Soon, Kuroiwa Tatsuji came to the deepest part of the basement.

At this time, Kuroiwa Tatsuji saw a man covered in black armor and holding a big sword beside him.

Looking at this man, Kuroiwa Tatsuji couldn't help but take a few steps back.

After all, he was more than two meters tall, and the black sword and black armor in his hand gave him a strong sense of oppression.

Although Kuroiwa Tatsuji was a little scared, he thought that he still had a pistol in his hand.

He was full of confidence all of a sudden. After all, no human can withstand the power of a pistol, even if they are wearing armor.

Ordinary armor can't withstand the power of a pistol, but the armor on Ryuji's body is not ordinary armor.

At the same time, Kuroiwa Tatsuji also saw the scrapped safe, and the things in the safe had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Kuroiwa Tatsuji's face was gloomy.

He couldn't let this guy go out today.

If this guy goes out alive, then the dead will definitely say something about him.

Because the notebook in the safe records the bad things he has done over the years.

Including the account book of his sale of laundry detergent and the fact that he killed Keiji Aso's family.

"Who are you!?"

"Take off your helmet for me." Kuroiwa Tatsuji raised his pistol and shouted at Ryuji.

Kuroiwa Tatsuji suspected that it was someone sent by his competitor.

The next second, Ryuji turned around, looked at Kuroiwa Tatsuji in silence, picked up the black sword stuck in the ground, and walked towards Kuroiwa Tatsuji step by step.

Looking at Ryuji walking towards him, Kuroiwa Tatsuji couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then said fiercely:"Stop right there, you guy!""

"If you keep going forward, I will shoot you!"

Ryuji didn't listen to Kuroiwa Tatsuji and continued to walk towards him step by step.

Are you kidding? A pistol has no effect on him. It's better to use a sniper rifle to shoot him.


Kuroiwa Tatsuji is also a very decisive person. Seeing that Ryuji continued to approach him, he shot directly.

""Go to hell!"

The next second, Long Si raised the sword in his hand and slashed forward.

The bullet shot out of the pistol was directly cut in half.

Seeing this scene, Kuroiwa Tatsuji was shocked.

He had never seen such a scene before. It was simply a fantasy that humans could split bullets.

But the facts were there, and he couldn't help but not believe it.


Kuroiwa Tatsuji sat down on the ground with a thud, looking at the man in black armor in front of him with horror.

"It’s gone already! ?"

Ryuji thought that Kuroiwa Tatsuji was a very powerful guy, but he was gone after just one shot.

What a waste of expression!

Ryuji walked up to Kuroiwa Tatsuji and picked up the pistol that fell on the ground.

Kuroiwa Tatsuji also said tremblingly:"Who are you?"

"Why did you sneak into this place?"

But Ryuji still didn't say anything.

Ryuji didn't want people to know that he was the Black Knight. After all, it would be easier to do things with an additional vest.

Detective Kitahara Ryuji, the murderer and arsonist Black Knight

"I know you've taken my account book, and I'm going to be in jail for the rest of my life, so I want to know who you are."

"Let me be a clear-headed ghost!"Said Kuroiwa Tatsuji.

He knew that he was finished this time.

And those who participated in selling laundry detergent with him would also be finished.

But he wanted to die clearly and wanted to know who it was.

Hearing this, Ryuji smiled slightly, but still did not speak.

Even this smile, Kuroiwa Tatsuji could not see.

He did not have the habit of letting people be clear-headed. It was better to be a ghost who knew nothing.

It was very dangerous to know too much.

Especially in this world, even if you know a little secret that is not a secret, you may be killed.

So it is best not to know anything.


Ryuji directly chopped Kuroiwa Tatsuji with a hand knife.

Then, he walked out slowly.

At the same time.

Because of the barking of the dog in Kuroiwa Tatsuji's house, all the surrounding residents were awakened.

Xiaolan, who lived not far from here, and Asanari Minoru were also awakened.

As for Maori Kogoro , he was still snoring.

Hearing the sound, Asanari Minoru ran out of the room in a panic:"Mr. Maori, Mr. Kitahara, the barking of the dog came from the house of the current village chief, Kuroiwa Tatsuji."

However, when Asanami turned on the lights in the living room, he found that only Mouri Kogoro was left among the three people in the living room.

And now Asanami suspects that the barking of dogs in Kuroiwa Tatsuji's house may be related to the two people who left.

Hearing Asanami's voice, Mouri Kogoro slowly woke up:"What happened?"

""Dad, Mr. Aso, what happened?" Xiaolan also came out of the room at this time.

Then, Xiaolan also found that Ryuji and Conan were no longer in the living room.

"Why aren't Conan and Ryuji in the living room?"Xiaolan asked in confusion


"These two little brats, not sleeping in the middle of the night, actually ran out! ?"

"It will really cause trouble for others!" said Maori Kogoro.

At this time, Masashi Asami on the side said seriously:"Mr. Kitahara and Conan may have gone to investigate Kuroiwa Tatsuji's house."

"What!?"Mouri Kogoro was surprised and said,"These two little devils didn't even call me and ran out to investigate on their own."

"Are they afraid that I will steal their limelight?"

"Could it be that the barking of the dog just now was caused by their investigation of the village chief’s house?"

"Are they in danger now?"Xiao Lan asked worriedly.

At this moment, the door of Ma Cheng's house suddenly opened.

���The people looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was Long Si who opened the door.

Seeing their strange looks, Long Si asked with a puzzled look:"Xiao Lan, uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"Brother Ryuji, did you go with Conan to investigate the home of the village chief, Kuroiwa Tatsuji?"

""Why don't you see Conan?" Xiaolan asked.

After all, Conan was staying with her, and it would be bad if something happened to Conan.


"I didn't go with Conan to investigate the matter. I just received a call, so I went out for a while." Long Si said casually.

As for Conan, he is still in the village chief's house, and his clothes are already tattered.

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