I Own The Sand Table And Create The Strongest Supplier!

066: Nie Jielin? Exploring The Inland Gold Mines!

"Morris. In the future, if you need any materials and equipment, please contact Joel.

Joel can enter and leave the world sand table, and can help you buy items that can be bought outside. "

"Thank you, my boss!"

Morris said happily:

"We also agreed to find those who are about to die together. By the way, boss, do you want people from Maoxiong Country?"

"From Mao Xiong's family?" Qin Yi was a little surprised: "Do you know anyone?"

"I know someone who is a chemical and pharmaceutical researcher. Although he is American, his life in the Stars and Stripes is not very good."

"Morris, remember, for third world companies, as long as they are capable and capable researchers are fine." Qin Yi urged.

"OK! I see." Morris nodded.

At this time, an old physicist said:

"We have so many munitions materials here, if the horrible Nejielin of Maoxiong's family is here, it is really suitable for him."


Qin Yi listened to the name.

It feels a little familiar.

It seems that I have heard it in the previous life.

He couldn't help but look at the old man:

"Mr. Bill, what is the identity of the Negerin you mentioned?"

Leopold Bill said immediately: 280 "He is a military research expert of Mao Xiong's family, and he is also a commander!"


A flood of familiar memories welled up.

Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin!

The top expert who died at the scene due to the explosion of the P-16 intercontinental missile due to disobedience to advice!

There are dozens of general and school-level rocket experts and technicians, as well as hundreds of other related technicians.

At this moment, Qin Yi's eyes burst out with brilliance!

It can be said that without this group of people, Mao Xiong's family's military research has also suffered a heavy loss!

"October 24th!"

Maybe it was because of eating the spiritual fruit later, or maybe it was because of the exposure to relevant information.

All the related memories of reading the news suddenly flooded out.

"That's right! He died on October 24 this year!"

Now, Qin Yi remembered.

I haven't been exposed to related things before, so I didn't think about it.

Now he knows all about it.

Nedelin died at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

This place belongs to the country of Haktan.

The territory of Maoxiong Kingdom is very large now, Baikonur is Maoxiong's space launch site and missile test base! (cced)

"Today is already the 4th, that is to say, there are still 20 days!"


Qin Yi nodded happily.

He's not interested in reminding them, but he's interested in taking them away!

"It seems that my soul collector and temporary shield came in handy.

No matter what the situation is, he can take them away.

The only difference is whether the body can save it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Bill. They'll join Third World Corporation.

Alright, you guys go back first, and you need to persuade more people who are about to die to join the Third World Company later. "

Sending Morris and other sixteen people away from the world sand table, Qin Yi also returned to Tianshuiwei.

After Joel handed things over to the three sisters of the Yang family, he would leave with a $10 million check and 20 core members.

Go to the Stars and Stripes to set up a procurement company, which is responsible for the procurement needs of companies in the third world.

He can also be liberated by arranging the trivial matters in the world sand table.

I checked the time, it was already around 7pm.

It was getting dark.

These days, in the era when electricity is not popular, and there are no recreational activities, kerosene is saved, so people in the area go to bed early.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

It's commonplace in this day and age.

Open the transfer map and go back to Tianshuiwei first.

Then teleport to the first gold mining area.

The next step is to explore the gold reserves of the ten coordinates.

The first location is also Dongshan Province with the most coordinates.

Located in the Jiaojia Gold Mine Area in Ye County, Laizhou.

Also just discovered one.

Near Matan Village, Qin Yi appeared in the mountains of this small village.

The moment it appears, the hint follows.

——[The contract is signed, and the resource exploration data of this land has been completed. 】

Then, the data of the underground exploration emerged——

1 iron: 967.12 tons

2 silver: 168.63 tons


4 copper: 26.64 tons

5‧Aluminum: 24.13 tons


7‧Zinc: 9.2 tons

"Hey, this gold mine resource is not bad."

Looking at this data, Qin Yi was quite surprised.

The total content is as high as 86.462 tons.

If it were in the 21st century, it would be worth 30 to 40 billion.

Of course, he understood that this was the end of System Detective's class.

If the current technology is used to mine, it will only be 60 to 70 tons at a large scale.

"Forget it, let's calculate according to the amount of 85.462 tons. That one ton is considered a loss."

"The average ore grade is 8.18 g/t, the gold metal content is 85,462 kg, the ore bodies are concentrated, the underground water inflow is not large, and the veins are buried shallowly. It is a super large gold deposit....

"No, later generations heard that Jiaodong in Dongshan Province is a super gold mining area."

"The Jiao family is one of those areas."

"What I saw was only part of the scope of Jiao's home written by the inland personnel."

"If it covers the entire Jiaojia, or even the entire Jiaodong area... hiss~!"

"This reserve is at least four to five thousand tons? Or more?"

He thought, if the mainland uses this Jiaodong as a mortgage, he can expand to about 500,000 mu!

Don't think about it anymore, pull back your thoughts.

85.462 tons of gold, calculated based on the exchange of one gram of gold for 134 catties of rice! Enough to buy 5,725,954 tons of rice!!"

"Rice and wheat add up to 1.5 million tons a month!"

"Even if all 190,000 mu are cultivated, it will only be 3.42 million tons! It will take two months!"

"In exchange for some weapons?"

But this is just his own idea, what happens next is still the meaning of the mainland.

Use a notebook to record these data and save it for the disguise team behind to deal with it.

Five or six minutes later, Qin Yi started to move to the next location.

Still in Dongshan Province, Mishima Gold Mine.

There are only discoveries here, but no mining.

The area is not large. The coverage area is only forty or fifty mu of land.

The area is not as good as Jiaojia.

The data appears.

Sure enough, the reserves of gold are 27.136 tons.

The remaining mineral reserves are much smaller.

"If Xiang Fei and the others expand the area, it is estimated that there will be more gold reserves."

But this also shows that this location is also a super-large gold mine, as long as the area is expanded!

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really a person who doesn't know how rich he is, and a person who doesn't know how poor he is!"

"I'm so envious!".

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