
  Chapter 806 Avengers rushed to

"No wonder simply can’t resist his means. It turns out that it’s hiding in Is it in our brains?" Weasel hearing this, eyes slightly shrink, he did not expect that Ajax could do so well, leaving a means in everyone’s brains, this time, even though many people are bodies. Enhanced Mutants, it is almost impossible to solve Ajax.

And all this is in the plan of Ajax. Ajax knows that these experimental experiences will be forced to stand with him. After all, whether it is Avengers or Mutants law enforcement squad , Will not directly trust a group of experimental subjects that suddenly appeared and possessed the ability of mutation.

According to Avengers and Mutants law enforcement squad, these Mutants experimenters are no different from the Angel Dust outside. They are all untrusted objects. At least, they are figuring out their identities. Before, they were all untrusted objects!    With a sound of "weng!", just as Wade was talking to the weasel, Avengers brought cyan's rays of light to this unnamed island. At this time, Mystique and Raz were not in a hurry to get small. The meaning of exploring in the island base is to stay and wait for Avengers’ support. Even if Raz said ruthlessly before, saying that oneself can solve the island......

The reason why Mystique and Raz didn’t The reason for acting rashly is actually very simple. First of all, they don't know what is going on in this small island base.

Secondly, this is an independent island after all. It is not so easy to leave. Neither airplanes nor ships can escape the satellite monitoring that has been monitored here.

Finally, also one reason is that Mystique and Raz were dragged by those patients...

Those patients discovered that oneself was caught on the nameless island and heard After the conversation between Angel Dust and the others, everyone panicked. In addition, the people around directly took out their guns and started shooting, which made the patients lose one's head out of fear even more.

Although Mystique's reaction was fast, no one was hit by a gun, but the problem is that these patients are all sick, how can they bear such a fright?

Not a few were scared to death on the spot, which is pretty good, especially since they also experienced the hypnotic gas faint, put them in a bumpy and airtight box, I don’t know how long they came to After this nameless island, I saw such an exciting scene again...

So, Mystique and Raz could only stay where they were and take care of the patients...

" Sniff! Sniff!” The Logan who just appeared moved his nose subconsciously, then looked towards the direction of the laboratory, and said, “Attention, I have felt a lot of people over there, and they all seem to belong to Mutants. Looks like, the breath on the body is also somewhat unstable..."

"Let's go and see, let's transport these patients away first, and for the rest, grab the leader here, and the matter will be resolved. It's..." Tony Stark nodded, looked towards the silly girl on the side and said, "How about? Is the surroundings already monitored? Wouldn't people run away quietly?"

"Don't worry , I have completed a complete blockade, let alone people, on this unknown island, there is a fly, don’t even think about leaving a fish!" A light flashed in the eyes of the silly girl. It's the first time that the silly girl will perform Quest in person. Even if it is not a Quest alone, the silly girl will not let any accident happen this time!

With a sound of "weng!", as the voice of the silly girl fell, a ray of blue rays of light once again appeared on the nameless island. This time, it was not someone who sent it over. It was Avengers who sent the surrounding patients back.

Although these patients will not have the ability to mutate and become Mutants like those successful experiments, they will not die like those failed experiments...

Of course, most of the patients here won’t live long even if they haven’t undergone a failed experiment. I don’t know if this matter is a good thing or a bad thing for them...

"Are they preparing something? Why is it so long that no one has come out..." After the patients were sent away, Avengers came outside the laboratory, and Steve Rogers tightened his own storm hammer and shield. After a moment of silence, he threw the storm hammer in his hand and smashed it in the direction of the laboratory.

After all, compared to the shield, the destructive power of the storm hammer is greater. More importantly, the storm hammer is controlled by Steve Rogers and will be more flexible and faster. Back to Steve Rogers' hands.

With a sound of "bang!", there is almost no suspense. The storm hammer directly blasted the door of the laboratory open. Even if the door of the laboratory is very strong, it is facing the storm. At the time of the hammer, it was still as thin as paper!

"Fuck? What's the situation? It's such a big door, so it's gone?" As Stormhammer blasted the laboratory door open, Wade's exaggerated voice rang, "Good fellow , If this hammer hits us, wouldn’t it be able to smash all of us from the head to the chrysanthemum?"

"..." After Wade’s voice came out, both inside and outside the laboratory Falling into silence, the corners of Logan's mouth twitched slightly. I don't know why, when Logan heard this voice, he had a familiar feeling rise in the mind.

"Why does it look like there is a thorn inside?" Tony Stark activated own Nano Combat Armor, frowned muttered while looking at the direction of the laboratory.

"Oh, those who used to say that we had two thorns before, I don't know if it was the one who talked..." Mystique glanced at Tony Stark and explained softly Said.

"That must be talking about me!" At this moment, Wade appeared in front of Avengers with a group of subjects, his eyes looked towards Logan's direction, his eyes jerked When it lights up, there are even rays of light in Continuously Blink, "Little wolf wolf, if it were you, would you be able to kill me?"

"Little wolf wolf?" The corners of the Avengers' mouths twitched slightly, and then they looked towards Logan and Wade with weird eyes, as if they were thinking about what kind of adultery is there between the two.

"Hey hey hey! What are your eyes? I don't know this avocado! Can't you just look at me just because he is called casually?" Logan felt Everyone's eyes, face full of black lines, hurriedly explained uncomfortably.

(End of this chapter)

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