I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 14 - 14: 190th floor

Five weeks ago, March 15, Heaven Arena.

On a five meter tatami (ring) in the middle of a large hall with hundreds of spectators, a strange man wearing a pink teddy bear mask and a red turbant around his forehead stood in front of a woman with short bleu hair in a karateka outfit.

"Today, ladies and gentlemen, an incredible fight is taking place on the 190th floor, a mysterious martial arts master wearing a pink teddy bear mask who defeated all his opponents by knocking them out. He has several times voluntarily refused to go to the next floors, otherwise he would already be on the 200th floor."

"97 Victory and defeat zero! Mad Man Pink, alias the technique thief!!"

"Mama Pink! Madman Pink!"

The room was buzzing with the name Madman Pink, some of them even wore pink bear masks.

"Madman makes me make money!"

"Good luck Madman!"

"His opponent, a silent and exceptional young woman with 21 victories and only one defeat, she crossed the 198 floors in one week, rising stars of the Arena of Heaven, only 16 years old, mistress of the Seikido martial style, Tatsukuta!!"

"Tatsukuta, we love you!"

"Tatsukuta kills the bastard, he stole my ancestral technique."

"Kill the bastard!"

"Kill the son of a bitch!"

The audience started screaming fiercely and many martial artists were watching Raigo with murderous envy.

In the last few weeks, Raigo has fought every day without exception.

Sometimes he even refused to advance to the next floor to face more people, which had earned him the reputation of being a fighting fool.

Add to this his habit of stealing his opponents' techniques and turning them against them, and he quickly became known as a brazen and ruthless technique thief who would knock out all his opponents in seconds or injure them enough to keep them hospitable for days after stealing their fighting techniques.

The atmosphere of the audience was great, the fans and punters were crazy and were chanting the names of their favorites for the greatest pŀėȧsurė of the commentary.

"The betting is over, the odds are 9.2 for Raigo and 1.9 for Tatsukuta, let the fight begin!"

The referee looked at both of them and asked them if they were ready and after they both responded positively, he signaled to start the fight.


Tatsukuta's face became serious, she put herself in a defensive position waiting for Raigo to attack her, concentrating all her attention on him.

But the seconds passed slowly.

10 seconds...20 seconds...30 seconds...

A minute passed, but Raigo didn't move and stood there glibly.

"Fucking fight! We want to see a fight!"

"Move your ȧsses, I didn't pay to see you stand still!"

The commentator then took the lyrics trying to calm the crowd down.

"As you know the participant Tatsukuta is a master of Seikido the art of energy control or called the way of energy control her martial techniques are adapted to counterattack and defense, not to lose her advantage she waits for her opponent to attack we are witnessing a psychological fight between two martial arts geniuses !!!

"So that's why they don't move? They are really masters."

"They are too strong...."

The commentator seeing the audience calm down wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the two of them on the tatami and felt like hitting them.

"Shit, if I hadn't said bullshit we'd have had a riot!"

But the two of them didn't know that the commentary wanted to strangle them to death.

The two of them were just standing there without saying a word, finally Raigo couldn't wait any longer and walked slowly towards her.

At first he wanted to let her attack him so he could copy her skills, but she refused to attack him first, which made him sigh with disappointment.

"My notorious reputation as a skill thief must scare her."

With a single step forward, Raigo appeared in front of her and struck Tatsukuta's neck with the side of his palm.

But as soon as his hand was within a few centimeters of Tatsukuta's neck, she suddenly moved her hands.

With the help of his Sharingan, Raigo saw Tatsukuta's arms move slowly, she hit his wrist with the back of her hand without him reacting, so that his attack was deflected, then she grabbed his shoulder with her hand and turned on herself.

All these actions took time to be described but in reality only three seconds have passed since Raigo launched the attack.

Raigo lost his balance and was violently thrown against the floor, he was about to fall when a smile appeared on his lips feeling Tatsukuta's solid hand holding his shoulder, in an instant he put his left hand on the floor.

His right leg bent at an inhuman angle, and using the energy of his fall, he rotated 30° hitting Tatsukuta's face with his foot, who was then forced to let go of his shoulder, thrown backwards under the power of his blow.

The referee raised his hands and showed three fingers and pointed to Raigo with his flag.

"Critical hits plus Down, three points for Madman Pink!"

Raigo came back on his own two feet and ran at full speed towards Tatsukuta who spat one of her teeth on the ground before getting up and returning to a defensive position.

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