
  Chapter 695 Valkyrie's Revenge

Huang Wen just took Loki and Thor also Martial Goddess Valkyrie When coming out of Planet Sakaar, Jane Foster and the others on Earth were also picked up by the Space Stone Transmission Gate back into the Avengers Building. Heimdall saw all this in his eyes.

As for the next thing, Heimdall doesn’t know anymore, because the Avengers Building is blocked by the power of Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, even Heimdall can’t see or hear what’s going on inside. .

"How is she doing Jane?" Thor asked, looking at Odin anxiously.

"I'm not quite clear either, Heimdall can't see the follow-up anymore..." Odin saw Thor's expression, subconsciously frowned, and said softly.

"No! Mr. Huang Wen, let's go back to Earth and see how Jane is now!" Thor quickly turned his head and looked towards Huang Wen and said.

"Wait!" This is, Martial Goddess Valkyrie, who has been silent, frowned and looked at Thor said solemnly, "Before we came back, you didn't tell me that..."

"Oh, sorry, it's really urgent. Can you wait for us to come back and deal with your affairs? After all, I don't know what happened to Jane now..." Thor heard Martial Goddess Valkyrie If he said, a hint of apology flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Martial Goddess Valkyrie tentatively and discussed it.

"en? She is who? Are you friends?" Odin heard Thor's conversation with Martial Goddess Valkyrie, and then looked towards Martial Goddess Valkyrie, this time, Odin finally sensed , From the body of Martial Goddess Valkyrie, belonging to the breath of Asgardian.

"Wait, you are Asgardian?" Odin, the subconsciously frowned, asked after looking up and down Martial Goddess Valkyrie.

"Your Majesty Divine King is really oblivious!" When Martial Goddess Valkyrie heard Odin's question, he couldn't help but sneered. He looked at Odin mockingly and said, "Valkyrior just disappeared. How many years did you remember it at all?"

"Martial Goddess?!" Odin's gaze was condensed. He didn't expect that oneself would hear the name of Martial Goddess again. He has been I thought that Martial Goddess had already died in the great battle that year. He didn't expect that there would be a Martial Goddess in front of him at this time.

"Valkyrie? That girl?" Frigga looked at Martial Goddess Valkyrie, as if suddenly recognized Valkyrie's identity, and called out Martial Goddess Valkyrie's name.

"It's an honor that the queen still knows me!" Martial Goddess Valkyrie looked at Frigga pretending to be flattered, and said exaggeratedly.

"I'm sorry for what happened back then..." Odin came back to his senses, looking at Martial Goddess Valkyrie apologetically.

"Apologize? This is over?" Martial Goddess Valkyrie glared at Odin, and asked in a deep voice, "Could you dare to say that you didn't deliberately send us to deal with Hela and let us die? Don’t you just want us all to die?"

"Yes, I did think so..." Odin lightly sighed, said guiltily, "At the time, Hela wanted to continue To conquer the entire universe, I am not satisfied with a little place like Nine Realms, but I know that this is impossible. In the universe, there are too many great abilities and powerhouses that Hela does not know..."

"I am worried that if Hela takes the lead in the conquest, it will bring devastating disaster to Asgard. Therefore, I sealed Hela and wanted to stop her completely..."

"But I didn't expect, Hela is so stubborn that he wants to break through the seal, return in a swirl of dust, and once again plunge Asgard into the war..."

"At the beginning, there were not a few Hela Lords who helped Hela break through the seal. Especially Mephisto. Afterwards, I directly hit Mephisto’s hell dimension and killed him, but unfortunately, Mephisto still had the position of Hell Lord. I couldn’t completely destroy that hell dimension, I could only let it go. He is a horse..."

"I don't want to listen to this!" When Martial Goddess Valkyrie heard Odin talk about the glory of the year, some angrily interrupted Odin shouted in a deep voice.

"Oh, sorry, it’s easy to remember the past..." Odin was interrupted by Martial Goddess Valkyrie. He didn't mean to be angry at all, but looked at Martial Goddess Valkyrie apologetically. Said.

"It is precisely because Hela wanted to return in a swirl of dust that I thought about making Asgard's army withdraw from the stage of history, especially the world-famous Valkyrior..."

"Therefore, I send you Valkyrior to conquer the escaped Hela. Even if I know that you Valkyrior add up, it is impossible to be Hela's opponent..."

"I will kill you!" At that time, Martial Goddess Valkyrie seemed to have been torn by Odin. The whole person fell into a state of madness, and he roared directly, completely ignoring the gap between own strength and Odin, directly holding the long sword, and stabbing it. The direction of Odin.

"If you kill me and make you feel better, then I would be willing to die..." Odin saw Martial Goddess Valkyrie rushing over with the long sword, sighed again, and said softly.

Thor and Loki originally saw Martial Goddess Valkyrie rush to Odin. They simply didn’t mean to stop it, because they knew how big the gap between Martial Goddess Valkyrie and Odin was, especially when Thor was promoted to Asia. After the Heavenly Father level, he understood this even more.

But after Odin said those words, Thor and Loki finally noticed something was wrong, because Odin really stood there like that, and didn't see the meaning of resisting at all.

"Wait!" Loki and Thor subconsciously wanted to stop Martial Goddess Valkyrie, but it was too late. Martial Goddess Valkyrie's long sword pierced Odin's chest without any hindrance.

A Martial Goddess Valkyrie that doesn't even have a Legendary realm pierced Odin's chest with a sword. It can be seen that Odin is not releasing water anymore, what he released is simply the ocean!

Huang Wen on the side saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and even looked at Odin with a slight contempt, because others might not know the purpose of Odin, how could Huang Wen not know the purpose of Odin? ?    "This... how is this possible? My long sword pierced the body of Divine King Odin?!" However, Martial Goddess Valkyrie, who didn't know the truth, froze in place, especially when she saw it At the time of the real blood on oneself long sword, Martial Goddess Valkyrie couldn't believe what oneself saw was true.

(End of this chapter)

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