Bai Yun is well-informed and only knows this one.

His name is King Jin.

There are rumors that the Golden Emperor is a legendary figure, he was accidentally inherited by the ancient Wei 987 repair, so that his entire body and flesh were transformed into gold and iron, thus realizing the Dao of Dolly and even ascending to heaven.

This is an old-fashioned paradise realm, similar to the Bone Princess, who has lived in the otherworldly cave for a long time and rarely walks around the world.

As far as Baiyun knows, this person is both righteous and evil. He is persuaded by Tianmeng, Momeng, Hongjun, the ancestor family and even Taishangjiao, Tianjiao, and Dirty Sect, but he does not know the promise of Shadow King and others. what a benefit.

However, after Bai Yun was surprised, they thought of themselves and guessed in their hearts. .

=== Chapter [-] Tian Heng...! 【Please customize】===

Although the avenues are in contention, the word is the first, but everything has to be compared, and the flight camp has become an ordinary stream! "

"It's hard to find an opportunity right now that promises to be detached and re-authenticated as an immortal fruit, but you still have to consider taking advantage of one from the past. Isn't that ironic?"

Pangu didn't like this world for a long time, but he was soberly aware that he didn't have a chance to change the Dao of Heaven for the time being, so he could only move forward steadily, integrate into it, and slowly accumulate his own strength.

When he also became a giant, he had the capital to freely gallop across the world, and his youthful spirit reappeared.

If you do anything without power, you will only hurt others and yourself.

Having the strength to do it is called continuing.

Now that he has mastered the two methods of anti-chronological Da Tian Dao method and chronological Da Tian Dao method, he knows the mystery of Zhou Dao. He has already seen the stairs leading to heaven and will not pay attention to the threats of these people.

The Shadow King's words couldn't shake him at all.

"Oh? Do you insist on being an enemy of the world, and even drag the Cangyun Temple into the quagmire of war?" The Shadow King said again.

Although Pangu was elevated to the realm of heaven, there must be supportive resources, these connections are fundamental, and even the inheritance of the future, all of which are in the Holy Land.Before he can live forever, he absolutely needs to have such a holy power to do things for him before and after his death, even to continue his orthodoxy.

He is not a person, but a faction, a powerful force initiated by Dugu Xiaoxuan's forces.

He is sufficiently obliged to consider the interests of the Holy Land.

The threat of war really hit him hard.

No matter how strong Pangu is, it is impossible to always pay attention to the Holy Land and protect the believers.If the Holy Land becomes the enemy of the world because of his selfishness, his master, his predecessors and all his relatives and friends will suffer disadvantage or even sacrifice in vain.

That's why when the Master passed away, he still had to participate in the celebrations as if nothing had happened.

But at this moment, a loud voice came from the distant Dugu Xiaoxuan

"Hahaha, are you still waiting, dare to pretend to be someone in this world?"

"If you really have the courage to start a war, we will support the Cangyun Temple in the right way. At least, the Immortal Sanctuary is on their side!"

They turned their heads to look, but they saw that they were far away from Dugu Xiaoxuan and a group of cultivators were flying among the blue birds.Among them, the leader was an old man in Chinese clothes, with high cheekbones and a wide face.He stood on the back of the bird, facing the wind, a kind of loneliness and grace appeared, and it seemed that he was the only one left in the whole sky.


Seeing this figure, all the people in the kingdom of heaven went crazy, they couldn't help but their eyelids twitched, their pupils tightened, and they even screamed loudly.

As the saying goes, the shadow of a tree is a person's name.

Since its rise, the great saint of Tianheng has gone through decades, and no one can compete with it.It has built a great reputation.

He is also the leader of the Heavenly Dao Alliance, representing the leader of the entire road.In the eyes of the older generation of monks, his weight is far less than that of a new star like Pangu.

Although they soon saw that Tianheng, who was present, was just a projection avatar condensed by the people of Kitano Hall with secret methods, but his appearance also represented his will.

Because he said he would support Cangyun Refuge! .

=== Chapter [-] Struggle and Compromise! 【Please customize】===

Supporting Pangu, this is a clear stand before the Shadow King breaks his own threat.Feilu's fastest update chapter

At most, they can only launch a war of good and evil, attacking the Sanctuary of Cangyun with the power of the Evil Dao Alliance.

But in this way, the Tiandao Alliance will also participate in the war, and Cangyun Sanqu has its own alliance to help, so there is no need to fight against the world powers alone.Tianheng, you are here!Yin Shiluo looked at Tian Heng with a somewhat complicated expression. "Do you really want to fight us?"

Tian Heng glanced at him and said, "Yin Shengzun, in order to be a supreme master, it is really disappointing to be among these people."

Yin Shiluo seemed speechless.After pondering for a moment, he said, "The road is different, 987, and different. You and I have argued for many years. No one can convince Dugu Xiaoxuan, but I didn't expect it to come this far."

His words seemed to make sense.

Pangu heard it, but immediately remembered that during the Northern Xinjiang War, the Zhongzhou Allied Forces wanted to assassinate him.

At that time, there was a shadow of Tianheng behind it.

However, the times have changed, and the former ally Datian Daofa has become a passer-by, while the past enemies have joined forces, which makes people have to sigh about the strangeness of fate.

Perhaps, this is the spirit of the person in charge of the chess game.Because he sat in the game and won the game, he was responsible for the seat under his ass.

Looking back at this moment, I suddenly realized that it seems that with the unveiling of the secrets of Feixian's catalogue, Dugu Xiaoxuan's Dugu Xiaoxuan case has reached a deadlock, and no satisfactory answer can be obtained.

Win-win cooperation

"Dear friends, Tian Heng also participated. Although it is still expected, he seems to have reached an agreement with Pan Gu?"

Among the crowd, the coveted Detective Gate has been pondering for a moment, which points out this key.

The timing of Dugu Xiaoxuan's appearance was too clever.When he stood up, he clearly supported Pan Gu and Cangyun Sanctuary.To say there is no secret deal behind this is incredible.

"It seems so."

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