2021-05-09   969th chapter analyzes the nature of the Aegis Board    Huang Wen hear Hawkeye, then turned his head to see faint He glanced at Hawkeye, as if with a look, and saw through all Hawkeye's careful thoughts. At this time, Hawkeye felt that oneself's whole body was no secret, and the whole person stood there a little sluggishly, speechless for a long time.

"Mr. Huang Wen..." Quake Daisy came back to his senses, looked at Hawkeye standing in place with a worried face, then looked towards Huang Wen with a little fear and shouted.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to do anything to him, I just want to let him know that sometimes, his careful thinking, in fact, everyone knows clearly..." Huang Wen calmly Shook the head, said softly.

"It is not a bad thing to have own ideas and own plans, but the most important thing is to recognize the strength of own."

"You S.H.I.E.L.D., no matter From the time of the Snake Shield led by Nick Fury, or the current Dark S.H.I.E.L.D., both have the problem of being too self-esteem!"

"You always feel that you can control much stronger than you Power, even you insist that you must control these powers in your hands, otherwise there will be problems, but what qualifications do you have?"

"We are S.H.I.E.L.D., our The mission is to protect this world..." Hearing Huang Wen's words, Hawkeye, who had been sluggish there, was like a wild beast who had been invaded by his territory, roaring at Huang Wen.

"You have never protected this world, and the world does not need you to protect it, because you do not have this strength..." Huang Wen's voice does not contain the slightest emotion, but Hawkeye listens to it There was a little disdain.

"Before, in the material world, you S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau did not make any decent protection results. I will not say, mysterious within the realm, the dimensions are guarded by Kamar-Taj, and Mutants have their own racial characteristics. Now, basically all the problems have been solved within Mutants..."

"What you S.H.I. Did you make a major event to protect Earth from S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"We defeated Hydra! We prevented Skrull’s secret invasion, and we prevented Kree’s Interstellar war!" Hawkeye hurriedly rushed Huang Wen talked about the glory of SHIELD.

"First of all, the first to defeat Hydra, or Red Skull, was Steve. At that time, SHIELD had not yet been established..." Huang Wen pointed to Steve Rogers shook the head. Said mockingly.

"Also, S.H.I.E.L.D. has become the hidden power of Hydra, have you forgotten it? It was Steve, Tony and Logan who destroyed Hydra in the end, and you have half a dime with S.H.I.E.L.D. Relationship?"

"also Skrull and Kree, how much did you S.H.I. Thanks to the Shield? You will really put gold on the face of the owner!"

"Even if it weren’t for the Avengers now, your S.H.I. Will it become your S.H.I.E.L.D. leader Avengers who won?"

"We..." Hawkeye subconsciously wanted to refute Huang Wen, but didn't know what to say, or, As the veteran of the two dynasties of Hawkeye, he knew that if S.H.I.E.L.D. had never become an underground organization, then the credit must be placed on S.H.I.E.L.D.

"So, you simply didn't do anything to protect the world. This is just your wishful thinking that's all......" Huang Wen shrugged, said softly.

"I was very happy to know that you, like Xiaoqiang and others, deal with illegal transactions in the dark. This can be considered. The transformation of S.H.I. ......"

"After all, you could not do major events before, and you disdain to do small things. When you encounter weak people, you will directly use official status to bully, and when you encounter powerhouse, you will be kidnapped morally. Even without Hydra, do you think you belong to SHIELD Is action just right? You should know better than me what you have done and what methods have you used?"

"Hehe, I know all these things!" At this time, Tony Stark walked out. It seemed that Pepper's anger had been resolved. He glanced mockingly at Hawkeye and said.

"Actually, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra are indistinguishable. Both sides want to master extraordinary powers that oneself cannot master. One wants to protect the world in name, and the other wants to rule the world. It’s not that the characteristics are so similar. How could Hydra be reborn in SHIELD?"

"I’m actually very lucky that Huang Wen directly knocked down your SHIELD as a whole and won’t turn you over. Otherwise, you can push those bad things to Hydra and advertise how oneself is clear as ice and clean as jade, out of the silt and not stained!"

"But, I From your S.H.I.E.L.D. information, you can know a lot of things, especially the means by which you get those mysterious objects. Let’s not say that it is shameful. It’s not an exaggeration to describe it as dirty..."

"Are you stealing our S.H.I.E.L.D. secret information?!" Hawkeye's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at Tony Stark angrily.

"So, are you trying to sue me?" Tony Stark's mouth raised slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. He said with a smile, "I am to your S.H.I.E.L.D. Order something, without the slightest interest. You S.H.I.E.L.D., except for the few scientific researchers, also this Daisy, have each one. I can give you a list of the crimes you have committed. Would you like to see it?"

"Based on what you have done, if the sentence is pronounced, it will be at least nearly a hundred years in prison, and even some crimes. We, Avengers, can directly deal with extraordinary incidents to help you out!"

"I have never liked you S.H.I.E.L.D., if it weren't because one of your founders was my father, you have something to do with Steve..."

"But , There is no difference, anyway, no matter which universe, S.H.I.E.L.D., you will end up with nothing in the end!"

Tony Stark is talking about the parallel universe, whether there is Huang Wen or not. Exist, S.H.I.E.L.D. will eventually be destroyed due to the exposure of Hydra, and finally turn from bright to dark, and slowly oneself to play.

"Okay, you can go now. I give you one last advice from SHIELD. On Earth, it’s not that there are no other powerhouses. SHIELD, you are still obediently and honestly doing things within their power. , Don't look at the expert low, and finally provoke someone who shouldn't be offended..." Huang Wen looked at Hawkeye and waved his hand, and said.

(End of this chapter)

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