
  Chapter 956 Powerhouse is actually me myself    "Wait!" Huang Liang is preparing to take action At that time, the Black Bolt seemed to have just came back to his senses, and he hurriedly shouted at Huang Liang, to be precise in the direction of the incarnation of Huang Wen.

However, the urgent Black Bolt seems to have forgotten that as long as oneself takes action, it is an attack. This is also one of the huge flaws of Black Bolt's ability. When will Black Bolt be able to overcome this huge flaw, perfect When using the own ability, the strength of Black Bolt can go further.

"Bang!" Huang Liang's reaction was extremely fast. He shot it out with a palm and collided with the powerful sound wave. But it was obvious that Huang Liang's strength was still a little insufficient. It has just reached the sub-heavenly father level, and the destructive power of Black Bolt has reached the heavenly father level!    Therefore, Huang Liang's figure is a little embarrassed and retreats. This time in the first battle after the breakthrough to the sub-heaven father level, it is obvious that he did not perform very well...

"Misunderstanding! "Just as Huang Liang's figure receded, Huang Wen became frowned, thinking about whether to limit Black Bolt's strength, Black Bolt watched Huang Liang's figure receding, his complexion changed suddenly, and he was very afraid. Looked towards Huang Wen avatar, as if he was afraid that Huang Wen avatar might misunderstand something, and shouted again.

However, the more anxious Black Bolt, the more unable to control the ability of own, especially under the urgency, a stronger sound wave blasted out, making Black Bolt's heart more panicked. .

There was a "pu!", but this sound wave did not blast in Huang Liang's direction, and was directly blasted through by the incarnation of Huang Wen waved his hand.

The incarnation of Huang Wen stood in place with his eyes slightly squinted, as if thinking about how to weaken Black Bolt's strength and give Huang Liang a fair chance to fight.

As for Black Bolt, it is not fair to the incarnation of Huang Wen. Now that the two sides are at war, they are naturally enemies!    Although the appearance of Black Bolt looks a little strange, Huang Wen incarnation does not know that these two attacks are caused by improper control of Black Bolt's ability. In Huang Wen's incarnation, this is just a means of Black Bolt attack that's all, there is no difference like cursing before!    "Pu Tong!" A sound, but then, something happened that Huang Wen's incarnation and even all the visitors to Earth hadn't thought of happened. Black Bolt, the most powerful house of Inhumans, unexpectedly covered the owner. His mouth and eyes flashed with despair rays of light, and he knelt down, looking at the incarnation of Huang Wen imploringly.

Even, not just Black Bolt. Since Huang Wen’s avatar appeared, all Inhumans have stopped, their bodies trembling slightly. When Black Bolt accidentally attacked twice, Desperate rays of light flashed in their eyes, as if seeing the end of the day...

At this time, as Black Bolt knelt down at this time, all the surrounding Inhumans also knelt down. , Including the previously unconvincing Maximus!    "???"



After watching all Inhumans kneel down, not only It is the incarnation of Huang Wen, a group of Avengers, everyone from the Dark S.H.I.E.L.D., including those bounty hunters, with a face of bewilderment.

Especially the people of Dark SHIELD also bounty hunters. When Inhumans started to take action, they already felt that oneself was destined to not survive...

As a result, now There was a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down. Everyone looked towards Huang Wen's incarnation, because they all noticed that the direction Inhumans was kneeling down was on the side of Huang Wen's incarnation.

"en? Don't it?" A single thought flashed through the heart of Huang Wen's avatar. He seemed to understand something. He looked at Black Bolt and asked, "Do you know me?"

"..." Black Bolt didn't dare to speak at this time, and directly nodded, and then looked towards Medusa. Now the situation seems to have eased a little bit, and it should be possible for the owner's wife Medusa to speak for oneself.

"Yes, we Inhumans are fortunate to have seen the heroic appearance of the Lord..." Medusa hurriedly looked at the incarnation of Huang Wen and said, "At that time, the lord and the legendary god Chthon from Earth After rushing out, after a brief burst of breath, it disappeared......"

"Attilan’s artificial intelligence gave a world-destroying crisis evaluation, so we thought of staying away from Earth and moved to fire. On the star..."

This time, Avengers and the Dark SHIELD both know about it. The so-called unimaginable powerhouse is Huang Wen.

Before Huang Wen fought with the incarnation of Chthon, after directly sinking Dongying Island, he left Earth and left the solar system all the way to a strange galaxy, followed by a battle. Destroyed that galaxy completely...

And it is obvious that when Huang Wen and Chthon incarnate left Earth, they were discovered by Inhumans, and after Inhumans felt the power of Huang Wen and Chthon incarnation, they felt When the genocide crisis came, I hurriedly moved from the moon to fire star.

Because Inhumans doesn’t know who will win in the end, but Inhumans knows that no matter who the winner is, Earth can’t stay next to Earth anyway...

"You want to escape If it is, is the fire star too close?" Huang Wen asked Medusa as he turned into shook the head.

"Attilan is not free to relocate, we need energy, so fire star is just our short-term temporary residence. After we have accumulated enough energy, we will leave the solar system directly..." Medusa didn't conceal the slightest, but told the truth.

After all, in the eyes of Medusa and even all Inhumans, Huang Wen won the horror battle, so Huang Wen's strength might be even stronger than they imagined! In the    face of such a powerhouse, a little bit of concealment has been discovered, and I am afraid that it is impossible to escape. Medusa now only hopes that he can communicate with the incarnation of Huang Wen and see if he can bypass Attilan...

"It turned out to be like this, so after a long time, the unimaginable powerhouse is me myself?" Huang Wen turned into shook the head, with a disappointed expression.

Originally, the incarnation of Huang Wen thought that there could be a Silver Shadowman and even Galactus, but in the end it was just a misunderstanding. There is no opponent that can fight...

"Okay Well, since it was a misunderstanding...huh?" Huang Wen's incarnation came back to his senses very quickly. Since it was a misunderstanding, he didn't have to care too much with Inhumans, but he was about to say something in Huang Wen's incarnation. When, he suddenly found a mysterious and powerful breath!

And in the void beside Huang Wen’s incarnation, there is a black shadow looking at Huang Wen curiously, with a powerful breath of Death surging on his body, and it is this powerful breath of Death, Let Huang Wen's avatar perceive the existence of this dark shadow!   (End of this chapter)

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