I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 2 - 2: The murderer always returns to the scene of the crime

He sat on the floor with a thoughtful expression and sorted out the memories of the owner of this body, he was already used to this, he had done the same thing during his first transmigration.

A few minutes later, he sighed and put his hand in his pocket, removing a card with a logo and the red back with two signs (X).


It was his name, the name of the owner of this body, he was a young man who had just passed the hunter's exam a year earlier, he had no family and had passed the exam with great difficulty.

After the exam, a teacher came to meet him and taught him Ren, Ten and Zetsu before leaving without teaching him anything else.

Proud of his increase in strength, he decided to take his first job as a hunter, capturing a dangerous killer, leader of a gang raging in this city.

After a long fight to eliminate the gang's henchmen.

The final Boss appeared but before he could even attack his target, his predecessor felt a pain in the back of his back.

He then turned around with his last strength and saw a thin, bald man with a perverse smile on his lips, holding a knife with a skull of death.

The knife did not leave any gash, but Raigo was still wounded, he spat blood and then tried to escape through the alleys but he was quickly caught by the bald man who stabbed him several times with the knife, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

He then died under with a last stab in the heart.

"Buddy, we both have dog lives, but don't worry, I'm gonna avenge you."

Raigo who decided to keep that name said with a melancholic and sad look thinking of his parents Uchiha.

"Hehe, I'm glad I came back, I'm curious how you survived my soul knife."

Raigo suddenly got up and jumped backwards on reflex and put his hand in his pocket as if looking for something.

"It's true I don't have any more Kunai."

His ninja training had conditioned him to certain reflexes like immediately taking a Kunai at the slightest enemy presence but he wasn't in the ninja world anymore.

He looked at the familiar skinny man with a sadistic smile and a knife walking towards him.

The man looked at him with interest while walking slowly, he noticed the change in Raigo's eye but he ignored it, thinking that it must be the work of a wound.

"Let me slice you into pieces hehehe!"

He licked the blade of his knife, then a slight white aura surrounded his body and he accelerated towards Raigo.

An evil and murderous aura attacked Raigo who had the feeling of being frozen for a brief moment.

He saw through his eye the aura that surrounded the man, surprising him slightly, he concentrated and the same aura came out of his body through each of his shôkô.

"So that's the nen!"

He clenched his fists feeling his physical strength tenfold, this energy was extremely pleasant, more than the chakra or anything else, he bent down and easily dodged the lean man's attack and then lowered his center of gravity and kicked him in the stomach.


He retreated and threw up on the ground and without even thinking launched a second offensive.

He moved at his maximum speed and jumped towards his opponent with a big smile but suddenly his heart leapt into his ċhėst.

He saw a smile on his opponent's face at that very moment.

He then paid polite attention to the eyes of his prey, their eyes met, seeing the scarlet eye of his opponent coupled with the smile of his opponent, he was afraid.

He wanted to retreat but it was too late, his opponent dodged his attack once again, then grabbed his arms and with an iron fist twisted them.

*Crack* *Crack*

He heard two strange noises before feeling great pain.

"AGH !!"

He dropped his knife, which immediately dissipated as if it made of air and he fell to the ground with cries of pain.

Raigo's smile disappeared, with a serious and impassive face, he grabbed the man's head and broke his neck in a single movement.


The man's head fell to the ground, his screams disappeared, all traces of life slowly faded from his eyes, Raigo sighed with a strange expression and then slowly left the dark alley towards the light streets of the city.

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