Shouldn't she be trying to make herself look at something that is easy to get 404?

Ha ha!

Am I Pangu like that?

I will never open this video!

Even if I was exhausted to death, besieged to death by three thousand demon gods, and calculated to death by Dao Dao, I would never click on the video!


Stark Tower, Iron Man Tony has recovered.

He kicked out the expert professor-level doctor that Little Pepper kindly invited.

"Little Pepper, I said I'm fine, I'm not sick."

"Okay, Tony, you're not sick, but since the doctor is here, why don't you check it out?" the little assistant surnamed Gan requested.

"I said no, I'm really not sick."

"OK. OK, OK!" Pepper stopped arguing, she was still an employee, at least temporarily.

Stark Tony also sent Pepper out, and he looked at the chat group of the heavens and the world.

Since Pangu joined the group, the chat interface has been cold.

I am poor Tony: "Why don't you talk anymore?"


The white-robed empress on the top of the barren mountain heard a ding dong in her mind.

"I thought it was God Pangu who gave some advice, but it turned out to be another group member."

As a ruthless man whose aptitude is not as good as mortal body, he walks against the sky step by step, and finally reached the peak, but he has actually gone through a lot of hardships.

She deeply knows that when she comes to a new place, she needs to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.

Seeing Tony's message, she thought about it and said hello.

Not to become immortal but to wait for your return in the red dust: "Hello everyone!"


As a mission in the martial arts world, Yue Buqun is dedicated to Huashan.

He took his family to pay homage to Pangu on the top of Mount Hua.

The daughter was beside her, already whispering to her wife that she was hungry.

His wife, Ning Zhong, asked Yue Buqun softly. After visiting the shrine for so long, is it time to go to dinner?

Just at this time, Yue Buqun saw the group chat message.

Unexpectedly, he thought: "Maybe for a while, there is no way to hug God Pangu's thigh."

"However, this newly arrived Ruthless Great Emperor is majestic and domineering when he hears his name, and he also mentioned the immortal when he changed his name."

"He must be a great boss. Even if he can't compare to the Great God Pangu, he must be a thousand times stronger than me."

"The big guys in the group can't be offended, they all need to have a good relationship."

Thinking of this, Yue Buqun immediately spoke:

"Hello, new boss, I'm Yue Buqun, the head of Huashan, and Yue Buqun has met the boss."

After posting the video, Nie Xiaoqian had the same idea as Yue Buqun.

I may not be able to hold the thigh of the Great God Pangu. As a low-level kid, I still try my best to have a good relationship with other bigwigs.

Little Ghost Nie Xiaoqian: "Hello, new boss, I'm Little Ghost Nie Xiaoqian. Nie Xiaoqian has met the boss."

With the precedent of Pangu before, what Whitebeard likes to say in his daily life, he dare not say it now.

Just learn from Yue Buqun and Nie Xiaoqian.

Come and be my son: "Hello, rookie boss, I am One Piece Whitebeard, and Whitebeard has seen the boss."

At this time, it was still Marquis Vauban, the oldest and strongest god-killer who kept a ninety-degree bow.

He's scared now, really scared.

In the past, he killed an unknown number of disobedient gods, deprived them of their power, and unconsciously became arrogant.

When Pangu and Ruthless were still in the group, he and Stark Tony, these two arrogant people, got into a fight in the group, and finally met in the arena.

The Marquis of Worban hammered Stark badly.

So Stark has been designing new steel armor recently, and it's not as arrogant as before.

However, Marquis Woban, who hammered Iron Man across the world, became even more arrogant.

He happened to be a god-killer, and seeing that Pangu, who was new to the group at that time, was a god, provocation was inevitable.

Now he has some humility as an old gentleman.

It's really not a marquis: "Hello, newcomer, I am the oldest and strongest god-killer, Marquis Woban. Marquis Woban has seen the boss."

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