After discussing countermeasures, Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami prepared to leave first and come back later.

But when Toru Amuro was about to leave, he suddenly found a note on the refrigerator.

There were words on the note.

Toru Amuro frowned and took the note off the refrigerator. He found that there were only six words on it.

"Grayhara Ai!"

"Huihara Megumi!"

"Is this the name you gave to the two sisters?"

"It looks good!" Toru Amuro smiled as he looked at the name on the note.

Now the names Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi can no longer be used. If they are used, the Black Organization will definitely come to the door, and it will be dangerous at that time.

So changing the name is imperative.

Toru Amuro was worrying about what names to give Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho, but Ryuji sent a pillow to them when they were sleepy, which was really thoughtful.

Then, Toru Amuro came to Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho with the note.

At this time, Miyano Akemi also woke up, and Miyano Shiho told her sister about their bodies becoming smaller just now and what Toru Amuro had done.

At the same time, after seeing Toru Amuro's face, skin color and hair, Miyano Akemi knew that the man in front of her was the one she met when she was a child.

The two smiled at each other and didn't say much.

"Mr. FÅ«ya, this note is......"Yuya Kazami looked at the note in Toru Amuro's hand and asked.

Toru Amuro raised the note in his hand and said,"This is their future name."

"You guys choose one for yourself!"

Toru Amuro handed the slip of paper to Shiho Miyano.

Let them choose the name themselves.

Shiho Miyano took the slip of paper and looked at the name on it.

"Haibara Ai, Haibara Megumi!"

"What a strange name!"Miyano Shiho said

"But I feel pretty good'!"

"Shiho, which one do you want?" Miyano Akemi said.

Miyano Shiho looked at the note and pondered for a moment:"Let's choose Haibara Ai!"

"This is a good name."

"Then I will be called Huiyuan Hui from now on."

"But, Shiho, you look so cute like this!" Miyano Akemi said while kneading Miyano Shiho's cheeks.

Miyano Shiho's cheeks were stretched and kneaded, and she said unhappily:"Sister, you are still the same now"

"And I'm not a child anymore, you can't rub my cheeks"


""Kazami, go and get their identity information and ours." Amuro Toru said.

They are Japanese public security officers, and it is easy to get their identity information. Even if someone searches inside, they will not find any loopholes.

"I understand, Mr."

"But our name is......."

"You think for yourself!"Toru Amuro directly handed the naming over to Yuya Kazami.

After all, naming is a very troublesome thing.

Yuya Kazami:.......

Two days later.

A couple brought two cute little girls to the Kitahara Detective Agency.

The two cute little girls were Miyano Shiho and Miyano Akemi.

But now they are not called Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho, but Haibara Ai and Haibara Megumi.

As for the two adults beside them, they are Amuro Toru and Kazami Yuya.

But now they are not called Kazami Yuya and Amuro Toru. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) but Haibara Hiroshi and Haibara Miya

"Mr. Furuya, what's the matter with us?" Kazami Yuya asked.

Because Amuro Toru said that after dressing up as the parents of Huihara Ai and Huihara Hui, he would cause a car accident and get out as soon as possible, and then let Ryuji take care of the two sisters. After all,

Kazami Yuya was also dressed as a woman, so he wanted to get out as soon as possible, and he had other tasks and vacations.

It was impossible for him to stay here pretending to be their parents.

"Don't worry, it will be soon"

"It will take about a week."

""When the time comes, you can arrange a car accident and we can get out of this smoothly." Amuro Toru said.

They are Japanese police, and it is too convenient to create a car accident for themselves.

Of course, it is just a fake car accident.

"Okay, let's go in now!" said Yuya Kazami.

Toru Amuro nodded, then looked at Haibara Ai and Huibara Megumi beside him:"Ai, Hui, let's go in!"

From now on, Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami will both call them Ai and Hui.

And Haibara Ai and Huibara Megumi will also call Yuya Kazami and Toru Amuro, dad and mom.

"Got it, Dad, Mom." Huihara Ai and Huihara Megumi said in unison.

Amuro Toru nodded with a smile.

But Kazami Yuya was a little.....Suffer a loss!

Then, Amuro Toru and Kazami Yuya brought Huihara Ai and Huihara Megumi to the Kitahara Detective Agency.


"Please come in."Ryuji's voice came from inside the office.

Then, Amuro Toru opened the door.

After the door was opened, Ryuji pulled down the newspaper in his hand a little bit, revealing his eyes, wanting to see who would be the guest today. He was shocked when he saw it.

It turned out to be......Haibara Ai and Haibara Megumi.

Luckily, Ryuji is holding a newspaper, otherwise his facial expressions would be seen by Amuro Toru.

"How did Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho come to my place?"

"And the two people next to them couldn't be Toru Amuro and Yuya Kazami! ?"

"But now they should be called Huihara Ai and Huihara Megumi."

After all, he knew exactly what Huihara Ai and Huihara Megumi looked like after they became smaller.

In addition, only a few of them knew about this.

So the two adults next to them were undoubtedly Amuro Toru and Kazami Yuya.

""What are these four people doing here?!" Long Si muttered in his heart.

After he resolved his facial expression, Long Si asked,"Sir, what do you want me to investigate?"

Hearing this, Amuro Toru nodded,"Mr. Kitahara, we are not here to entrust you, but to rent a house!"

Hearing this, Long Si was confused,"Come here to build my house, what on earth do these guys want to do?!""

"We are the Huihara family who moved from Saitama Prefecture. This is my wife, Huihara Miya."

"These two are my daughters, Huihara Ai and Huihara Megumi"

"I am Hiroshi Huihara, please give me your guidance!".

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