
  Chapter 630 The Position of Sorcerer Supreme (50,000 words for subscription)

"Since the Eye of the Judgement has made a judgment, at least it proves that these Dormammu fanatics are all murderers, and there is no need to keep our hands!" After Logan heard Johnny Blazer’s words, he shrugged and directly stabbed out. The Adamantium steel claw rushed out.

Facing these Dormammu fanatics, Logan did not even have the intention to transform. Although the abilities of those Dormammu fanatics were much stronger than the ordinary person, it was for Logan and others. After being strengthened, Avengers is still too weak.

Of course, Logan and other Avengers felt that Dormammu's fanatics were weak, but Strange, who was also attacked in London Sanctum, didn't think so.

Since the London Sanctum Guardian Daniel fainted early, Strange worked alone in the floating cloak and finally killed the remaining fallen sorcerer, but before he had time to rest, he Encountered an attack by fanatics.

"These all are who? Are they all Kaecilius' accomplices?" Strange looked very embarrassed under the siege of a group of fanatics. He shouted loudly, but did not People can care about him.

After all, the floating cloak can't speak. From the coma until now, Daniel has no intention of waking up. He is the only person in the entire London Sanctum.

With a "puff!" sound, fortunately, when Strange was very embarrassed, a ring of fire Transmission Gate appeared here. Ancient One and Baron Mordo also Wang came here, and they Finished dealing with the fanatics of Xiangjiang Sanctum, because most of the fanatics over there illegally entered the country and were resolved by the people of China, so it was the fastest to deal with it.

With the take action of Ancient One and Baron Mordo also King, the fanatics of London Sanctum were quickly resolved, and Ancient One’s face was pale at this time, as if he had encountered something. Things are so-so.

"teacher?" Baron Mordo first discovered the anomaly of Ancient One. He was subconsciously frowned. He looked at Ancient One with some worry. He didn't quite understand how this level of battle would affect the Ancient One. Cause harm.

"I'm sorry, Kamar-Taj from now on, I am afraid it will depend on you!" Ancient One took a deep breath, looking at Strange, Baron Mordo and Wang said seriously.

"en? teacher what are you talking about?" Baron Mordo and Wang hearing this couldn't help but stare blankly, and then looked at Ancient One dumbfounded, as if they didn't understand the meaning of Ancient One.

"No, so fast? I just became a magician..." Strange knows more than Baron Mordo and Wang. He has foreseen this, but this This happened much faster than he thought.

"You are very innate talent!" Ancient One looked at Strange and shook the head with a smile, and said softly, "You should also be able to find that your strength is no weaker than Sanctum Guardian Daniel. After that, your progress will be faster..."

"..." Sanctum Guardian Daniel didn't die now. He hasn't recovered from his coma, but Therefore, he survived without being attacked by fanatics.

"Strange’s innate talent is the most powerful I have seen, and he also has an upright heart. Starting today, Strange is the new The one-term Sorcerer Supreme, do you have any comments?" After Ancient One finished speaking, he turned his head and looked towards Baron Mordo and asked the king.

"I don't have any opinion. It can be seen from the fact that he mastered Eye of Agamotto so quickly. His innate talent is indeed unmatched. Kaecilius is far behind him... …" Wang shrugged, and didn't mean to refute it.

"..." Baron Mordo was silent for a while when he heard Ancient One's words, then looked at Ancient One and asked, "teacher, why are you leaving the position of Sorcerer Supreme? Even if you want Sorcerer Supreme The position is passed to Strange, and we need to examine him carefully, right?"

"I have no time. Today is the day when my life essence is exhausted!" Ancient One lightly sighed, her face paled again, she looked into Baron Mordo's eyes and said, "Therefore, I must confirm the next Sorcerer Supreme as soon as possible, and I am going to close Sanctum Formation directly!"

"What "?!" At this time, Baron Mordo and Wang exclaimed directly. They were even more surprised than Ancient One said that they would pass on the position of Sorcerer Supreme to Strange, and even now they have no regard for Strange. It's Sorcerer Supreme's matter, because in their opinion, the matter of closing Sanctum Formation is more important than Sorcerer Supreme's candidates!    "Why? Teacher, we have worked so hard to deal with so many fanatics. We have been fighting against all dimensions for so many years to get visitors. Isn't it to protect the Earth dimension?" Baron Mordo frowned and looked very puzzled. Ancient One asked.

"I did this, naturally to better protect the Earth dimension!" Ancient One nodded with a smile, said softly, "After I leave, Dormammu will not give up invading the Earth dimension , Therefore, it is better to draw Dormammu directly when I am also the power of World War I, and give you time to grow up..."

"teacher..." Ancient One said As soon as it came out, Baron Mordo and Wang didn't know what to say. They looked at Ancient One blankly, and fell silent on the spot.

"Ancient One teacher, are you going to deal with Dormammu? Then Mr. Huang Wen..." Strange heard the words of Ancient One, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his heart, but he quickly Thinking of Huang Wen, he looked at Ancient One tentatively and asked.

"Huang Wen will also take action with me. This time is the great crisis of Earth. As long as we can cause serious damage to Dormammu and deter it to many dimensions, then Earth will be able to usher in a period of stability. The day!" When Ancient One heard Strange mentioning Huang Wen, the corners of his mouth twitched vaguely, and then said solemnly.

"teacher, then, what do we need to do?" At this time, Baron Mordo and Wang had no intention of opposing anymore, whether it was for Strange to inherit the position of Sorcerer Supreme, or to close Sanctum They have no objection to the Formation. Instead, they all hope that oneself can contribute a bit when Ancient One is about to leave.

"You stay at New York Sanctum and Xiangjiang Sanctum, waiting for Strange's return, when the time comes, reopen the Quest of Sanctum Formation, it will be handed over to you..." Ancient One deep After taking a breath, looking at Baron Mordo and Wang also Strange said, "This can be considered the last assignment I left for you. I hope you can work together and don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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