Woban laughed: "Haha, big shit, you forgot Zeng Jin was in the arena, did you get hammered by me for wearing this iron lump?"

Tu Shan Susu was eating snacks, and asked Stark vaguely if he was giving her a red envelope to invite her to eat snacks.

Nie Xiaoqian felt it: "Tony, you won't tell me that the big red envelope you want to give me is the armor on your body, right?"

Tony pointed at the Iron Overlord and raised his middle finger, indicating that his father's friends around him could attack him at will.

He calmly said to Xiaoqian: "Xiaoqian, you guessed it right, I want to give you a battle armor, but not the one on me, but the one on my uncle opposite."

Tony told Xiaoqian that if he wore the armor, he would not be afraid of the sun.

And Tiebawang's machine guns, missiles and anti-tank rockets have a good chance of winning against Grandma Dryad.

As he spoke, Iron Overlord had already launched an attack.

On the right hand is a 20mm caliber cannon, a large number of bullets poured out and shot on the Mark [-].

Sparks were flying, but nothing was hurt.

"Damn, Tony's Mark One, how can it be so strong?"

The six-shot missiles on the right arm of Tiebawang directly fired two missiles at a time!

After the deafening explosion, Tony's Mark [-] sank into the pit, but there was still no damage.

He arrogantly hooked his finger at Tiebawang, indicating that he could also try the anti-tank rocket behind him.

Rockets come and missiles come at the same time!

The immersive group members are no longer worried about Tony's safety.

The experience of the first two Iron Overlord attacks is already the best explanation.

"This big piece of shit, shouldn't he fuse the empty soda can with the iron lumps on his body?" Whitebeard guessed.

Marquis Vauban nodded: "It should be, definitely, absolutely!"

Yue Buqun just lemon: "This guy is really shit luck!"

"Oh, Xiaoqian and Tony both know the usefulness of their baby, but mine is a chicken bone!"

Tu Shan Susu's sister Tu Shan Yaya, and tried to bite the bone.

Just like Tony before, even Tu Shan Yaya, who is the head of the nine-tailed celestial fox, never bit the chicken bones left by Pan Gu.

Xiaoqian comforted: "Don't worry, maybe soon you will know what magical effect your chicken bones have."

The battle came quickly and ended quickly.

Speaking of Tony, he is also an unscrupulous person, and he will never have the kindness of women.

After solving Uncle Stan, Tony's armor suddenly disappeared.

In his hand, however, there was an empty soda can that looked unremarkable.

"God Pangu, Tony's admiration for you is like a surging river, and it's like a river overflowing out of control!"

"God, the empty cans you gave me are really amazing, amazing, amazing!"

Pangu nodded with a calm expression.

With this magical canned steel armor, the fate of Iron Man has changed dramatically.

Even in the future, in the face of Thanos with the Infinity Stones, he still has the power to protect himself.

And it was not beyond Pangu's expectations that his own strength became stronger again.

PS: Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation!Ask for support! .

=== Chapter [-] The fear of the avenue! 【Seeking support】===

Zeng Jin, Yue Buqun and Xiaoqian were the two most powerful people in the skirt.

But now, Yue Buqun wanted to cry.

One of Xiaoqian's treasure bags can directly put his Huashan in it.

"Xiaoqian's treasure bag, Tushan Susu's chicken bones, and Tony's canned armor."

"However, it may be possible!"

All for the sake of Huashan's Yue Buqun, he suddenly thought of a feasible method.

at this time.

Yue Buqun heard Tony's words... The admiration for you is like a surging river, and like a river overflowing out of control!

The face of the head of Huashan turned blue with a single brush.

"This big piece of shit is stealing my lines again!"

Tony, who stole the lines, touted Pangu for a few words, and then said to Xiaoqian:

"Xiaoqian, how do you feel about this armor?"

Xiaoqian nodded: "It's amazing!"

Her grandmother is a thousand-year-old tree demon, if she is attacked by the Iron Overlord like just now.

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