
  Chapter 666 Musk’s kindness    "Wait! Recovery? What recovery? You want Deprive me of my superpower?" Before Reid Richards had finished speaking, Johnnystone on the side couldn't help screaming.

For Johnnystone, getting superpower is not a bad thing, but something different from ordinary people and worth celebrating.

But now, Reed Richards actually said that they would restore their mutation. If it is restored, wouldn't Johnnyston's superpower also disappeared? This is unacceptable to Johnnystone!    "This is a body mutation! This is caused by cosmic radiation. Who knows whether this mutation will have other effects on us? Moreover, not everyone likes superpower anymore, at least, I also Ben Grim doesn't need it!" Reed Richards glared at Johnnyston and said with a serious expression.

"Then I need it. I can't lose my superpower. This is a gift from God!" Johnnystone glanced at Bengrim and said, "Anyway, I have not changed like him. Become a monster..."

With a "pa!", Johnnystone was slapped before he could finish his words. It was not someone else who took the action, but just suppressed it. John of Johnnystone.

"You!" There was a subconsciously fire in Johnnystone's heart, and the flame on his body rose again, but unfortunately, when the Flame Power on John's body rose up, Johnnystone Once again was completely suppressed.

"Apologize to your companion!" John looked at Johnnystone with a ugly face and said, "You have gained abilities at the same time. Although your good luck did not cause too much variation in your body, This is not your confidence to mock oneself companion. Don’t think that you have gained a little superpower, it’s very difficult to deal with. Here, your little ability is not enough!"

"No... No need..." Ben Grim heard John's words and saw Johnnyston's stunned appearance. He wanted to smile subconsciously, but found that his own muscles had been completely transformed into stones. He couldn't do it if he wanted to make a smile. Then, this made Ben Grim's heart sad again.

"Big man, you don't have to be so sad!" Logan patted Bengrim's shoulder and smiled comforted. "Among our Mutants group, there are many Mutants like you. They Now they are all in New Hope State. They are no different from ordinary people. I can introduce a few friends to you. They are all Mutants who can’t return to their normal appearance..."

The friends in Luo Gen’s mouth, Naturally, wild beasts and meatballs are obviously different from ordinary people. It is worth mentioning that the Colossus, which has the ability most similar to Bengrim and can transform the body into metal, is not in this rank.

Because Colossus is still very powerful in controlling his own abilities, he can freely control the changes of oneself body. If Bengrim can do this, he also doesn’t need to feel for his own ability. Troubled.

"No...no..." Ben Grim glanced at Logan gratefully, then shook the head, looked towards Reed Richards with a firm expression, and said, "I believe mine Friends, will help me recover!"

"That's really a pity, originally, we were ready to absorb you into Avengers..." After Logan heard Bengrim's words, Some regrets shook the head, and then suddenly the complexion changed and looked towards another direction.

"Alarm! Victor Von Dum is absorbing the current! The power to his infirmary has been forcibly shut off!" Just before Logan's voice, he just noticed something was wrong, Jarvis' alarm The sound rang in the Avengers building.

"Absorbing current?" Max hearing this couldn't help but stunned, and rushed to the infirmary where Victor Von Dum was subconsciously. He knew that it should be his home court now!

Of course, it was not just Max who rushed past, but other Avengers also rushed past, for fear that Victor Von Dum might make some other accident.

After all, Victor Von Dum is someone who even Huang Wen left a special reminder. Avengers is still more vigilant towards Victor Von Dum.

"This is?" At this time, the infirmary where Victor Von Dum was located was completely dark, and only Victor Von Dum’s body was filled with rays of light. The surrounding environment is barely illuminated.

Originally, Victor Von Doum was indeed obediently and honestly ready to stay in the Avengers Building, waiting for Avengers to check it, but when the medical robot came up to help him check, an accident happened. .

Victor Von Doum awakened at this time, he simply couldn't control his own ability, and subconsciously swallowed all the electricity in the medical robot.

Even though the medical robot is very Advanced, it is still just a robot after all. Without electricity, the medical robot instantly loses its ability to move, and it does not even have the ability to issue an alarm.

After devouring the medical robot, Victor Von Doum seemed to be out of control, just like Max who had just awakened his own ability, he also felt a hunger coming from his body. Sense, this hunger makes him subconsciously want to swallow all the electricity around him.

So, Victor von Dum rushed to the socket in the infirmary and began to devour the electricity around the person. Then Jarvis discovered that he forcibly cut off the power in the infirmary. Only slowly came back to his senses.

However, came back to his senses does not mean that Victor von Dum has completely recovered. The main reason for came back to his senses is that there is no electricity around him that can be swallowed Existing, Victor Von Dum's heart at this time is eager to get stronger and more abundant electricity, so Victor Von Dum wants to leave the infirmary.

With a sound of "bang!", at this moment, the door of the infirmary opened, Victor Von Dum’s eyes lit up suddenly, because he felt that something like a mobile power station Existence appeared in front of the owner, and the powerful electricity contained in this power station filled Victor Von Doum's heart with greed.

"Calm down, I can understand your current mood, because I also came from this step of yours!" The visitor was Max who came in a hurry, his eyes moved slightly at this time. Pacified Victor Von Doum.

Although Max felt the greedy gaze from Victor Von Dum, he did not mean to be angry, but patiently looked at Victor Von Dum and continued: "I I know, this is almost instinctive, but you have to learn to restrain him..."

(End of this chapter)

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