"Even if you eat more, you probably won't feel anything."

"Yue Buqun has a wife and daughter, White Beard has a godson, Tu Shan Susu has sisters Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rong Rong, and even the Ruthless Emperor has his own brother to wait for."

"On Blue Star, I'm also an orphan, but I don't have any relatives."

"However, when I wake up and become Pangu, is my body on Blue Star the same body as my current body?"

When Pangu calmed down, he thought of more questions.

With chaotic matter, a palace was created, and some furniture was also created.

Pangu's thoughts moved, and a large floor-to-ceiling mirror in the distance came to him.

The person in the mirror was seven or eight similar to Blue Star's previous self.

To be precise, it should be Blue Star's own strength after reaching the half-step Great Dao Realm.

The reason for such a feeling is that Pangu has no memory of the great god Pangu at all!

In addition, as the great god Pangu, who is a half-step great realm, how could he be taken away by an ordinary person?

This is so unscientific and unbelievable!

"Could that be the case?!"

Pan Gu suddenly thought of a possibility!

That was his own sleep. He thought he had slept in Blue Star, but in fact he had slept in chaos!

A sleep on the blue star, at most, is a sleep until dawn.

But in the midst of chaos, who knows how long he slept?

In the chaos, there is no concept of time at all before the world is created!

Pangu felt that he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary!

He always thought that there was a great god Pangu.

When he woke up, it was very likely that he had taken away his body and became him.

But if, he slept in chaos.

So... tsk tsk!


However, there is still a doubt.

That is, when I came to this chaos.

Originally there was Pangu here.

Perhaps at that time, it was not called Pangu, but should be called the God Embryo!

These are all conjectures of Pangu. Whether it is true or not, he is not sure yet.

Anyway, this body that exudes divine brilliance and rhythm is his own body, which should be correct.

As for this body, when I was in Blue Star, I traveled here, and then gradually upgraded to the current state.

Or, this body was created by his own soul crossing over and bred in chaos.

No matter what kind it is, this is Chu Feng's own body, that's right!

"Now, let me check myself and see if my body is the upgraded body that I passed through from the blue star, or is it a new body that was born from chaos through the soul?"

PS: I hope that when reading the book, the comments will not insult parents.

The author has not seen anyone writing about Pangu, nor does he know what Pangu is like in your imagination.

From the beginning to the end, it has never been written that the great god Pangu has memory, nor has he written about the loss of the house.

The author has a complete set, please believe the author. .

=== Chapter [-] Just Lemon! 【Seeking support】===

"too strong!"

"I'm really too strong!"

"So powerful that I don't even know how to describe it!!!"

Pangu, who checked his body by himself, couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

At this time, Pangu just felt that he was powerful.

If I had to describe it, only Pan Gu, who had been in Blue Star for twenty years, would not be able to describe it at all!

Just like there is no concept of time in chaos, Pangu has become so powerful that he has no concept.

Apart from Dao, he is the most powerful!

Even the Great Dao is afraid of Pangu!

Obviously, Pangu's strength is already strong enough to have the opportunity to kill Dao!

The law of Pangu... the law of power, is the first of the three thousand laws.

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