At this time, cartloads of wood were transported from afar. The leader was the eldest elder of the Wei family, Wei Shuyi’s grandfather. He trotted up to Zhao Jing and said respectfully:

"Old senior, the materials have been shipped here. Where do you want to build the house?"

"Oh, very good, thank you for your hard work. Well~ let's just stay here." Zhao Jingzhi pointed to the side of the vegetable garden and said.

"Well, okay, old-timer, we'll start building as soon as the materials arrive."

This time, in order to build it for Zhao Jingzhi, all existing projects were stopped, and the best craftsmen in Tianfeng City were gathered together. With some people, there were hundreds of people.

And most of the people inside are accomplished warriors, not ordinary people.

Wait until the materials and manpower are in place. The Great Elder gave an order: "Everyone, start the work. We must build a house for our great benefactor in Tianfeng City as quickly as possible."

The quality of these craftsmen was very high, and the division of labor was clear. Some were responsible for measuring, some were responsible for transporting, and some were responsible for tamping the land. They started working in an orderly manner.

"Old seniors, let's try to put up the frame of this house tonight and finish the house before dark tomorrow so that seniors can live in it."

The great elder assured Zhao Jingzhi.

"Then I'll help you all." Zhao Jingzhi was very pleased. The people in Tianfeng City are so lovely and unpretentious.

"Don't you dare? Everything we do for you is right. You are our biggest benefactor in Tianfeng City!!" The Great Elder was terrified!

Yang Feng got up from the recliner: "Oh, I can't lie here and bask in the sun these two days."

The sound of ramming earth was a bit loud. Yang Feng entered the room and sat on the chair at the counter in a daze.

After a while, Zhao Jingzhi and his wife also came into the shop and said to Yang Feng: "Shopkeeper Yang, today I have cultivated almost an acre of land. Half of it is planted with vegetables. Do you want to plant some fruit trees in the other half?"

"Ah!! Just keep that half and let me think about what to plant!?"

Sigh, it would be great if the system could get some seeds of the legendary spiritual fruit and elixir.

Time passed quickly, and it was the end of business day.

Zhao Songming went back to Tianfeng City. After all, there were still people in the city to handle things, but Wei Xiaoting stayed behind and watched the progress of the project with the elder.

Yang Feng: "Tiantian, go ask Mr. Zhao and the others to come over for dinner later." After saying that, he walked into the kitchen.

"Okay, shopkeeper." Hu Tiantian walked out of the store with small steps.

Yang Feng wanted to cook a barbecue for this meal. He put the barbecue stove and charcoal from the kitchen on the table, and took out the processed bear meat from the kitchen.

Although this world is a world of martial arts, those with talent for cultivation spend most of their time practicing, while ordinary people without talent for cultivation are serving cultivators and struggling at the bottom of society.

As long as these mortals have something to eat, there is no time to study how to make food taste delicious.

For those practitioners, studying these is simply a low-level matter, so the method of cooking food is very backward.

Yang Feng made the charcoal fire, watched the charcoal fire burning brightly, and placed the processed bear meat skewers on the barbecue stove.

Turn the bear skewers over from time to time to see that the meat is a little firmer, and then brush it with oil.

Yang Feng kept turning the bear meat skewers and smearing oil on the bear meat skewers from time to time. The bear meat skewers kept making a "crackling" sound.

Xiaobai and Hu Tiantian stared at the bear meat skewers in Yang Feng's hands, and their laughter kept flowing down.

Yang Feng saw this and said with a smile, "Can you two be promising? We haven't put in the seasoning yet, so you are like this. When the seasoning is put in, you still won't be able to fly!"

The two tigers ignored Yang Feng at all, their eyes still fixed on the bear meat skewers on the barbecue.

When Yang Feng saw that the heat was almost done, he sprinkled seasonings on the bear meat.


After a while, drops of golden hot oil seeped out, slowly sliding down the lines of the plump bear meat and dripping into the charcoal fire.

Immediately afterwards, a strong fragrance wafted out, instantly filling the entire store and drifting out through the store door.

"It smells so good. It smells so good. What kind of delicious food is Shopkeeper Yang cooking?" Zhao Jingzhi and others who had just arrived at the door of the store smelled the fragrance wafting over.


Zhao Songming, Wei Xiaoting, and the eldest elder of the Wei family swallowed involuntarily.

Fragrant, so fragrant!

Zhao Songming and Wei Xiaoting couldn't forget the delicious food made by Yang Feng after they tasted it last time. This time I can finally taste shopkeeper Yang’s craftsmanship again.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Waves of soft sounds came from everyone's abdomen. Although they tried their best to restrain themselves, the aroma of the food was so profound that it seemed to blend into their own souls with a slight movement of their noses.

"Hey, this is called barbecue. It will take a while. Don't worry." Yang Feng heard everyone

As time went by, the fat on the bear meat was gradually roasted out, and a rich fragrance floated in everyone's noses.

Xiaobai and Tiantian now stood up with their paws on the barbecue grill.

Xiaobai, Tiantian, please pay attention to your image and don't drool on the barbecue. "Yang Feng reminded these two greedy tigers.

Finally, under the eager anticipation of the five people and two monsters, the bear skewers were completely cooked!

Place the grilled bear skewers on a large plate.

Everyone couldn't wait to examine the roasted bear skewers one by one. The outside was burnt and shiny, and the inside was red in color. The hot steam came out along with the aroma. Anyone who saw it would salivate quickly!

Everyone couldn't help but lick their tongues, regardless of the heat, opened their mouths and bit the meat and pulled it out.


So cool! !

So cool! ! !

The mouth was full of boiling heat, full of happiness. The meat was washed by charcoal fire, and it was already full of fragrance. With the addition of seasonings, it became more flavorful, tender, crispy, fresh, salty, and spicy. The delicious barbecue taste went straight to the tip of the tongue. Once chewed, all the unhappiness was forgotten. After chewing again, people seemed to float in the sky.

Xiaobai and Hu Tiantian had different ways of eating. They opened and swallowed with big mouthfuls, just like huskies eating dog food!

Yang Feng also picked up a bunch of roasted bear meat and ate it. Looking at everyone's intoxicated expressions, he was very satisfied. After eating a bunch, he roasted it for everyone. Humming quietly:

"Ali, Alibaba, Alibaba is a happy young man!"

Just as everyone was happily eating the grilled bear meat, the shrunken stone tablet on the counter changed.

After a burst of white light, Chen Lin floated out from inside and hovered beside the counter. He made no sound, nor did he intend to make any sound. He just looked at everyone quietly!

Yang Feng was eating grilled meat skewers and humming a song. He accidentally saw Chen Lin floating there.


Mr. Chen, when did you come out? Why didn't you make any sound? Don't you know that scaring people can kill them?"

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