
  Chapter 672 Frigga's decision (three shifts)    "Heavenly father powerhouse?" Huang Wen listened By Odin, his eyes lit up slightly, and he knew that the guy with his ugly appearance, but with endless life, was absolutely impossible as simple, at least in this more powerful universe, impossible is such a simple character!

"If it's that guy, Thor falls into his hands, I am afraid it will be a bit of hardship, but if you want to come, he should sell me a lot of face, right?" Odin didn't mean to continue talking with Huang Wen at this time. , But began to mumble.

However, it is obvious that Odin is somewhat guilty at this time. After all, Odin’s invincible name among the heavenly fathers was definitely created. As for these people, the package does not include Gao. Heavenly Venerable, then it’s not good. Time is too long. Even Odin oneself is not quite clear...

Odin only knows that the original high Heavenly Venerable was a powerhouse of the heavenly father. But claiming that he can't fight at all...

"Bifrost can't go straight to Planet Sakaar, don't you know Huang Wen, can you go there?" After a long while, Odin finally came back to his senses, his senses Looking at Huang Wen with a serious expression, "If you have a way to get there, can you please bring Thor back?"

I will bring Thor back..." Huang Wen heard Odin's words nodded, and he also gave an own promise.

"Many thanks." Odin took a deep breath and looked at Huang Wen and suddenly laughed, "Asgard, you also have something to look at, when the time comes, just pick it, but , My spoils of war, can reach the heavenly father level, there is nothing, otherwise I will not be thrown into the treasure house of Asgard as an exhibition..."

"This matter, Let’s wait until I bring Thor back." Huang Wen hearing this also laughed, and then slowly shook the head, and said, "I want to know, Nine Realms connection this time, what are you going to do? Sit and watch Dark Elf's actions?"

"I can foresee that my destiny has changed since you appeared here..." Frigga, who was talking to Loki, turned his head when he heard Huang Wen's words. Come and look at Huang Wen seriously and say, "Or, because of Mr. Huang Wen’s arrival, I have made a new decision!"

"After Nine Realms is connected, let’s just leave. I and You go to the battlefield of dimensionality together!"

Frigga's previous words were said by looking at Huang Wen, but in the end, he did look at Odin talking, and Frigga's expression was very serious, not at all like just now. A decision was made.

"Frigga, don't you hate fighting the most? If you really go to the battlefield, I'm afraid there will be no less chances to fight..." When Odin heard Frigga's words, he was subconsciously stunned and hurried. Reminded, "You don't have to make such a decision because of me."

"No, not only for you, but also for me myself. I want to stay with you." Frigga laughed Shook the head, looked at Odin earnestly and said.

"Frigga!" Odin's heart was filled with moving emotions, and he instantly got rid of his old state, walked straight over and took Frigga into his own arms, and the two people hugged tightly.

"Your Majesty Divine King!" Frigga also hugged Odin and shouted softly.



Huang Wen and Loki looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, even Huang Wen was here right now Doubt about life, what does oneself come to Asgard for? Eat dog food?    "Sorry, let you laugh..." After a long while, Odin finally released Frigga, looked towards Huang Wen and laughed a little apologetically, and said, "Since Frigga has made a decision, we will not be here. The world has stayed for a long time, just so, after this time Nine Realms is connected, we will leave directly after Thor returns!"

"Oh, yes, Loki, I forgot to tell you that you and Thor also An elder sister, her strength is far above you and Thor..."

"I already know!" Loki glanced at Odin and Frigga with a bit of resentment, as if watching oneself go on a trip. Romantic couple's world, like parents who left oneself at home, said very upset, "Thor in another universe was blinded by her, and even Mjölnir was crushed..."

"It's okay, anyway, you have Huang Wen who can help you..." As if he was determined to leave, Odin's face seemed to have thickened a lot. I also hesitated to ask Huang Wen for help, but now he turned directly. Looking over at Huang Wen said with a smile.

"After we leave, Hela’s seal will be lifted, but Hela’s strength, before the seal, was only the sub-heavenly Father Peak. He returned to Asgard and was blessed by Asgard. It will not be stronger than you, so you can solve it..."

"As for the Dark Elf, you also know that we are all old, and our own strength is somewhat uncontrollable. So Dark Elf, it’s handed over to you!"

"The original Malekis was just breaking through to the heavenly father level. After so many years of losing the weakening of Aether, he should only have Yatian. Whether the strength of the parent level, or even the strength of the sub-father level can be maintained, is not necessarily..."

"..." Hearing that Odin arranged Quest with oneself like a handover, the corner of Huang Wen's mouth was slightly There was a twitch, and suddenly he felt a little tired. Why did he, who was the boss of Avengers, go to Asgard to work?

And the most important thing is that Huang Wen doesn’t get anything from a part-time job. The treasures in Asgard’s treasury, if they were placed in the previous Huang Wen, may want to collect them, but those treasures are for Huang Wen, who is now at the heavenly father level, really has no effect...

"Well, I'll go and see if I can get Thor back..." Huang Wen finally Some helpless shook the head, released the sense of ownership, and began to look for the location of Planet Sakaar.

However, in the vast universe, Planet Sakaar did not mark its name. It is not that simple for Huang Wen to find the location of Planet Sakaar.

So Huang Wen's thoughts move directly contacted Roman of Planet Xandar: "Roman, help me find out, where are Planet Sakaar's Interstellar coordinates..."

Huang Wen The reason why I contacted Roman of Planet Xandar is because Huang Wen remembers that Planet Sakaar is like a cosmic garbage dump. Many planet civilizations use spaceship to transport the garbage that oneself planet can’t handle and throw it into Planet Sakaar. There is no need for garbage disposal and sorting. This is undoubtedly an act of harming others and self-interest, but completely disregarding others...


To sort out Thor’s experience, today’s three More

(End of this chapter)

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