Then...Conan, who became an elementary school student, also knew about Kitahara Ryuji's confession to Xiaolan.

Although he dropped out of school, he still had many friends in Teitan High School.

Even after he dropped out of school and became a small child, many people sent him text messages to tell him what happened in the school.

However, this number was the number he used before he became a small child, and the call fee in it was very high, so it was not shut down and could still receive text messages.

Conan would check it from time to time.

But after he became a small child, he never replied to text messages or made calls.

As for now, he uses a new mobile phone number, and only a few people know this number.

Even Xiaolan doesn't know his new number now.

So his friends sent this matter to his old mobile phone in the form of a text message.

Then, Conan knew about this.

Conan, who was in class, was shocked when he saw the news. The hangover disappeared in an instant. Then he stood up from his seat and said with a ferocious face:"���That guy Hara Ryuji!"

"Actually while I was away......"

However, Conan couldn't continue speaking because he felt a lot of eyes looking at him.

At this time, Conan remembered that he was still in class....


"Edogawa Conan, you actually played with your phone in class, and you were yelling, hand your phone over to me!"Kobayashi Sumiko

""Yes." Conan said weakly.

Then, he exited the text message interface and turned off the phone in one go.

After turning off the phone, Conan was no longer afraid that the content inside would be leaked.

After all, his phone needs a password to operate.

The most important thing is that he still has a phone.

Kobayashi Sumiko had a cold face, holding a pointer and looking at Conan, and said:"Write me a thousand-word self-criticism when you go back, and then call your parents over."

"I need to have a good talk with your parents about you playing with your phone in class."

Hearing this, Conan's eyes widened. It would be fine if they took the phone away, but they even had to call the parents.

My parents are now abroad!

Should I call Xiaolan over?

If Xiaolan knew that I played with my phone in class, she would definitely get beaten.

If that guy Kitahara Ryuji knew about this, he would definitely fan the flames, so Xiaolan must not know about this.

Let Dr. Agasa come over!

Anyway, he was brought to Teitan Elementary School by Dr. Agasa, and Dr. Agasa can be considered his guardian.

"yes..."Conan shouted weakly

"Now you come with me and stand outside!" Teacher Xiaolin pointed at the door with his pointer and said


Conan, unable to resist, could only stand outside the classroom.

When Conan came out of the classroom, he remembered the text message he had just seen.

"Damn it, Kitahara Ryuji actually attacked Xiaolan when I was away"

"But when exactly did it happen?"

"How could I not know this?"Conan scratched his hair.

There was no way he didn't know this kind of thing!

"Could it be..."

"Could it be something that happened last night?"Conan's eyes suddenly widened.

If it was something that happened a long time ago, he would have known about it a long time ago.

Since he didn't know, then this thing must have happened recently.

And the last time Kitahara Ryuji and Xiaolan met was yesterday.

In other words, Kitahara Ryuji confessed to Xiaolan yesterday.


"How come I was drunk yesterday?"

"And I didn't drink at all!"Conan touched his chin and began to recall the scene of last night.

Suddenly, Conan remembered something.

That is, when he drank the juice, he felt that the taste of the juice was very wrong.

But at that time, Ryuji was always picking up food for Xiaolan, so Conan didn't care so much and drank it directly.

At this time, Conan realized that he seemed to have been calculated.

And the person who calculated him was Kitahara Ryuji.

"Damn it, this guy Kitahara Ryuji actually added alcohol to my juice and got me drunk"

"After I got drunk, I confessed to Xiaolan"

"It must be like this"

""Ryuji Kitahara, this despicable guy!" Conan now wanted to kick Ryuji a few times with his foot-strengthening shoes.

Then, Conan squatted down with a distressed look on his face:"Will Xiaolan agree to this guy Ryuji Kitahara?"

"No, it won't."

"They had barely met each other, and Xiaolan would never agree to his request."

"Besides, Xiaolan and I are childhood sweethearts!"

"How could I lose to a guy who suddenly appeared!" Conan kept comforting himself in his heart.

But Conan didn't know that Qingmei was defeated by the guy who suddenly appeared.

"That's right, I'm a high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, how could I lose to an unknown second-rate detective?"

"So I must expose this guy's despicable true face!" Conan said viciously in his heart.

Conan decided that he would start collecting information about Ryuji after returning.

He must let Xiaolan know that Kitahara Ryuji is a despicable guy!

At the same time.

Ryuji was watching TV in the office.

It was relatively free today, and not many people came to commission him.

And those who came to commission him all asked him to find cats and dogs.

Now he is at least a well-known detective, so he refused these tasks.

And he is not short of money now.

Then, Ryuji looked at the time and found that Xiaolan was about to finish school.

Originally, Ryuji wanted to go to the school to pick up Xiaolan, but he gave up after thinking about it.

After all, Xiaolan is thin-skinned, and their relationship is not yet a boyfriend and girlfriend. Going to school to find Xiaolan now may cause unnecessary trouble to Xiaolan. It may even be counterproductive.

So this matter needs to be done slowly.

It's just that Ryuji didn't know that his confession to Xiaolan had spread throughout Teitan High School.

At this moment, the phone in the office rang

"Hello, this is Kitahara Detective Agency"

"Mr. Kitahara Ryuji, I have something to ask of you."

"I need you to arrive at Moon Shadow Island the day after tomorrow."

"I have already sent the reward of 500,000 yen and a letter."A deep male voice said

"Moon Shadow Island!"

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