
  Chapter 810 The Ajax on the Hanging   " Uh , that, Tony, that Aja Kx, does he have a mouth?" Logan didn't know how to answer, but looked at Tony Stark subconsciously and asked.

"Mouth? Yes, it's just that the guy is crazy, he has been arguing that he is invincible, he is already the most powerful Mutants..." Tony Stark frowned, watching the experiment The depths of the room said.

"Wade, it seems that he should be better than you, at least, he has not become a dumb..." Logan hearing this, looked towards Wade's direction, but found that Wade could not bear it anymore Lived, and rushed directly into the depths of the laboratory.

It seems that Wade is going to find Ajax and have a good argument with Ajax. In this look, does it need to pay Wade royalties?

Soon, Logan followed Wade also Tony Stark back to the depths of the laboratory. At this time, the other Avengers were pressing on the sidelines. Steve Rogers took over from the flying out Tony Stark and was fighting and waving. Adamantium long sword, Ajax with laser waves in his eyes.

"Fuck? It's really like Wade before..." Logan saw Ajax from a distance and couldn't help yelling.

At this time, there is no hair on Ajax's head, his upper body is naked, full of sturdy muscles, two Adamantium steel claws are pierced between his hands, and his eyes shoot out one after from time to time. The another laser can even disappear instantly in place, possessing the ability to teleport, just like a copy of the enhanced Wade that Logan once encountered!

It’s just that, as Tony Stark said, the biggest difference between Ajax and Enhanced Wade is that Ajax’s mouth was not sealed. After all, Wade was originally Forced to reform, but Ajax is oneself to take the initiative to reform.

Although it’s not quite clear, where did Ajax get so many Adamantium? I don’t know how he injected it into the body. Anyway, Ajax only relies on oneself and one A machine can do this, even theoretically speaking, Ajax's ability is more than Wade...

"clang!", the sharp Adamantium long sword implies With great sharpness and great strength, it slashed on Steve Rogers' new shield, and the huge sound was transmitted all around, but Steve Rogers' new shield did not mean anything to be damaged.

"If it hadn’t been replaced by a new shield, and such strength has continued to strike, I’m afraid the original vibranium shield may not be able to withstand it. The key is the shock absorption capability of the new shield. , Obviously has become a lot stronger..." After Steve Rogers took the blow from Ajax, a single thought flashed through his mind.

With a sound of "weng!", at this moment, Ajax’s eyes once again shot out a shock wave, and Tony Stark just now was blown out by this shock wave. .

"Pu Tong!" Steve Rogers' heart startled, he subconsciously wanted to lift up the new shield in his hand, swing away the Adamantium long sword, and block this move of Ajax, suddenly a figure suddenly appeared He appeared in front of Ajax, and actually threw Ajax to the ground, interrupting Ajax's attack.

This person is not someone else, it is Wade who came to ask for an explanation!    "Wade! Are you courting death?" Ajax's angry voice rang, and then the sharp Adamantium long sword directly pierced Wade's body, and Ajax's face was full of anger. Meaning, as if to tear Wade directly alive!    "You plagiarism dog! I won't let you go!" Even though Ajax pierced his body with Adamantium long sword, Wade had no sense of fear. He glared at Ajax, unexpectedly Bite Ajax's ear directly!

"What?" Ajax's expression was obviously taken aback, but his reaction was not unpleasant. He flung Wade's body directly and fell heavily on it. To the ground.

Even though Ajax doesn’t have pain nerves anymore, and he also has the self-healing ability from Logan, Ajax still doesn’t want oneself to be bitten, especially by Wade Such a very ugly person with an avocado face was bitten!    This is a psychological rejection. Even if Ajax has seen Wade before, even if Wade has become like this, it is all because of him. It is also like this...

"What are you talking about? What are you going crazy again?" Ajax stood up, frowned and looked at Wade said solemnly, "So, are you crazy on Avengers' side? That's right, too. I have long seen you as a madman upset. Before I was unable to take action and killed you, now it turns out that you are healed!"

"Weng!", with Ajak Si's voice fell, and there was a sharp pain in Wade's head. That's right, Ajax directly used the means left in Wade's head to make Wade twitch on the ground with pain.

Moreover, it’s not just Wade who lay on the ground and pumped, but the experiment subjects outside were all lying on the ground. Obviously, Ajax didn’t give everyone a different category. Regarding the control method of Ajax, the life and death of these subjects is not so important to Ajax!

Of course, Ajax also knows that Wade cannot be killed by this pain alone. This can only make Wade lose the ability to resist that's all......

But Sometimes, just losing the ability to resist is enough!    A powerful shock wave shot out from Ajax’s eyes, and the shock wave contained a strong high temperature and destructive power. This powerful shock wave is even more powerful than the laser eye that has been strengthened. Not weak at all!

In Ajax’s view, if this powerful shock wave hits Wade’s body, even if Wade has Logan’s self-healing ability, Wade does not have Adamantium’s skeleton protection after all. Can completely turn Wade's body into powder, maybe it can really kill Wade directly!    "shua!" There was a sound, but just as the shock wave sprayed out of Ajax's eyes, a figure appeared in front of Wade's body, it was a golden light surging on his body, Turned on the Adamantium transformed Logan!

With a sound of "puff!", even though the temperature and power of the shock wave are extremely strong, it is still not enough to see Logan who turned on Adamantium!

At least, after Logan received the force from the shock wave frontally, he was not only unscathed, but even the shock wave completely blasted away. Ajax’s attack this time was directly by Logan. It's resolved!   (End of this chapter)

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