
  Chapter 698 The Fat House Thor crossing over (four more)    "Good axe!" Thor sees When Huang Wen showed the image, his eyes lit up, and he quickly turned his head and looked towards Odin and said, “Royal Father, this is the weapon I want, please contact Royal Father to contact the dwarf king Eitri to create such a weapon. Storm axe!"

"Groot, a giant statue of the flower god, but I have a better axe handle for this storm axe..." Odin took a deep look at the storm axe displayed by Huang Wen , And then said, "The branches of World Tree, there should be nothing more suitable to be the handle of your storm axe!"

"The branches of World Tree?" Huang Wen's eyes flashed. Surprised, he glanced at Odin subconsciously.

"Don't look at me, I only have this last one. The hammer handle of the previous Mjornil is also made of World Tree wood. World Tree wood is more suitable for us. Asgard..." Odin saw Huang Wen's gaze, and thought of Huang Wen's blackmailing of own before, and hurriedly said.

"If you want treasure, in my Asgard treasure house, there are also some treasures, such as the fire of Eternity, the ball of Agamotto, the eye of warlock, the monument of life, etc..."

"Wait, the fire of Eternity?" Huang Wen was stunned when he heard Odin's words. He thought that the fire of Eternity had not been collected in the Asgard Treasury. In, Huang Wen had already tried to get the fire of Eternity over.

After all, it took a little time for Huang Wen to comprehend Fire Law before, and the help of Fire Law to John is still great.

But now, Huang Wen no longer needs to rely on the fire of Eternity to comprehend the Fire Law. After John has the ice box, he can also use his own ability to launch Fire Law. If he Can comprehend the words of Han Ice Law.

"If you want, you can take it away. I can't take them away anyway..." Odin shrugged said indifferently.

Odin's attitude at this time is completely different from before. Of course, the most important reason for this is that Odin is leaving the universe. All of these things are bearish.

"Well, wait until we come back..." Huang Wen shrugged, looking at Odin and said, "It's best if I solve the problems of Nine Realms first, and then you leave, so you don't have to bother. If it doesn’t work, just say, you used the power of the Divine King to force your life for a few days to pave the way for Thor?"

"Good idea...huh?" Odin His eyes lit up slightly, and he was about to say something, when suddenly he sensed a stranger breaking into Asgard.

No, it might not be appropriate to say that strangers, because of the two people who broke into Asgard, Odin is very familiar with his son God of Thunder Thor.

It’s just that Odin doesn’t want to recognize this son at this time, because he perceives this chubby God of Thunder Thor without a warrior or Divine King, so Odin almost broke the defense. .

"Huh? Did you come so early?" Huang Wen's eyes also flashed a little surprise, he also sensed God of Thunder Thor and Rocket Raccoon from another world.

"By the way, Huang Wen, will Thor not be like this in the future?" After Odin was silent for a while, he finally couldn't help but look at Huang Wen and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know this anymore, but I have been to another world, within the realm, Thor is also like this ghost..." Huang Wen could not help hearing this He laughed and looked at Odin and said, "I kindly call this Thor in this form, Fat House Thor!"

"Kindly ghost!" Odin's mouth twitched slightly. Can't help tsukkomi said.

"Royal Father, Mr. Huang Wen, what are you talking about?" Thor’s eyes flashed a little doubt. He clearly heard Huang Wen and Odin talking about his name, but he didn’t. Knowing what the two of them were talking about, he looked at Huang Wen and Odin hesitantly and asked.

"I'm going to contact the dwarf king Eitri, this Thor matter is left to you, I don't want to see this guy!" Odin did not mean to answer, but waved his hand directly, a little unhappy After saying a word, the figure disappeared directly in place.

"???" Thor heard Odin's words, standing there with a dazed expression. He didn't understand, what did oneself do, why Odin became so angry all of a sudden.

"You yourself let your perception go and take a look..." Huang Wen looked at Thor's dumbfounded appearance, couldn't help laughing, and looked at Thor softly reminded.

If it were placed before, Thor only has a strong body and sufficient Power of Thunder, but in terms of perception, it is not strong, and now, entering the sub-heavenly level, all awakened the god of Thor Thor, has derived out his ability to perceive.

It can even be said that at this time, Thor, except for the Storm Axe, other strengths can already crush the fat house Thor who came from crossing over!

"No? This is me?!" After hearing Huang Wen's words, Thor released his own perception. When he saw the appearance of the fat house Thor, Thor's eyes instantly glared at Boss and couldn't bear it. Exclaimed.

"To be precise, it's you from another world..." Loki's eyes moved slightly. As a magician, he also sensed the fat house Thor and Rocket Raccoon, but Loki didn't want to laugh at it. Meaning, because Loki knows exactly what Thor in another world has experienced.

"If there is no Mr. Huang Wen to change our destiny, I am afraid Thor, you will become like that in the future, and I will die in the hands of Thanos..."

Loki’s voice was filled with emotion, and Thor’s expression gradually recovered. He turned to look at Loki and said solemnly: "I will never let this happen to us. Yes!"

"It seems that they should need our help, shall we go there?" Frigga saw the look of Thor and Loki’s brothers and friends, and couldn’t help but laughed in satisfaction, and then looked at the three People reminded.

"Indeed, this time, I can take you together and go to another world to see..." Huang Wen moved his eyes slightly after hearing Frigga's words, and suddenly said with a smile.

For Huang Wen, who has already broken through to the powerhouse of his heavenly father, Thanos is not too challenging anymore. It's better to use Thanos from other worlds as a tool for Avengers.

After all, although Thanos in this universe is out of Huang Wen’s perception, Huang Wen knows that this wild ambition guy will definitely not disappear completely like this, one day he will again Appears...

(End of this chapter)

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