
  Chapter 685 Thor’s Choice    "Re-form the Martial Goddess army?" Loki heard Martial Goddess Valkyrie After that, he raised his eyebrows, spread his hands, and said softly, "You may not know the situation of Asgard anymore. Although Asgard is also a soldier, the battle strength is not very strong. More importantly, the entire Asgard can fight. There is only one woman in my mind..."

"Has Asgard fallen to this level?" Martial Goddess Valkyrie hearing this subconsciously frowned, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes.

You know, the reason why Asgard was able to rule Nine Realms at the beginning was not only because of Odin's power, but more importantly, Asgard had a powerful army, whether it was the Martial Goddess army or something else.

But because Odin wanted to be a benevolent monarch and didn't want to continue the war, most of the time, Asgard's soldiers had no chance to fight.

Later, Thor and Loki grew up slowly, especially Thor, a fighting freak, who was able to stand alone, and even a lot of battles could be solved by himself. At most, Loki and Loki Several of Thor's friends, so Asgard soldiers have fewer opportunities to fight.

As for what Loki said, the women who can fight are naturally Asgard's warrior Siv. In fact, if Asgard doesn't have Martial Goddess anymore, Sieve should also be a member of Martial Goddess.

"Asgard is already different from what you think. At this time, Asgard is the real Asgard, the real paradise..." Loki's eyes moved slightly, with emotion. Said.

"Thor won. Congratulations, Huang Wen..." In the viewing room where Huang Wen is located, after Thor won, Gao Heavenly Venerable flashed with surprise and amazement in his eyes, but Soon, Gao Heavenly Venerable turned his head and looked at Huang Wen said with a smile.

"It's not that I won. What do you need to congratulate?" Huang Wen shook the head with a light smile, and said softly, "However, Thor's strength has improved. For you, too A good thing..."

"Are you joking? Thor and I are not relatives. How can Thor's progress be a good thing?" Gao Heavenly Venerable's face couldn't help but tell. Stiff, looked at Huang Wen speechlessly for a while and asked.

"Naturally it is a good thing..." Huang Wen looked at Gao Heavenly Venerable and explained very seriously, "If you think about it, if Thor's strength has not improved, then he is impossible. Horse-faced Thor’s opponent, Thor still needs countless battles to win, and I will stay with you for a long time..."

"At this time, Thor’s strength has improved and he has already competed with Horse-faced Thor. After the power of the First World War, after Thor defeated the horse-faced Thor, I can leave with Thor. Is this a good thing for you?"

"You said so , I can barely be regarded as..." Gao Heavenly Venerable hearing this mouth twitched slightly. He didn't expect that Huang Wen could see through his uncomfortableness and thoughts.

"Of course, Thor's breakthrough, for you, also another good thing..." Huang Wen continued to look at Gao Heavenly Venerable said with a smile.

"en? You leave, for me, it is already a great thing. I don't think there is anything better than this..." Gao Heavenly Venerable sees Anyway, Huang Wen had already spoken, so he said directly and bluntly.

"No no no, there are still some. For example, after Thor's strength has improved, it is enough to carry the banner of Asgard..." Huang Wen shook the head with a smile, and said softly, "So, Odin has also reached the time to leave, when the time comes, you It shouldn't be forced to fight him again."

"Odin is leaving?" Gao Heavenly Venerable's eyes jerked. Once bright, the eyes of excited rays of light flashed directly, making Huang Wen a little speechless for a while, he did not expect that Gao Heavenly Venerable's reaction would be so intense.

Even Huang Wen is already thinking about it. If no own appears and everything in the universe has not changed, Gao Heavenly Venerable will learn about Odin’s departure in the future, and I’m afraid he will have a happy party. Have you celebrated?    "bang bang bang......" At the time when Huang Wen was talking with Gao Heavenly Venerable, Thor in the arena has come back to his senses, and he slowly walked to the side of War God Ares At this time, the War God Ares has lost its battle strength, or in other words, even its resistance and mobility.

War God Ares opened a big hole in his chest, and the blood is constantly flowing out. The endless thunder rages on War God Ares’ chest, bringing him unbearable The pain caused War God Ares's body to tremble slightly, and even his complexion paled from clenched teeth.

"You lost, War God." Thor looked at the tragic situation of War God Ares, without any sympathy in his heart, just looked at the lightly saying of War God Ares.

When Thor was defeated by War God Ares before, when Thor's eyes were directly blinded by the long sword in the hands of War God Ares, War God Ares did not want to stay at all. The meaning of the hand, even after blinding Thor's eyes, in the cheers of the audience, War God Ares kicked Thor out like a piece of garbage.

This is also one of the reasons why Thor didn't feel anything in his heart when he heard the cheers of the arena.

Because the cheers of the arena are not because of oneself, whoever wins, they will cheer, as long as they can see what they want to see, the fierce battle.

However, Thor has experienced failures, and he has thoroughly seen the meaning behind these cheers, so Thor will not pay attention to these cheers at all.

"You won!" War God Ares gritted his teeth, and three words popped out of his mouth.

War God Ares is not someone who can't afford to lose, he knows that Thor at this time has surpassed him, and even his War God Ares may fall here today. It's...

"Weng!", but soon, something that War God Ares didn't expect at all happened. The Power of Thunder raging on his chest was directly taken back by Thor, although He still can't easily recover from his injuries, but at least, he won't die directly because of his injuries.

"Why?" War God Ares asked Thor, looking at Thor very puzzled.

"You blinded one of my eyes and kicked me out. The injury I gave you is enough to offset it. There is no need to take your life..." Thor looked at War God Ares shook the head and said seriously.

"Also, if a powerhouse like you died here, it would be a shame. You are welcome to come to Asgard or Earth to find me to fight again in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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