In addition, the true meaning of the black wind in the black wind disaster and the time power obtained by practicing reverse time change are all special powers that are separated from spiritual things, and have nothing to do with the cultivation of the cultivator.

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But it is also like the essence of qi and blood, physique, the power of being fascinated, etc. These are all inherent powers of the living body itself, so this is another matter.

Therefore, it is obvious that those who cultivate the truth understand and master the corresponding power of the way through the spirit's own innate supernatural powers.After achieving small grades, they began to study independently.In addition, they integrated various paths and powers, and even went back to the path of monks.

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Of course, in this process, the spirit himself is a trusted companion and comrade-in-arms.

This is another characteristic different from Buddhist monks.

"Step by step. Take your time!"

"To achieve the level of ease of use, you must first get rid of the shackles of spiritual things, and turn the power that originally belonged to spiritual things into your own power!"

"Learn from the spirit, and then surpass the spirit!

"Furthermore, in order to reflect thousands of ways, we also need to be good at finding commonalities between different road forces and then using them consistently." Four.

=== Chapter [-] This is almost the limit! 【Please customize】===

During this period of time, Pangu was thinking about summarizing, and even under the leadership of the chief helmsman, he was busy once again holding the Holy Land Doomsday Conference.But he ignored it, but all Cangshan people did not forget it.

Still Miyamoto, greeted in the wild with an outstanding rising star.

Pangu had a good talk with them and asked about Miyahara's recent situation.As a result, it is understood that the sage of the field has qualified as a master of a definitive virtual realm, and has even been transferred back to the position of chief pilot.

However, he has been in Cangshan for many years and has gotten used to it.He simply took over as the domain owner, preparing to work in this position for another [-] years, and then directly improve his career.

Miyahara knew what Pangu had done recently, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Although I don't know much about this land, I want to cultivate and make progress. The reasons are the same. You should first master more similar magical powers, which are based on Buddhist practice. Clear and virtual style. Naturally, you will follow the course and understand its mystery.”

"The air duct is moving, so is the water path. The water path is corrosive, and so is the power of darkness. There is also an air duct. The meaning of heat loss in the water path becomes an ice path. Yi Yin also has this property."

"Alternatively, you can choose the most common and inclusive paths and strengths as a base, adapt to other types of paths and strengths, and develop to the effect you want."

He learned that Pangu came in and gave his own advice.

Pan Gu nodded slightly: "I have the same idea."

Soon, at the end of the year, the method of returning to Pangu became a secret method called Feng Xu Yufeng

This technique requires development and proficiency in the method of converting wind into wind so you can begin to master it.Once done, it can easily fly faster than the speed of sound!

In fact, with Xiaobai, flying beyond the speed of sound in a short period of time at the original speed is no longer a problem.However, it is still inconvenient after all due to the limitations of form and strength.So even though it's built, and it's getting stronger day by day, it's hard to keep growing in speed, and it has a feeling of reaching its limit.

This escape method can effectively make up for the lack of mounts and can travel at supersonic speeds for a long time.

After mastering this trick, the next step is another secret method called Riptide Escape 0 .......

This trick is just a replica of the virtual Yufeng, except for the form and medium, clearing the virtual is almost the same.

However, because Pangu's cultivation of water transformation is not yet at home, and the water itself cannot be as light as the wind, even if this method is perfected, the speed is only feet for the time being.

But Pangu is still satisfied, because it is very good to have such a speed in the water, and it solves the problems of high pressure and resistance when diving into deep water, so it is a practical escape method.

It will eventually grow when you get used to it.

Wanbao Rare Record Volume

"Water 0.4, rapids!"

Rumble.Outside the main rudder of Cangyun Reserve, in a wide lake.

Pangu Point embodies the flow of water, running at high speed in the lake and starting the waves.

After a while, he appeared on the other side, jumped up, and his whole body changed from the water body back to the flesh body at once.

"It's almost the limit!"

After landing, Pan Gu secretly sighed. .

=== Chapter [-] Don't get in trouble! 【Please customize】===

Glancing at her feet like a salamander, but she has a pair of bird wings.

During this time, he has been familiar with the method of controlling this kind of spiritual things, and now he can finally increase the speed of the torrent to more than fifty meters, but compared with using the wind, there is still a big gap.

In addition to the effect of water resistance itself, Pangu believes that clearing virtual space elsewhere should be problematic.

"If you can completely purify the water, resistance can also become a force. That's not the point." 07

The point is that my water is far from enough degrees!

"If you can get to the point where the wind is instinctive, that should change drastically!"

Now that he has successfully started and mastered what he should master, other waterway magic should not be difficult to learn, but has encountered a new bottleneck.

This bottleneck has to do with his affinity for waterborne troops.If there is no solution, even if you continue to study hard, you will do more with less.

It's time to find a solution.

When Pangu returned to Qingxu Mansion, he immediately saw a large group of cats walking around.When they saw him coming, they surrounded him, woohoo.

From time to time, the cat will rub his feet to show their intimacy.

These are just psychic mediums, but still maintain the cat's bestiality.

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