
  Chapter 664 Awakening of Ability (Five thousand words for subscription)

"Eh……" Vic Seeing Tony Stark’s reaction, Dorvon Dum was stunned. The gap between the Tony Stark in front of him and the Tony Stark he knew was so big that Victor Von Dum couldn’t accept it for a while. NS.

"You obediently and honestly stay here to be checked!" Tony Stark came back to his senses, took a deep look at Victor Von Doum and said, "This time in the cosmic storm, Containing a lot of cosmic rays, there is a high probability that your body will mutate. Not only you stay here, but the remaining four people also stay here. You should be able to understand why?"

"In order to prevent us from really mutating and affecting the stability of the outside world, this is your Avengers' responsibility..." Victor Von Dum frowned, and after speaking to Tony Stark, he hesitated. Asked, "Does our body really change? Why don't I feel it at all?"

"Maybe it's not time." Tony Stark waved his hand and pointed to the hospital bed. Continue to say, "So, stay here obediently and honestly for the rest of the time. I will calculate the hourly rate for you. Although you can't pay your debts for the rest of your life, I hope you can show your own value in the future. ......"

After Tony Stark left a message, he turned around and left. Although Victor Von Dum was awake, it did not mean that Tony Stark would stay here and watch him. , Tony Stark also own things to do.

"Mutated..." After Tony Stark left, Victor von Dum frowned and looked at own's hands subconsciously. He could feel that his body was no different from before. It didn't mean to mutate in the slightest.

"That's all, since Tony Stark has become my creditor, I am afraid I can't leave easily..." Victor Von Dum lightly sighed after a long while and lay down again.

"Speaking of which, this is the Avengers Mansion? I didn't expect it. One day, I would be able to enter the Avengers Mansion. It is no wonder that even specialized medical robots have been researched out here... "

"As for Reid, let’s talk about it later, after all, Tony Stark has become my creditor, and also Reid’s creditor. I can’t lose this time anymore. Should you bear it alone?"

"Fortunately, Tony Stark has appeared, otherwise I am afraid I can't bear the loss this time!"

Here Victor After Von Dum woke up, the four Reed Richards on the other side gradually woke up. When they found that oneself was in the Avengers Building, the reactions of the four Reed Richards were also different.

Bengrim’s sexual Gwen and, willing to stay and accept Avengers’ inspection, Johnnyss is very excited to pester Avengers for autographs, and even he found that oneself looks very similar to Steve Rogers Things, so in his heart, the thought of pretending to be Steve Rogers to pick a girl faintly surged in his heart.

As for Susan Stone, there is no objection to staying in the Avengers Building, because she also knows that Tony Stark has become his new boss, and her current job is to cooperate with the treatment.

As for Reed Richards, he is a little reluctant to stay. In his opinion, if the own body mutates, he will deal with it oneself. There is no need for Avengers take action, and this Reed Richards has all the time’s aerospace data in his mind. He needs to hurry up and continue to study them...

But unfortunately, no matter what Reed Richards says, Avengers didn’t want to let anyone go. the meaning of.

Not to mention that Huang Wen is going to include Reed Richards and the others in Avengers. Even if it is not included in Avengers, people like Reed Richards who can mutate at any time, Avengers are also impossible Let them out.

"You guy, why are you more difficult to deal with than Dum?" Tony Stark looked at Reed Richards and said with some dissatisfaction.

Originally, Tony Stark still had a good impression of Reed Richards, who was able to independently research the spaceship of the universe, but he did not expect that this guy would be so stubborn and so reluctant to listen to advice. Tony Stark used to be exactly the same, and also not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!

"You are restricting my personal freedom! I can sue you!" Reed Richards glared at Tony Stark and said, "I advise you to let us go as soon as possible..."


"Sue me?" Tony Stark sneered at hearing this, and looked at Reed Richards mockingly and said, "First of all, how much money the company lost because of your calculation error I have to bear it. I can count all of this on you. Don’t think that own is at fault. No one knows. Your calculation error will be easily discovered!"

" Secondly, you have received the impact of cosmic radiation and may mutate at any time. For your existence, Avengers has the right to enforce the law. Even if you have been imprisoned here, you can’t sue me!"

"Finally , Do you have the money to sue me? To file a lawsuit with me Tony Stark? And, the company you used to stay with is already mine, do you think you leave here, I will continue to let you go back to do experiments?"

"..." Hearing Tony Stark's deep ridicule and contempt, Reed Richards clenched his fists, how he wanted to punch Tony Stark in the face!    "Weng!" Just when this thought flashed in Reed Richards's mind, his arm stretched out directly, like a rubber band, towards Tony Stark's head.

With a sound of "pa!" Tony Stark subconsciously grabbed the limp fist in front of him, his expression looked a little dazed.

"Really...really mutated?" Reed Richards also looked a little awkward at this time, even because of excessive tension, his body was directly softened, and the whole person turned into a Tuan's plasticine slumped directly on the ground, it was truly slumped on the ground.

"Reed!" Susan Stone exclaimed on the side, and rushed to Reed Richards subconsciously, and then immediately disappeared when he was running on the road halfway.

"Sister?!" Johnnyston's pupils shrank suddenly, his body caught fire subconsciously, and then he ran around and almost lit the infirmary.

"Pu Tong!" Ben Grim hurriedly got up from the hospital bed, and then his whole body began to condense into a stone shape and fell directly to the ground.

Fantastic Four has awakened the own ability, but it seems that they are a little uncomfortable with this ability. At least, when they first awakened, they looked very embarrassed...

(End of this chapter)

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