Seeing that Haneda Ryuichi's attitude was so resolute, the others suddenly didn't know what to say.

Bang bang bang ...

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, which was the location of the main living room of the maternity house, and everyone turned their heads to look, but saw a blind and delicate man walking out with the support of two white-haired girls.

"What's the noise, it's all pillars, you should be united!" Yaoya said softly.

"I've seen the Chief!" Everyone respectfully bowed half-kneeling, Haneda Ryuichi bowed, he did not have the habit of kneeling, which was reprimanded by Fengzhu and others when he first became a pillar, but Haneda Ryuichi ignored it, and Yaoya did not ask Haneda Ryuichi to kneel and bow.

"Get up!" Yaoya waved his hand, and then said: "I already know about the things you are arguing about, and I already knew about the matter of your beans some time ago, and now that everyone is here, it's time to settle this matter!" "

"Lord Chief!" Fengzhu said: "Our ghost killing team is not in the same sky as ghosts, I suggest killing this ghost immediately!" "

"That's my opinion too!" Rock Pillar said in a deep voice.

"I agree!" The sound pillar nodded.

"I think I should kill this ghost too!" The snake pillar also nodded.

The other pillars, such as Kasumi Pillar, Flower Pillar Insect Pillar and others, looked at Yaoya Shikiki and asked, "What is the opinion of the chief?" "

"About You Beans!" Yaoya said gently: "Since you became a ghost, you have never eaten people, not even hurt people, she relies on sleep to replenish the strength in her body, and she also has a record of helping Tanjiro kill ghosts, I personally think that you are a good ghost, you can't treat her the same way you treat ordinary ghosts!" I even want her to join the Ghost Slayer as well! "

"Join the Demon Slayer? How can this work? Besides, she's a ghost anyway! Feng Zhu hurriedly said: "Even if she doesn't hurt anyone now, but what about in the future?" We all know how great the ghost's thirst for human flesh is, and she will definitely hurt people in the end! "

"Then let's wait until she hurts someone!" Yaoya said, "We can't hurt You Beans until she doesn't hurt anyone!" "

"This... All right! "

When Zhongzhu saw Yaoya Yaoya say this, he nodded helplessly in response.

Huazhu and the others are also relieved, Huazhu is the person who hopes that your beans are okay, she advocates that people and ghosts live in peace, you beans let her see hope, if all ghosts are like you beans do not hurt people, she is not willing to kill ghosts at will!

Unfortunately, most of the demons are evil, and they all use humans as food!

"Since everyone has no objections, let's decide so!"

Yaoya said, 'looking' at Tanjiro, and said with a smile: "Tanjiro, you have to take good care of your sister, don't live up to the expectations of all of us, if you really become like other ghosts in the future, and wantonly kill humans, we will not show mercy!" "

"Rest assured, Chief!" Tanjiro Masaseki promised, "I will definitely take care of your beans!" "

"Hmm!" Yaoya nodded: "Before, when your teacher, Mr. Tsutaki Zuojinji came to the headquarters, he also specifically mentioned the matter of your sister Youdouzi, and he also made a guarantee to me that if Youdouzi hurts someone, he will apologize for it!" I hope you don't put your teacher to shame! "


When Tanjiro heard this, his eyes immediately turned red with emotion.

Tanjiro stepped back, and over there, Yaoya Sanyashiki and the pillars were discussing some things about the mission, as well as the recent movements of the ghosts, and so on.

Here, by Tanjiro's side, my wife Shanyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Tanjiro and said, "Great, Tanjiro, the danger of your sister Douzi has finally passed, and besides, Senior Brother Haneda is really powerful, and he can protect you with the power of so many pillars alone!" "

"yes!" Inosuke also nodded violently, and looked at Haneda Ryuichi's back with some admiration: "Senior Brother Haneda is really powerful, those pillars don't dare to mess around with him alone!" "

"Senior Brother Haneda is indeed powerful!" Tanjiro also looked at Haneda Ryuichi's back with grateful eyes, he deeply understood that if there was no Haneda Ryuichi today, maybe your beans would be killed by the very vicious-looking Wind Pillar, no matter how much he resisted, he was not the opponent of the Wind Pillar, that was a pillar-level master!

But with Senior Brother Haneda here, everything is not a problem, Senior Brother Haneda alone can block the power of all the pillars, besides, not all the pillars want to kill You Douzi, Sister Chana Megumi, Sister Butterfly Shinobu did not show killing intent towards You Douzi, and a few over there also looked indifferent, it seems to be Xia Zhu, and Yan Zhu.

Tanjiro was also greatly relieved in his heart, reached out and patted the box behind him, and said in a low voice: "You bean, you can carry out the mission with me openly in the future!" "


There was a whining sound from inside the box, apparently your bean's response.

Hearing your bean's response, Tanjiro immediately showed an innocent smile.

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