After listening, I thanked Jiuchen Dongshan, left Mange and went to the peak, and galloped down the mountain.

In the past few days, the Shangqing Shengjing Taishi Showa and the Shangqing Datianzun Tiancang, two people, one person and one product, managed the Shengjing family, a small city in Cangzhou, Beiming, in an orderly manner.

The population has been on a slight upward trend over the past year.Commerce on the main city streets became more prosperous, farmland was reclaimed, peasants were fed, officials became more clean, and the laws of Shengjingjia were implemented, which can be described in the words of the people of Shengjingtai

On this day, the Shangqing Holy Land was in the early dynasty. Showa and Tiancangyi were seated in the hall, facing all the ministers, and behind it was Sima Shengjun's Creation Yuanling Chair.

In the days when Sima Shengjun was away, they still obeyed the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, and did not dare to have any extravagant expectations.Besides their loyalty, the name Pangu was also their biggest shock.

Suddenly, Chong Wende, the minister of the Ministry of War, suddenly stood up and said: "I received the shadowless eagle released by Gan Tianyu, the general of Pingbei yesterday. The Beiming Refuge suddenly dispatched a thousand troops to my sanctuary. He has arrived at the Sunset Reserve and is on the verge of From my reserve, head north to Chaoyang City!


The sky suddenly jumped up from his chair.

"and also!"

Chong Wende went on to say: "General Yuan Lingqie of Pingnan also issued an emergency report. Eight million troops also entered Zheng Shengjing from the Dayansheng border, and the target should be our southern border, Charlotte County-!"

"Clap your hands!"

Tian Cang fell into the seat, and the whole person became stunned.

This news is so shocking, so urgent, so important. Shameless!

These two holy places have no identity, and at the same time, they brazenly invaded and attacked the Shangqing.

Showa was still relatively calm. After listening to Chong Wende's report, he immediately made a deployment:

"With my superior strength, it is really difficult to meet the enemy on both sides. It is better to reduce the force and concentrate on defending the Holy Land. Others in the county will not leave a soldier to them. In their capacity, they will not Massacre the city, eh?"

0 ・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

Tian Cang stood up and said, "I don't agree! I, the Holy Land of Shangqing, will fight for every inch of land and will never leave it to the enemy!" Showa glanced at the excited sky and said : "My garrison in the Holy Land is less than [-] people. If I divide my troops to fight against the enemy, I am no match for these two Holy Lands at all. If I lose this war, the great rivers and mountains of the Holy Land will surely be ravaged. It is best to Withdraw our troops, shrink our defenses, and then we'll send someone to Dangshan Mountain for help. There's still a chance to win!"


Tencang glared at Showa and tried to refute him, but didn't know how to refute him.He concealed what he said.

tell your sheriff to get out

"I disagree!"

At this time, Minister of the Interior Li Wenqing, standing below, stood up and said, "If you give up resistance, what will the people in the city do?"

Showa said slowly, "We can tell people the truth, let them go, and leave the ghost town to the enemy."

The officials talked a lot and finally adopted the Showa method.Throughout the process, however, the word "surrender" was never mentioned.three.

=== Chapter [-] Unknown premonition! 【Please customize】===

When Pangu arrived at Shangqing Shengjing, three days later, he returned to Xialuo County on the border of Shangqing.Suddenly, Pangu remembered the past when he and Gu Yue joined the army.He felt a pleasant smile, then added a melancholy.

But Charlotte County today is different than it used to be.Only the army can be seen in the streets and alleys, hardly anyone.No doubt I looked around and saw that the streets were lined with shops and market squares, but the roads were a mess.

An unknown premonition suddenly rose in Pangu's heart. He immediately ran to the position of the garrison. Upon closer inspection, the city was still the supernatant of the army.

"Brother, do you know where all the people in the city go?"

Pangu asked a Hongmeng.

When Hongmeng saw a well-dressed young man asking himself, he pointed to the notice on the wall and said, "Don't you know? Dayan's holy place is about to be named. We have issued a notice to let the people of the city flee. You should leave too. Our troops will leave tomorrow."

"March? Where to go?"

Pangu said hurriedly.

"Where else can I go? The meeting will be held in Qingcheng. Our current strength can only shrink our defenses and wait for reinforcements."

The soldier pouted and continued: "I've been stationed here for nearly seven years, and now I really don't want to let us go."

Pangu lowered his head for a moment and pondered for a while, and immediately understood the intentions of Showa and Tiancang. Pangu of the previous generations was the advisor of the highest wisdom. Showa's move was the only way. Life is much better, and with the current disparity in strength, even if the fish die and the net is broken, it may not be possible.

After listening to the soldier's words, Panguluo calculated that he would turn around and head south.When the soldiers behind him saw Pangu, they shouted from behind: "Brother, that direction is Dayan's attack on us. You might as well change the way you escape." Pangu didn't seem to hear the general's words, and just strode south. out.

The soldier was stunned, shook his head, and continued to stand guard.

Leaving the city, Pangu's shape flashed, Xuan Shi's body appeared in nine vertical directions, and his body appeared at a height of one thousand meters. He looked down and saw that hundreds of miles away were already billowing with dust, and the horses were raining like rain. Ten thousand soldiers and horses marched on the vast holy land of Nanzheng, the vanguard of the team had almost reached the holy land of Nanzheng, while the tail still fell on the edge of the holy land of Yellowstone 0 ......

Pan Guhou calculated in the air that if things continued like this, the army would be able to reach the border of Shangqing Shengjing in at most three days.

It was night, the army stopped to repair, and the soldiers in charge of food had already started to dig pits to make rice. One pot could make rice for ten people. The whole [-] pots were placed on the vast land, and countless strands of smoke rose up into the sky. It's a cloud of black smoke.

Pangu stands in the sky.The divine knowledge of the Seven Heavenly Creator was released.The radius is a thousand miles away, and it is very discerning.

Then, a smile appeared on Pangu's face 0.3, "Gan Kun is really cautious in his work. There are only seven soldiers in an army of eight million."

In order to prevent anything from falling, Gan Kun instructed Dayan Holy Land to attack supernatural forces this time, but did not send a single soldier in the sect.Even these seven fighters are Dayan Holy Land's own.Therefore, as long as the Sword Sect people dare to stand up, they will be accused of interfering with the Holy Land of the Earth. .

=== Chapter [-] Who?How dare you break into the barracks! ! 【Please customize】===

Thus violated the code of the Holy King!

At that time, Gan Kun can go to Lu Ya Dao Renxing to complain.What kind of killing would it be to repel an army of ten thousand people?

This is strange, even Jianzong does not dare to recite it casually.

Thinking of this, Pangu's eyes appeared a little new, and then his body swooped in the direction of the Dayan Holy Land army like an eagle!

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