
  Chapter 621 so close, yet worlds apart    "en? How did you escape?! "Kaecilius didn't see Pietro's movements clearly. He just saw it. The long sword with the own lens shot into the air. In fact, the long sword with the lens shot at the position where Pietro was just now. It's just that Pietro's speed is too fast, like It was the same in another layer of space, directly avoiding the attack of the lens long sword.

Since he also possesses space magic, it is natural that Kaecilius also believes that the abilities used by Pietro are also space magic.

This is the limit of vision, or it is because the environment that Kaecilius has been exposed to before is all magic, Dormammu, and the flow of dimensions. Even if he has heard of the existence of Mutants, he will not go Think in this direction.

It’s like Kaecilius. Even if he knew that Avengers was in New York, not far from New York Sanctum, Kaecilius still came to New York Sanctum, because in his opinion, Avengers’ The method may be very strong, but for magic power, I will never know too much, and even simply cannot find his signs!

And as Kaecilius thought, Avengers did not know much about the power of magic, but Kaecilius didn’t understand the power of technology at all, and he never thought that oneself was indeed not discovered by Avengers. But she was discovered by a technological product like Silly Girl...

"Your attack is like interesting..." Pi Pietro glanced at the slowly recovering space next to him, and raised his brows. It’s the first time Pi Pietro has seen such an attack, so he looked at Kaecilius with a little interest and asked, "Is this your magician's attack method?"

"Are we magician?" Kaecilius was very interested. I quickly understood something from Pi Pietro’s words, but saw that between Kaecilius’s hands, there was a faint magic surging, and immediately after the surrounding space, there began to change, the ground began to rotate, and Kaecilius directly hung upside down on Pietro. In front of him, Pietro instantly stared wide-eyed.

"en? What's the situation?" Pietro thinks he has seen a lot of extraordinary abilities, but they are similar to Mirror Dimension and can manipulate the world material in the surrounding Mirror Dimension, Pietro I have never seen it before.

Even Pietro didn’t even realize that oneself entered the Mirror Dimension. He looked at the surrounding Heaven and Earth and was very surprised. He didn’t quite understand why it was impossible to withstand a. Kaecilius of single blow, now suddenly able to control Heaven and Earth and matter so powerful...

"No! The situation is a bit weird, I'd better deal with this guy first!" Pi Pietro's mind Flashed through a single thought, then the body flashed, and disappeared in place instantly.

However, compared to the relatively flat roads outside, the Mirror Dimension at this time is not so easy to run, especially the exchange of positions between the house and the ground and even the sky, making Pietro completely lost. Feeling...

Fortunately, Pietro is no longer the one that has just been strengthened by Apocalypse, and it is not as good as Quicksilver’s Pietro. After Huang Wen taught a series of abilities such as Xuexue Wuhen, Pietro Although the progress is not too fast, there is one thing that Pietro couldn't at all before!   Feiyan walks the wall! From the ability of Taxue Wuhen!   As a thief...cough cough, as a thief, if you don’t even have the ability to fly, how can you become a thief?    So Pi Pietro moved around in this brand new Mirror Dimension, running from the ground to the tall buildings, from the tall buildings to the doors and windows, little by little approaching Kaecilius.

"Disappeared again?" At the moment when Pi Pietro disappeared, Kaecilius eyes slightly shrink. He cautiously perceives the environment all around. Even in the Mirror Dimension turned on by oneself, Kaecilius is not All-knowing and omnipotent, being able to manipulate the Mirror Dimension to transform is already Kaecilius's limit.

Therefore, Kaecilius can't directly find Pietro's position, because Pietro's running speed is too fast for him, far surpasses the limit of his vision!    However, Kaecilius quickly noticed that it has been a while since Pietro disappeared, and oneself still has not been attacked, plus what Pietro said before, made Kaecilius aware of something.

"Could it be that he was just too fast?" A single thought flashed through Kaecilius's mind, and then subconsciously controlled the Mirror Dimension, expanding the space around oneself, and expanding the space The distance is pulled to the extreme!   so close, yet worlds apart, in Mirror Dimension, it is already an achievable ability!

"What's the situation?" Pietro, who had already rushed to Kaecilius and was about to give Kaecilius a punch, let out an exclamation, because he found that oneself moved towards Kaecilius running at such a fast speed, The distance between oneself and Kaecilius has not only not shrunk, but is getting bigger!

"Sure enough!" Kaecilius faintly heard an exclamation, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he realized that own guess was not wrong, so Kaecilius continued to expand the spatial distance around oneself. Used to prevent Pietro from approaching.

"What's the matter? The surrounding ground has become farther?" During the high-speed movement, Pietro looked at the surrounding environment with a puzzled face, and even scratched his head subconsciously for some time. I understand what happened, let alone what oneself should do to be able to run in front of Kaecilius again.

In this way, a fast-running Pi Pietro is trapped by Kaecilius, as if on a treadmill that can speed up with Infinity. No matter how hard Pi Pietro works, he seems to be stepping in place. Even backing away, he could never get close to Kaecilius.

Of course, although the distance between Kaecilius and Pietro has become longer, Kaecilius will no longer be attacked by Pietro sneakers. However, Pietro is still moving at high speed and Kaecilius wants to find Piping Pietro Even working on Pietro is impossible.

Therefore, the current situation is a bit froze. The magician from Kamar-Taj lineage, and the speeders among the Mutants, is a tie. Anyway, no one will be able to fight for a while. No matter who got it.

Let’s see now, whether Kaecilius’s magic power was exhausted first, or Pietro stopped first because of lack of energy.

However, after all, Kaecilius is backed by Dormammu and is blessed with Dormammu's power. Although it is not Infinity magic, it is not so easy to run out...

(End of this chapter )

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