
  Chapter 599 The new world (three changes)

"You will understand this later..." Ancient One took a deep look at Strange and said, "Now, I will show you the world where materialism and idealism coexist!"

"What?" Strange was stunned again. After a while, because he didn't seem to understand what is meant by a world where materialism and idealism coexist.

With a "pa!", just before Strange came back to his senses, Ancient One suddenly appeared in front of him, and then slapped him on the body. .

At that moment, Strange felt that the world was spinning around, as if the soul of the whole person had been separated from his own body... Well, it’s not as if this is what really happened, Strange Qi's soul was directly shot out by Ancient One with a palm, and his body was just suspended in the air, and he didn't mean to fall down.

"What am I?" Strange looked at oneself with a sluggish expression, which belonged to the own body. For a while, he didn’t know what happened, and Strange went back to the next moment. Back in the own body.

"teacher, what was that I just now?" Strange looked at Ancient One with a dull expression, and was about to ask a question.

"Just now, it's just the beginning, let you see that there are many things in the world that you don't understand, but they really exist. You don't need to question them, but learn to learn. Accept them..." Ancient One shook the head with a smile, and gently moved towards Strange and pushed.

With a sound of "shua!", Strange felt dizzy again, but this time, Strange felt that his body was flying with him!    Strange seems to have crossed over the endless world, came outside of Earth, and entered into the universe, the next moment, as if crossing over the endless dimension, entered the quantum world, entered the multiverse...

Everything changes around Strange, Strange has never seen these before, in this brief moment, he knows, even if oneself has never seen these things, they They still exist there, waiting to be discovered. They may be materialistic or idealistic, but all of this is no longer important...

"How?" Wait until Strange came back When to his senses, Ancient One's faintly smiling voice sounded in Strange's ear, "Now, can you accept all this?"

"I understand!" Ranchi seems to be a sudden enlightenment. There is no need to be thrown into the Great Snow Mountain by Ancient One as in the original drama. If he can’t draw the fire circle Transmission Gate, he will be frozen to death. Because of similar trials, he has already I have experienced it in other dísciples of Ancient One...

So far Strange officially opened the own plug-in, practice speed advanced by leaps and bounds, and the magic power is constantly getting stronger at an astonishing speed Then, gradually embarked on the right track of Dr Strange.

At the same time, in New York, something happened neither too big nor too small. The reason why we say neither too big nor too small is because for Avengers, this The explosion is not a major event, but for ordinary people, it is still a big thing.

In particular, the explosion at first did not cause any casualties to the who personnel. It was just that the movement was relatively large, and everyone had not taken it seriously, but later, the frequency of explosions became more frequent. So much has attracted the special attention of Avengers and Tony Stark!

Because Tony Stark's bodyguard Happy, who has no sense of existence, was also injured in an explosion.

The reason why Happy has no sense of existence is because before Tony Stark became Iron Man, he did not protect Tony Stark several times. He and Tony Stark are more like a kind of friend plus subordinates. Relationship.

After Tony Stark became Iron Man, he naturally did not need Happy’s protection. Later, Happy became Pepper’s bodyguard, but unfortunately, later Pepper, like Tony Stark, practiced the Legendary Nine Transformations. Even the realm is higher than Tony Stark, so Happy is unemployed again.

Of course, it’s not very accurate to be unemployed, because Tony Stark didn’t mean to expel Happy at all. It’s just that when Pepper is stronger than oneself, Happy became a little idle and didn’t know what to do. What did you do.

So, watching movies everywhere and relaxing, has become the whole of Happy's life. In other words, Happy has entered retirement life ahead of schedule.

It is precisely because of this that, without being Happy in Stark Industries, will be hurt in the explosion.

"Happy, are you okay?" In the hospital, Tony Stark looked at Happy with some concern and asked.

"Don't worry, Tony, I have nothing to do..." Fortunately, Happy is a person who used to be a bodyguard after all. Although the current battle strength is not rich, he has plenty of experience. He will not be the bodyguard of dignified Tony Stark.

Therefore, in the explosion, Happy only suffered some minor injuries. After a little self-cultivation, he can recover.

"It's a pity that Huang Wen is in retreat, otherwise, I can ask him to come over and help you recover, so you don't need to lie down in the hospital..." Tony Stark shook the head, looked at Happy and said seriously.

"Mr. Huang Wen, don't bother!" After Happy heard Tony Stark's words, his face became stiff, and he hurriedly spoke.

For Happy, this world has changed so quickly, especially Huang Wen, who is completely different in just a few years.

Happy still remember that when oneself just heard about Huang Wen, Huang Wen was only a little better than the ordinary person, and was still recruiting students of Wing Chun dojo, but then Huang Wen became He became Tony Stark's mentor, and later, he became the boss behind the entire Avengers.

Even Tony Stark is now working under Huang Wen. Tony Stark complained to Happy more than once, but Happy can hear it, and Tony Stark enjoys it too. .

Therefore, when I heard that Tony Stark was going to trouble Huang Wen, Happy thought of Huang Wen’s strength and hurriedly rejected Huang Wen, an ordinary person like him, facing a powerhouse like Huang Wen At that time, my heart was still very nervous...

"You don't need to be too nervous, Huang Wen is not a scourge..." Tony Stark saw Happy's nervousness, he smiled and waved his hand, then he looked Seriously, "So, have you figured out what happened to the explosion?"

"I am not quite clear either, but the one that exploded was not a bomb, but a person! A living person!" Happy said with some fear, as if thinking of something terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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