"I wonder if there is a notebook!"Conan said as he rummaged through Ryuji's bag.

Some detectives habitually record their solved cases or important events in a notebook.

Of course, some detectives do not choose to do this.

"If we can find the notebook, maybe we can find clues about the men in black."

The reason why Conan went to the Maori Detective Agency was to find clues about the Black Organization among the many cases.

But Maori Kogoro was a fool and didn't let Conan find any clues about the Black Organization.

And Ryuji was also a well-known detective in Tokyo, maybe there would be some clues.

Conan turned Ryuji's backpack upside down, but he didn't find the notebook that recorded the cases or important things.

"Damn, is this guy really a detective?"

"He didn't even bring a notebook, just like Uncle Maori"

"Not a serious detective."Conan complained.

As a high school detective, he often carries a notebook and pen with him to record important clues and things.

Maori Kogoro rarely carries a notebook and pen, except on special occasions.

While complaining, Conan put the things in Ryuji's gift back, and put them back according to Ryuji's original arrangement.

"That's all." Conan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Conan set his eyes on Toru Amuro's backpack again, wanting to see if there was any useful information in it.

Because Conan heard from Ryuji that Toru Amuro was also a detective before. Since he was a detective, he might be exposed to cases related to the Black Organization.

So it is necessary to search Toru Amuro.

In fact, Conan didn't know that Toru Amuro was a member of the Black Organization.

If Conan knew, he would definitely question Toru Amuro directly.

Conan is so reckless!

If Toru Amuro is a real member of the organization, then Conan's next step is to... The fate of the person will be very tragic.

He will be imprisoned by the Black Organization for a lifetime, and then studied for a lifetime.

After the study is completed, it will be Conan's death.

Fortunately, Toru Amuro was a fake bottle of wine.

However, when Conan turned over Toru Amuro to pay his respects, a needle of light flashed in the room, but Conan did not notice it.

At the same time.

Ryuji and Toru Amuro also came to the hall, but Toru Amuro said that he had a stomachache and went to the toilet after coming to the hall.

Then he ran into the toilet.

Ryuji looked at Toru Amuro's back and couldn't help but curled his lips and said,"Neither of them is a good bird."

"One person was looking through my luggage, and another person was installing a camera in the room."

"But you are far worse than me."

"You can only drink my foot washing water!"

Ryuji summoned the Black Knight when he entered the room, so every move of Amuro Toru and Conan was in his eyes.

Including when Amuro Toru secretly installed the camera, he also saw it clearly. After entering the bathroom, Amuro Toru took out his mobile phone directly, and then opened a software, and then a picture appeared on the mobile phone screen. The picture that appeared on the mobile phone screen was the picture of Conan rummaging through Ryuji's backpack just now.

Seeing this picture, Amuro Toru smiled.

Before leaving, Amuro Toru placed a pinhole camera in the room for Conan.

As a result, as soon as they went out, Conan started to act.

But all this was within Amuro Toru's expectations.

After all, when he was observing Conan, Conan also observed him. Maybe at that time Conan had a little interest in Amuro Toru.

And now, Amuro Toru and Ryuji are not in the room, and then fast forward, fast forward to the live broadcast.

After entering the live broadcast, Amuro Toru found that this kid was rummaging through his gift

"Kudo Shinichi is a very brave guy!"

"You dared to go through my backpack? Luckily I'm an undercover agent, otherwise you would be dead now."

Amuro Toru has now confirmed that Conan is the missing Kudo Shinichi.

After all, no child can go through an adult's backpack and restore it intact.

Because a child simply can't do this.

"But we still need to send someone to investigate the Kudo family."

Amuro Toru looked at his phone, then cut the screen and sent a text message to his subordinate Kazami Yuya.

【Go to Kudo Shin's house and investigate it in detail. Be careful and restore everything after the search.

Soon, Amuro Toru received a reply from Kazami Yuya.


The reason why Toru Amuro asked Yuya Kazami to be careful is because the people of the organization are likely to go to Kudo Shinichi's house to search and confirm whether Kudo Shinichi is really dead.

It would be bad if Kazami happened to meet the people of the organization when he went to search.

Because the people of the organization can do anything, and they carry guns with them. If a gunfight breaks out on the street, it will be a big problem.

That's why Toru Amuro reminded him like this.

When Toru Amuro sent a text message to Yuya Kazami, Conan had finished his work.

Conan also didn't find anything useful in Toru Amuro's backpack, so he could only put the things back in frustration.

Then he came down to the lobby on the first floor.

Even Toru Amuro came out of the toilet a few minutes ago.

When Conan came over, he found that everyone had gathered in the lobby, except for him.

At the same time, there was a deck of cards on the table. When Ryuji and others were bored, they took a deck of cards and played the game of catching ghost cards.

"Conan, you finally came down!"

"Now I am waiting for you alone." Xiaolan looked at Conan and said.

Hearing this, Conan touched his head and said embarrassedly:"I'm sorry, Xiaolan sister"

"I had a stomachache, so I went to the toilet on the second floor."

There is also a toilet on the second floor. Conan had checked it out beforehand, so he said this.

"Now that everyone is here, I will introduce it to you!" Suzuki Ayako said to everyone.

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