


The police and the ambulance soon arrived at the Beika Art Museum. The police officer in charge was still the brother, the ability user, Inspector Megure.

However, when Inspector Megure looked at Conan and Maori Kogoro, he couldn't help but complain:"You two again!""

"You still say you are not the god of death!"

"I advise you to go to the temple and worship."

"That's too much! Inspector Megure"

"You said we were the god of death."

"We are not the gods of death at all, but the cases are calling us."Mouri Kogoro protested

"It's still the same meaning!" Conan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

Then, Inspector Megure turned his head and looked at Ryuji on the side:"Why do I feel that you are almost there, Brother Kitahara!"

"Now, cases will also happen where you appear"

"Is it because I was too close to Maori and Conan?"

Hearing this, Long Si smiled and said,"Yes, it was them."

"You stinky boy!" Maori Kogoro raised his fist

"Okay, stop making trouble."

"Now it's time to get down to business." Inspector Megure looked at the two and said,"So it was you, Kitahara, who discovered that Boss Manaka was murdered, and then you saw Director Ochiai wearing bloodstained armor at the entrance of the exhibition hall?"

Ryuji looked at Inspector Megure and nodded,"Yes.""

"I saw Director Ochiai coming out of the exhibition hall at the door, with blood on his body."

"And when Director Ochiai saw me, he was clearly murderous and wanted to kill me too."

"But I took the initiative to protect myself, and I didn't know it was Director Ochiai, so I hit him a little hard."Ryuji explained.

In fact, he knew it was Director Ochiai, but he had shown mercy at the time, otherwise, Director Ochiai would have been beaten to death by him.

Then he would have become a murderer.

Hearing this, Officer Megure nodded:"Officers Sato and Takagi have already begun to interrogate Director Ochiai, and after the doctor's examination, Director Ochiai is fine."

"So you don't have to worry about these things."

When the ambulance came, the doctor in the car checked Director Ochiai here. All the injuries were superficial and not particularly serious.

So Director Ochiai was able to accept the police interrogation in the museum instead of being sent directly to the hospital.

"But how did you know something happened in the Hell Exhibition Hall?"

"You were quite some distance away from the Hell Exhibition Hall at that time! ?"Inspector Megure asked curiously.

After they came over, they went to the monitoring room to check the surveillance, and then they found out from the surveillance.

At that time, Ryuji and others were still a little distance away from the Hell Exhibition Hall, but after Officer Megure saw from the surveillance that Ryuji said something to Xiaolan and others, he immediately rushed to the Hell Exhibition Hall.

Then when Director Ochiai came out of the Hell Exhibition Hall, he happened to meet Ryuji.

Then Ryuji defended himself and knocked down Director Ochiai, who was wearing armor, with one punch.

He also left a fist mark on the armor, and this fist mark almost pierced the armor.

It can be seen how powerful Ryuji was at that time.

Hearing what Officer Megure said, Ryuji smiled slightly:"Officer Megure, this is my talent!"

"My sense of smell has been very sensitive since I was a child."

"Although we were a little far from the exhibition hall at that time, I still smelled the scent of blood."

In fact, it was not a gift at all, but what the Black Knight told him.

Now his five senses are not strong enough to smell the scent of blood from such a distance.

All this is thanks to the Black Knight.

Of course, it was not the Black Knight who said there was a smell of blood, but the Black Knight absorbed the soul of Boss Manaka and then told him.

So at that time, Ryuji knew that Director Ochiai had already taken action and killed Boss Manaka.

""Dog nose!" Conan whispered softly when he heard this.

But his voice was very small and no one else heard it.

But Ryuji is not an ordinary person. Even at such a close distance, Ryuji can still hear it.

After Conan finished speaking, Ryuji looked at Conan with a smile on his face:"Conan, this little brat actually dares to say that I have a dog nose."

"It seems that Conan really needs to be taught a lesson!"

At this time, Long Si has already started to make trouble for Conan.

Let him know that there are some things that cannot be said casually.

And Conan also happened to see Long Si's gaze towards him, and then he showed an awkward but polite smile.

"No way!"

""Is he able to hear me even though I'm speaking so quietly?" Conan thought to himself.

Conan, who was a little tingling under Ryuji's gaze, said he was going to the bathroom and ran away.

At this time, Officer Sato and Officer Takagi also came to the exhibition hall with Director Ochiai.

When they came, Director Ochiai kept his head down.

"Officer Megure, we have completed our questioning. Director Ochiai has confessed to the crimes he committed."

"He was the one who killed the boss"

"As for the motive for the murder, he agreed to sell the art gallery to Mr. Manaka because Mr. Manaka promised to continue to run the art gallery."

"As a result, Mr. Manaka broke his original promise and wanted to turn the art museum into a hotel, so Director Ochiai killed Mr. Manaka."

"Moreover, Director Ochiai was planning to put the blame of murder on Kubota."

"As for the reason, Kubota had been secretly reselling the museum's works and then using fake works to fill the gaps."Officer Sato said.

The moment Director Ochiai was knocked down by Ryuji, he knew that he could no longer hide what he had done.

So when the police questioned him, he told them everything and cooperated very well.

"Very good, Officer Sato."

"You and Officer Takagi will take Director Ochiai to the Metropolitan Police Department. Oh, and Kubota"

"Let's take this guy back to the Metropolitan Police Department as well." Officer Megure touched the brim of his hat and said.

Kubota, this guy embezzled money, also needs to be taken to the Metropolitan Police Department for questioning.


Then, Inspector Megure turned around and held Ryuji's arm:"I really want to thank you this time."

"If you hadn't happened to meet the murderer, the case might not have been solved so quickly."

"And you also helped our police a lot last time on Moon Shadow Island."

"Next time when I have time, I will definitely treat you to a meal!"


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