I Own A Sharingan

Chapter 32 - 31: Curse

Raigo thought for a brief moment before starting to tell them what he had seen, but just when Raigo was about to say it Judi interrupted him.

"No wait boss, don't tell us anything."

She looked at him with the greatest seriousness, her words made everyone look at her as if to tell her to explain herself.

She looked at him with the utmost seriousness, her words made everyone look at her with a slight surprise, Raigo asked her.


"It's quite simple, the fact that the black aura attacked the boss after he detected something he shouldn't have, makes me think the boss must have been struck by a curse."

"A curse..."

Daniel then thinks of the scene where the aura gnaws at Raigo's flesh at full speed and feels slightly frightened.

A curse also called an imprecation, malediction, execration, malison, anathema, or commination is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object.

Nen can be used to place a curse on others. They are considered dangerous because of their long-term effects.

Curses can disappear if certain conditions are met by the cursed person, but they can also be eliminated by using Nen.

Curses can be devastating depending on the power or emotions of the user, if the user has a strong enough will, he can even strengthen his curse after his death.

"I will recognize a curse of nen among a thousand, you have to be very careful when you talk about a curse, just describing it can activate it, especially if the curse was triggered to protect a certain information."

"Especially this tower surrounded by a strange symbol that was able to put such a powerful curse on boss, what hurt the boss was surely a curse from a powerful nen user, boss, are you an exorcist?"

"I can't tell you my Hatsu is powerful enough to save me from death but these conditions are so strict that if I talk about it I'll be in danger." Raigo shamelessly lied to avoid talking about his Sharingan in more detail, the rest believed him, because they had already speculated that such a Hatsu must have extremely stringent conditions.

"Do you think there are one or more nen users on this island?"

Karla couldn't help but ask, since they arrived on this island, too many strange things had happened, she couldn't believe that it was all just a coincidence.

"It's likely."

Judi said pensively, Raigo who was silent until he stood up slowly.

"I don't think there are nen users on this island, in my opinion it's this tower that is responsible for the curse, maybe the inscriptions on it are some kind of defense mechanism, attacking anyone who is a little too curious, but let's not think about it any more, we'll discuss it tomorrow."

Raigo who was tired, went to lie down in the tent with the help of Husun.

"This expedition is a disaster in itself, we should never have accepted this damn expedition."

"Don't say that darling, we accepted this mission knowing it could be dangerous."

Judi hearing Daniel's words sighed and shook her head remaining silent.

"Husun and I have already transcribed all the symbosls of the tower, the boss will surely move camp tomorrow, just with the sacred symbols discovered our expedition is already a success."

Karla said in a comforting tone to Judi who looked depressed, but these words did not comfort Judi, who sneered.

"This is a precious discovery if only we can bring it back, right now we're a prisoner on this island and even a fool would understand that your so-called boss lied to us about his means of communication with the mainland."

"Be careful what you say, Judi."

Karla's aura escaped violently from her body to the point of blowing out the campfire, Judi stood up and looked her into eyes as a thick layer of aura quickly surrounded her.

"Or else what?"

"Calm down, this is no time to be fighting!"

Daniel and Husun tried to calm them down and succeeded only after several minutes of effort.

They finally left and sat down each of them with their own corners without speaking, making Daniel and Husun sigh with relief.

The mood at the beginning of the world deteriorated when Daniel, seeing Judi depressed, sighed and shook his head.

"Let's go to sleep, tomorrow will be a rough day."

. . . . . .

The next day, Raigo, who had recovered half of his strength, helped everyone to do his business.

He had decided to go deeper into the island, he noticed that the general mood of the group had dropped a lot since the day before but he didn't ask any questions about it, he just looked at the provisional map that Judi had made.

"Good work."

"Where's my backpack?"

Raigo asked as he put the can of food on the ground.

"I saved it for you."

Karla got up and brought him back his backpack, he thanked her, understanding that she must have done that so the others wouldn't know he was lying.

"No need to thank me, they already know."

"I see, that's why they're in such a bad mood."

A few minutes the group decided to move forward, Raigo took a last look at the tower and then advanced into the jungle without turning around, followed by his employees.

. . . . .

Chapter publish thanks to the Ptreon


- Quellec

And The Viking Sondre !!

Thanks to them (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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