Yin me? Let him taste the power of Huang Wen!" Mephisto's eyes flashed with wisdom rays of light, said with a cold laugh.

"No, also Ancient One guy, I have to be sure. Ancient One is really about to end and is about to leave. Otherwise, if Ancient One can take action, then my plan is also It’s not that easy to proceed..."

"Is Huang Wen your target?" The Vengeful Spirit fell silent for a while and asked, "Who is Ancient One? You tell us so many things, Are you not afraid that we will cooperate with them?"

"Yes, Huang Wen is my ultimate goal, and Ancient One is the Guardian of the Earth dimension, even if you two at the peak period, link up It's not her opponent..." Mephisto looked at the Vengeful Spirit and the silent Zarathos, suddenly laughed, and said mockingly.

"And, do you think I will not know your plan? Or, do you think I am stupid? Will you give you the opportunity to work together to deal with me?"

"What are you...what are you going to do?!" Zarathos' eyes slightly shrink, looking at Mephisto vigilantly, with a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

"The origin of you two can be regarded as mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. This also gives you the opportunity to merge with each other. When you fuse together, your consciousness will be completely confused and even cease to exist!" Mephisto said There was a trace of madness in his voice, and his body released a powerful imposing manner, causing the entire dimension of hell to tremble constantly.

"no! Mephisto! What are you going to do?!" Zarathos exclaimed in horror.

"no! Mephisto! You can't be like this!" This time, even the spirit of vengeance is not calm, because he realized that if own consciousness and Zarathos really merged together, then he might be afraid Doesn't exist anymore! It's    not just him, Zarathos is the same. When the time comes, there will be a brand new consciousness of the fusion of two people, but they will no longer be the two of them before!

But unfortunately, no matter how the spirit of vengeance and Zarathos yelled, Mephisto didn’t have any intention of paying attention. The imposing manner on his body continued to grow stronger, making the entire dimension of hell tremble more intensely, not just It is because of Mephisto's strength, and more importantly, Mephisto is still borrowing the power of the hell dimension!    "What happened?" The black Heart Demon who was smearing Mephisto in the hell dimension felt this unmatched power, and his body couldn't help shaking slightly, not only because of fear, but more importantly. , Black Heart Demon was born in this hell dimension, and he will naturally be suppressed by this hell dimension.

Just like when the Black Heart Demon became the Hell Lord before, those hell demons could not resist the power from the black Heart Demon. Even if the hell demons are not much weaker than the black Heart Demon, the hell dimension will automatically Suppress them!

"Could it be that Mephisto is about to take action? But, he won't summon the army of hell to fight? If you fight with Lucifer alone, you don't seem to need such a big imposing manner, right?" Black Heart Demon was uncertain in his heart, but he had no idea what Mephisto was doing now.

"Would you like to use the imprint left by Master Huang Wen to contact him? However, I don't know at all now. What exactly Mephisto is going to do? You have to contact Master Huang Wen rashly. He really Aren’t you angry?"

With a sound of "weng!", just as the heart of Black Heart Demon was entangled, Mephisto's two hands kept moving closer together, and the flames in the two hands were also The closer you get, the faintly fused together.

However, it can be clearly seen that Mephisto's arm is trembling slightly, which is from the resistance of the Vengeful Spirit and Zarathos.

Unfortunately, in the end, Mephisto still has to be even better. The power of Vengeance and Zarathos did not stop Mephisto. Mephisto's two hands merged together and merged with the hands. , Also those two flames.

With a sound of "weng!", a brand new flame was born, born with the flame, also that brand new consciousness, demon consciousness!

"Success!" Mephisto's eyes flashed exhaustion, and then replaced the exhausted, which was the excitement that could not be hidden.

Next moment, the flame was integrated into a contract, disappeared, and Mephisto's mouth raised slightly. His game has been set, and he will use this game to deal with Huang Wen at the same time. , Ancient One also Lucifer, these three guys he wants revenge!

Bring Huang Wen out of the Earth dimension and go to war with Lucifer. When the Ancient One's deadline is approaching, when fighting with Dormammu, he will hold the Ancient One behind his back. No matter what plot against the Ancient One, Mephisto will do it. Destroy it!    Yes, Mephisto knows about the relationship between Dormammu and Ancient One. He also knows that when the end of Ancient One is approaching and it will get rid of everything, Dormammu will definitely not let go of Ancient One. At this time, Ancient One, completely restrained by Dormammu, will not have the energy to deal with him!    However, what Mephisto didn’t know was that he was the last placer. Before him, Huang Wen and Ancient One had set up their own rounds separately, and even Dormammu had already set up own rounds, just don’t know. , In the end, whose method will be better...

(End of this chapter)

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