Pangu thoughtfully remained silent.

The arrival of this floating cloud in Bai is reasonable and unexpected.

In fact, he did not expect at all that even if he came here with such great power, he could deceive the people of Vientiane Sanctuary.

The stronger the master, the stronger the bond.Using various causal relationships and using the dragon energy as an introduction, we can perform divination calculations and draw a general conclusion.

However, the masters also have hidden methods that are easily discovered by unusual people.

Therefore, he guessed that the reason why Baiyun was able to find himself so quickly was that someone tipped them off from behind.

And that informant, perhaps from Cangyun Refuge, was just staring at himself.

His actions this time, though also secret, were spread by moving circles on the main rudder, past the northern desert family, turning and rolling in many places.Ordinary people only know that they have been here, but they do not know where it is.

Bai Fuyun added: "I wonder if Daoist Hongjun can drive over and talk in my dojo." Wouldn't it be very fast for you and me to talk about metaphysics happily?

This is to invite Pangu as a guest with the respect of a giant.

To be fair, this is not an unacceptable condition.If an outsider personally came to the area controlled by Cangyun Sanctuary, Tiger Sage, Deng Weng, and the new Jin Taishang Sage Pangu, it would be difficult to "invite" them.

By default, all the forces of Dugu Xiaoxuan check and balance each other among the great powers, restricting their actions against Dugu Xiaoxuan. This is an unwritten rule.They are all chess players, not pawns.

But after thinking for a while, he said, "I'm sorry." There was a reason for this incident.We can't get out of here for a while.After the dust settled, we went to your house to disturb. "

"Huh?" Hearing that Pangu rejected his proposal, Bai Fuyun's expression was slightly Datian Dao.


But soon, Bai Fuyun laughed again.

Although it seemed a little reluctant, I still agreed: "Okay, this position is presumptuous. Although the Great Sage Dugu Xiaoxuan is an accident, my disciples of the Holy Land and the Dugu Xiaoxuan princes are in the market here, if necessary, Just tell them."

If it weren't for Pangu's brilliant achievements, and he had not yet ascended to heaven, he recently killed Lao Zuzhi in Donghongjun, Donghai, and even the master of the Yasha clan. .

=== Chapter [-] is reckless and excessive! 【Please customize】===

Baiyun would not be so polite to the remnant of the ancient cultivator and the famous Baizu Zhenjun.

Unconsciously, in the eyes of outsiders, Pangu is already the highest existence.Even if you come here in person, you can't be too reckless.Change your mind

“Don’t walk around these days. Vientiane Refuge noticed us. It’s best not to stimulate them until they come to Wang Ran

After all, the final key is still in this position.

After Bai Yun left, Pan Gu said to Wu Qiyang- and others.

"Yes." Wu Qiyang and others responded quickly.

Pangu was right.Now that he has come in person, all arrangements should be based on him.

And if there is a final battle, it is obviously after Wang Ran and the others came out of the secret place, and sent a signal to call him forward.

With the power of Pangu, as long as you reach Wang Ran and the others, and satisfy them in time, you can protect your interests.

Those who can fight him are just top players in the same heaven.

Regardless of whether the masters are willing to fight him or not, it is said that this is no longer a battlefield where ordinary warriors and soldiers can participate.


Time is waiting day by day, and before you know it, it is already the end of July.

Suddenly, outside the valley of impermanence, a colorful rainbow rose to the sky, like a flying sword shooting straight into the sky.

This rainbow light appeared very quickly and disappeared very quickly, almost disappearing in the blink of an eye.

However, this place is where the wind and clouds meet, and all the warriors of Dugu Xiaoxuan came because of the rumor of the birth of the treasure, so Dugu Xiaoxuan is thousands of miles away, and almost all the warriors who pay attention to this matter have noticed this.

"If you are born with a vision, you will have great wealth. Is this the legendary ancient fairy cave palace?"

"It seems to be in the Blackrock Rift to the east. Let's see."

At this time, many cultivators rushed there.

"Commander, there is movement in the Rift Valley.

At the place where Pangu stayed, Wu Qiyang also rushed over and reported to him.

Pangu was sitting cross-legged on the cloud bed in the room, his spirit was like a dragon, lingering around his body, and his whole person was like a ghost.

When he heard this, he opened his eyes.In the eyes of the stars, an indescribable light flashed, and his deep eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all the secrets of the world.

0 ・・・・・ Ask for flowers 0 ・・・

"This seat will know." He stood up, stepped out of the cloud bed, and said to Wu Qiyang, "Call your people, let's go and have a look."


These days, everyone at the military personnel is staying in place, even Baer and Hong Zhongkun are confined to the block where they are staying, and they are not allowed to go out at will.Therefore, after the Pangudian order was given, Qi Mingshan, Ximenman, Feng Yun and others caught up and went out with Pangudian.


After a while, Jiutian Mingdi Datiandao Fa became a huge tiger, darting across the city like an iceberg, straight to Dugu Xiaoxuan, who was rising from the rainbow.

This scene was immediately discovered by the people in the Vientiane Holy District waiting for Dugu Xiaoxuan. They rushed to the Great Rift Valley and quickly notified Bai Sheng Da Zun!

Not long after, in the sanctuary in Vientiane, Baiyun heard about it.

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