"In fact, this guy is a man dressed as a woman, can't you see it?" Ryuji pointed at Asai Makoto who was looking at them and said.

They were not too far away from Asai Makoto, but what they were talking about just now was not too loud, so Asai Makoto probably didn't know that they were discussing his affairs

"Can makeup really be done to this extent?"Conan asked naively.

"Conan, let me tell you, some people who know how to put on makeup can really change their appearance completely!" Xiaolan looked at Conan and said.

Some people look completely different without makeup and with makeup.

It's like they are a completely different person.

So it is not particularly difficult for a man to dress up as a woman.

In the previous life, some makeup masters were able to use makeup to change their appearance, which was really terrifying.

In this world, there is also makeup, but it is still a little bit away from the previous life.

But it has a more terrifying disguise.

The representative figures are the absinthe of the fake winery. Vermouth, Conan's mother, Kudo Yukiko, and Kaito Kid.

These three guys can disguise themselves as many people, and they can be indistinguishable from the real thing, which is terrifying.

However, Ryuji did not reply to Conan's question, because the cross-dressing master Asai Makoto had already walked over.

Asai Makoto walked up to Ryuji and others with a broom, tilted his head and said:"Excuse me, are you in any trouble?"

"If you have any trouble, please tell me. I am the doctor on this island."

Ryuji took a closer look at Asai Makoto and found that he was very feminine.

It seemed that he had been dressed as a woman for quite some time and now he looked very lifelike.

Xiaolan and others were also observing Asai Makoto, but they did not find any evidence that Asai Makoto was a man.

Even his Adam's apple was covered by his collar and they could not see it at all.

Asai Makoto also found that Xiaolan was observing them and thought to himself,"Have they discovered me?"

Asai Makoto naturally knew Ryuji and Maori Kogoro.

After all, it was he who called them personally and invited them to this Moon Shadow Island.

""It's like this, Dr. Asai Makoto, we have something we want to talk to you about, but it's not very convenient to talk here. Can we go to the clinic to talk?" Ryuji said with a smile.

Looking at Ryuji and others, Asai Makoto subconsciously clenched the broom in his hand:"Okay."

"There's no one in the clinic right now."


Then, Asai Makoto led Ryuji and his group into the clinic, and Yiyi poured them a cup of tea.

After everyone was seated, Ryuji looked at Asai Makoto and said directly,"Asai Makoto, no, it should be Mr. Asanari Minoru."

"It was you who asked us to come to Moon Shadow Island!"

Hearing Ryuji's words, Asai Makoto's hands holding the teacup trembled, and he looked at Ryuji and smiled bitterly,"We were discovered so soon!"

"You are worthy of being a famous detective in Tokyo!"

When Asai Makoto was speaking, her voice had changed from a female voice back to a male voice.

It seems that Asai Makoto is not only proficient in makeup, but also has such amazing transformation skills.

Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro and Conan were stunned when they saw Asai Makoto's transformation.

It turns out that this beautiful lady is really a cross-dresser!

"After all, you have lived in Tokyo for more than ten years. If you investigate, you will definitely be able to find something."

"And I have some connections in Tokyo." Long Si said with a smile

"I see"

"I am indeed a real person."

"I was the one who pretended to be my father and asked you to come to this Moon Shadow Island."

"And you should also know what happened to my father, mother and sister! ?"

When Asanari mentioned his family, flames of hatred appeared in his eyes.

He had already found out the cause of death of his parents and sister, and also knew who killed his parents.

But he had no evidence in his hand, and there was no way to bring them to justice.

So he wanted to kill these enemies with his own hands to avenge his own death.

At the same time, he also sent a notice letter to ask Ryuji and Maori Kogoro to come and see if he could stop him from killing.

If Ryuji and Maori Kogoro could stop him from killing, he would tell them that his parents were killed, and then ask them to investigate the evidence of those people's crimes.

If they couldn't stop him, it meant that these detectives were unable to investigate what happened that year.

Then he would come to avenge.

But now, it seems that he doesn't need to avenge his parents and sister.

These detectives from Tokyo seem to be quite capable

"I know, you didn't commit suicide, you were murdered by him."

"As for the reason, it's probably because of selling laundry detergent!" Long Si said lightly.

Hearing this, Ma Cheng was surprised and said,"You actually know this kind of thing"

"It seems I underestimated you."

"There is actually this inside story!"Mouri Kogoro said on the side.

He thought that this matter was actually related to the sale of laundry detergent.

"Do you have any evidence that they are selling laundry detergent?" Long Si asked.

Masashi shook his head and said,"No"

"But I know they're using the piano in the auditorium to deliver laundry detergent."

"I don't know who the transaction was with or when.

If he knew, he would have told the police.

"But I know that the current village chief, Kuroiwa Tatsuji, has a basement in his house. There should be some very important things in it."

"If we can get into this basement, we should be able to find some evidence!" Asagi Shimizu said.

He has been a doctor on this island for several years, and he is the only doctor on the island, so it is normal for him to know some things after visiting the village chief's house.

After knowing that there is a basement in Kuroiwa Tatsuji's house, Asagi Shimizu also wanted to enter the basement, but he never found a chance.

"Does Kuroiwa Tatsuji's house have a basement?"

"It seems that we should be able to find some clues in the basement!" Long Si thought to himself.

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