
  Chapter 738 Odin Departs    "So, everything is lying to me?" Martial A single thought flashed through Goddess Valkyrie's mind, followed by unstoppable anger, which made Martial Goddess Valkyrie vaguely want to destroy everything around him!    But soon, Martial Goddess Valkyrie stopped because she saw that the surrounding Asgard was looking at Thor and Odin expectantly. If Martial Goddess Valkyrie broke out at this time, I am afraid the whole Asgard would be in turmoil... …

"Sorry, Odin is such a guy who likes to use lies. Even though I am the god of lies, I would feel that sometimes, his ability to lie is too powerful..." At this moment, Loki seemed to have noticed the strangeness of Martial Goddess Valkyrie, walked to her side, and whispered.

"hmph!" Martial Goddess Valkyrie coldly snorted, glared at Loki, and didn't mean to say anything.

"However, you can rest assured that after today, Odin will indeed leave..." Loki saw that Martial Goddess Valkyrie had no intention of having an attack, and his heart was sighed in relief, and then continued.

"Where is he going?" Martial Goddess Valkyrie frowned, glanced at Odin and asked.

"Leave this universe and never come back again. In other words, Odin is no different from death. You will never see this nasty guy again!" Loki Shook the head with a smile and said softly.

"Leave this universe..." Martial Goddess Valkyrie's gaze flickered slightly, and for a moment I didn't quite understand what Loki was saying, leaving this universe.

After all, the strength of Martial Goddess Valkyrie can only be regarded as average. Although once wandering into the universe and reaching places like Planet Sakaar, he will not know higher-level things, let alone the battlefield of dimensionality. Kind of place.

With a sound of "weng!", just as Loki was talking to Martial Goddess Valkyrie, Thor on the other side was already thoroughly familiar with the power from the Storm Axe, and at the same time, an extremely mysterious The power of and abstruse fell off Odin's body and was blessed on Thor's body.

"The position of the Divine King!" Huang Wen clearly felt the magical power, that power, as if to connect Thor with the whole Asgard. From now on, Thor is Asgard's The new Divine King is here!

"Royal Father!" Thor came back to his senses. When the position of Divine King was blessed to him, Thor could clearly know that Odin was really ready to leave here.

"Thor, Asgard will hand it over to you from now on!" Odin looked at Thor laughed, then turned his head and looked towards Huang Wen, a voice appeared in Huang Wen's ear, "Thor is not Hela yet Opponent, please help, don't let Thor have an accident..."

"Let's talk..." Huang Wen curl one's lip, and didn't mean to agree to Odin directly.

"I really want to leave. Actually, this is not my intention. My body really can't bear my divine force..." Odin heard Huang Wen In case of, some helpless shook the head, and said, "However, you have also grown up, whether it is Earth or Asgard, under your care, it shouldn't be anything wrong..."

"To be honest, before I leave, I really want to fight with you brat, but unfortunately, my current situation is not enough for me to insist on fighting. I can only wait until you come to the dimensional battlefield. We Have a good fight!"

"Hehe, I'm afraid that when the time comes, your strength has improved too slowly. I will give you a violent beating!" Huang Wen finally He laughed, and there was a hint of mockery in his voice, "After all, you should also know the speed of my progress. After you reach the dimensional battlefield, I am afraid that I will gradually surpass it..."

"The speed of your brat's progress is indeed a bit scary, especially your mental energy, which can reach such a vast level. I don't know how you did it..." Odin heard Huang Wen's words, but there was no It meant to refute, but said something silently.

"I have seen a lot of mutations, and I have seen a lot of guys who get fortuitous encounters, but I have never seen a lineage like you, I really have not seen it. To be honest, I am pretty good. I hope you can become stronger..."

"en? I can't see it. Could it be that you think my current strength is too weak, not enough to fight you?" Huang Wen couldn't help raising his brows when he heard Odin's words, and asked with his eyes slightly squinted.

"You brat's self-esteem is very strong..." Odin shook the head helplessly, and said softly, "I hope that you can become stronger as soon as possible and touch the peak of the heavenly father. The limit, to reach the standard of going to the dimensional battlefield, as far as I know, the strength of our side in the dimensional battlefield is still at a disadvantage!"

"Oh? Also this kind of thing?!" Huang Wen said A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Huang Wen knew that in the dimensional battlefield, there is a powerhouse like Ancient One, let alone United Kingdom Captain Bu Laien, and even the growing Phoenix Force Rogye and the others, Huang Wen couldn't figure out, such people are at a disadvantage, what exactly is the opponent?

at first Huang Wen felt that those dimensions of Demon God should not have such a strong strength, but soon Huang Wen thought of Chthon and the others, their dimensions of Demon God, obviously It is much more powerful than Mephisto, even stronger than Dormammu, and it is not impossible.

So, plus some strong demon gods that Huang Wen oneself has never heard of, it is not incomprehensible that United Kingdom Captain Bu Laien is at a disadvantage.

"Yes, the dimensional battlefield is more difficult than you think, and there will be far surpasses like the powerhouse you imagined!" Odin said with a faint expectation in his voice, his eyes glowing, "So I am also looking forward to meeting those people after you come to the dimensional battlefield..."

"There will be one day!" Huang Wen nodded with a smile, said softly.

"Royal Father..." Thor fell silent when he saw Odin finished speaking. He didn't know that Odin was talking to Huang Wen, and his eyes looked at Odin with dismay .

"People of Asgard, welcome your new Divine King! Call his name!" Odin's figure gradually turned into a light spot, and his voice echoed throughout Asgard .




"Divine King!"

"Divine King!"

"Divine King!"

The general sound of mountain cry out and sea howl echoed throughout Asgard, and the Asgardian civilians greeted them with their greatest enthusiasm As Thor came to the throne, he also told Odin in the loudest voice that his departure did not bring sadness...

(End of this chapter)

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