It's really not convincing.When did someone criticize Jin Chan?Saying "one less is better than one"

But Jiang Yi thought about it and understood.

After all, Pangu is a new field.There is not much stock of spiritual items and magical powers.With his ability, he may not be able to catch up.

Besides, Pangu and Mengzhang have no reason or hostility, nor is it as trustworthy as dealing with the real Jinchan.Why bother?

Qingxu's son is very kind, and that crazy shark Meng Zhang is really lucky!Jiang Yi smiled.

Pangu also showed a smile, this person is really interesting.

There is no need to mention it.The two set out to search for Jin Chan's relics to confirm his life and death.

Although the masters of the realm have extraordinary physique, and most of them can have new limbs, not everyone can have the ability derived from flesh and blood.

It must be a legendary powerhouse with at least [-] revs or more to be eligible to dabble in the water field.

Jiang Yunfeng once showed "the art of flying heads" face to face, and also talked with Pan Gu about the essence of life, soul and so on.This is indeed a matter of life and death for the masters of the country.

At present, Jin Chan's death should be certain.

"His spirit should have dissipated, but it's really a pity. Blue-eyed Jin Chan! Jiang Yi sighed: "This is a big fish. "

Can't Jiang's predecessors practice the art of soul extraction?Pangu asked. .

=== Chapter five hundred and ninety seventh windfall! 【Please customize】===

"Of course not, I'm just talking." Jiang Yi quickly explained.

As for whether it is true or not, only he knows.

Soon, the big eel sent by Jiang Yi found the treasure bag that sank into the sea and fished it out.They found a lot of elixir and elixir in the bag, as well as various natural treasures.

A thick number, it looks like it's worth millions.

In particular, each one is filled with bright light, and the duck eggs are as big as Xianbao, which is an unexpected windfall.

"There are more than [-] spiritual pills now, and there are all kinds of medicines and precious materials in them, as well as many musical instruments carried by Jin Chan..." Pan Gu quickly counted it roughly, thinking: "He is the A person who has practiced at rank seven or above can be called a monk of a high realm." His predecessors are very famous, and his name is Million.There are also various collections of sacrifices, filial piety and the Qing army.He silently put away the treasure bag, and as for the rest, he gave Jiang Yi by default.

It's a good ginger yi, but rude.In an instant, Kung Fu stripped Jin Chan of real people's shoes, rings and wristbands

None of these things are needed, but they are all multipliers, with a certain amount of power and support, and they can be worth a little too.

Soon, they returned to Haicheng, near the sea, but found that the strongmen of Dongguan had seized Jin Chan's treasure ship

This is a large musical instrument, made by a real person of Jin Chan, costing hundreds of thousands of Pangu-pounds.There are also a large number of servants, disciples, and even various beautiful concubines on board!

"Master Qingxu, you're finally back. How is the situation there?" Xu Fei and the others greeted him.

The real person of "Jin Chan" died, he was killed by Qing Xu's son! "Jiang Yi smiled and announced in a clear voice.

"What?" Although everyone was ready, after all, before Pangu Point, they had already defeated Jinchan Zhenren and beat him to escape in a hurry, but after that, they could still kill him, which far exceeded their expectations.

That's Rank Seven Master!

But thinking that Pangu was not an ordinary person, the shock and strange feeling in his heart were reduced a little.

This old man has done a lot of injustice, he deserves it!

"The fairy is very lucky to have the help of Master Qingxu to avoid harassment."

"It's a good thing!"

They came to their senses and congratulated.

But they thought more than congratulations, but that was after that.

The Pangu score is too good to be considered a junior rookie at all.How to give him his birthright and prestige is a problem that needs to be solved urgently by the right forces.

At the same time, heretics and the Magic Alliance had to hear about it, and how to react was also an important question.

This world, I am afraid that it will stir up a thousand waves like a stone, causing a huge storm!


set off.

On the sea, the waves were up and down, and the wind and waves gradually calmed down.

The broken flesh and blood abandoned in the sea, I do not know when it quietly thawed, but it was pulled by a mysterious force and returned to the original point of death.

Under the moonlight, the flesh and blood began to wriggle, condensing and forming in combination with the blue sea water.

One half is flesh and blood, and the other half is a strange figure in the sea, slowly solidifying.

"'"Clear and empty. Dry. Yuan!"

The figure opened his mouth. .

=== Chapter [-] The beauty of Fairy Yuehua! 【Please customize】===

It let out a roar of hatred like a beast.

He stepped on the waves, spread his hands, and watched his palms with sea water tremble.

"Hahaha, Pangu, you can't think of it. The blue-eyed golden toad on this seat has the core monument of water and life, and even if it is broken, it can escape!" the hideous face.

The moonlight shone on it, and the face of Jin Chan appeared.

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