
  Chapter 871 Excited John

Of course, for Surtur at this time, Eternity Handing over the fire does not mean that Surtur will fall to his own realm again, because the fire of Eternity only left his body, and was not robbed or even suppressed. There is no connection between him and the fire of Eternity. disconnect.

"Fire of Eternity, Ice Treasure Box, this time, I can really become a sub-father as soon as possible!" John raised the container of Fire of Eternity, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes , As for the Ice Treasure Box, it's not anywhere else, it's John's.

The reason why John was able to comprehend the Ice Flame law at this time is inseparable from the Ice Treasure Box. You must know that at first John’s ability is to control fire. Pyro, even after practicing the Frost Palm, his own abilities mutated, and after obtaining Ice and Fire Strength, the Fire Element abilities are also stronger.

Later, John was strengthened by Apocalypse, and this situation was not changed. John also liked the fire ability more in his heart...

But later, he realized the law At the critical moment, Huang Wen didn’t know that the fire of Eternity had already been in Asgard, so he just handed the Ice Treasure Box to John, and asked John’s comprehend Ice Law to perform the ice fire. Reversed, from the cold ice Law Comprehension out of Fire Law, at the same time has two completely different Law Power.

However, John obviously surpassed Huang Wen's expectation. Because the ice power of the Frozen Treasure Box was too strong, it caused a huge change in John's ability, which was originally stronger. Flame Power was gradually equalized or even surpassed by Frost Power, and finally evolved the ability of Ice Flame.

Such an ability, for John, is of course very powerful. Even the Ice Flame law also contains part of the power of Fire Law and Cold Ice Law, but from John’s understanding of Eternity’s fire It can be seen that his sensitivity is lower than that of Johnnystone, that he has broken away from the original pure Fire Law.

In other words, because the power of the Ice Treasure Box is too strong, what John can comprehend is that there is too little power about the Fire Law part!    "Well, you go to comprehend first, if you have anything, please contact as a teacher at any time, I will let the silly girl monitor your situation!" Huang Wen looked at John nodded and said softly.

"Many thanks Master!" When John heard Huang Wen want to monitor oneself, he didn't mean to be uncomfortable at all, but he became more and more happy, because it symbolized that oneself can unscrupulously comprehend the Eternity fire and The power of the Frozen Treasure Box does not have to worry about accidents.

You must know that when Max had the power contained in the comprehend storm hammer, he almost had an accident. Fortunately, Huang Wen appeared in time at the time, which allowed Max to pass through successfully. Sleepy...

At this time, after hearing Huang Wen’s words, John felt like he had received a promise of complete safety, and after a deep bow at Huang Wen, he turned and left. Look It is the power of comprehend Eternity's fire and ice chest that can't wait to get up.

"Find a Vibranium practice room, don't collapse the Avengers Building..." Huang Wen looked at John's excited appearance and couldn't help but shook the head, reminding him in John's direction.

"Good Master! No problem Master!" John's voice was impatient, and his figure disappeared.

Huang Wen's gaze was taken back from John. He felt that oneself should really stare at John a little bit, otherwise it would be really easy for something to happen.

"Well, you all go to class!" Huang Wen looked at the Avengers waved, and said, "The remaining Avengers, based on your corresponding abilities, look for stronger than you The Avengers teach you, Ben Grim, General Ross, Betty Ross, you go to Hulk and teach you the law of comprehension..."

"As for Reed, Susan, Xiaoqiang, Jack, Reese, Luke Cage, Jessica also Matt, you are far from comprehending the law, also a very long section of the road, so you should first develop your own strength, or practice Legendary nine changes to improve yourself!"

"The same goes for other people. Among you, there are some who have innate talents that are OK, but you are far from the Peak, also of the Legendary Nine Transformation. Do you know?!"

"Yes! Master!"

"Yes! Mr. Huang Wen!"

"Okay, ask me!"


A group of Avengers answered Huang Wen one after another, saying that Huang Wen has brought in Zeus, Black Panther god Buster also Surtur, a series of heavenly father-level powerhouses to teach their companions, and the rest are not jealous. , That is an impossible thing, but they also know that they are a long way from comprehending the law, also a long distance.

Especially those Avengers other than Reed Richards and Susan Stone, except for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones who have some super powers, everyone else is relying on Legendary Nine Changes And other cultivation techniques to enhance strength.

Not to mention that these cultivation techniques cannot reach the height of the law of comprehension, and even the Peak that these cultivation techniques can achieve, these Avengers have not reached...

This is why, Jack 、Zhong Qiang also The reason why the role of the Swallowtailed Three Heroes is becoming less and less, even if Huang Wen helped them, their strengths are also somewhat unable to keep up.

Fortunately, Zhong Qiang and the others did not expect that oneself would be able to elevate to an unreachable level like the sub-heavenly father, be able to handle some of the daily Avengers affairs, and make a name for the Swallowtail Three Heroes. They are already very satisfied.

As for Reed Richards and Susan Stone, their situation is a bit more special. Reed Richards’s ability is also at the Legendary level, but the problem is, Huang Wen really I don’t know how a rubber ability can comprehend the law.

More importantly, Huang Wen doesn't know whether Luffy's second gear, third gear and fourth gear can be used by the rubber-capable Reed Richards.

However, Reed Richards dislikes fighting more than the Three Swallowtails. He spends almost every day in the laboratory of the Avengers Building. Nothing will never come out, compared to Tony Stark also needs to focus more on experiments.

Therefore, Reed Richards is not very concerned about own strength. Since he doesn't care, Huang Wen doesn't bother to help him find a way.

also Susan Stone, Huang Wen has asked Wanda and Qin Gerei to spare some time to help Susan Stone master the ability of owning.

Of course, most of the time, Qin Ge Lei teaches, after all, Wanda needs to wait for a flash of inspiration, and Qin Ge Lei waits for the Logan family to dismiss class in the Avengers Building every day, and then A family of a few went out to enhance their relationship...

(End of this chapter)

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