Overall +50, current strength +50!

Overall +50, current strength +50!

Overall +50, current strength +50!


"Maybe I can try again now and create a miniature world!"

"However, before that, you should still observe other worlds."

Pangu forcibly closed Xiaoqian's group live broadcast, and then forcibly opened the group live broadcast respectively.

Come to Whitebeard's One Piece World, Marquis Woban's God Eater World, Ninth Uncle's Zombie World, Tony's Marvel World, Little Fox Demon Tushan Susu's Fox Demon Little Matchmaker World, Yue Buqun's Xiaoao The world of rivers and lakes, the world of ruthless people.

This time, Pangu used his authority as the group owner.

Not only is the live broadcast forced to be turned on, but it is still hidden.

In other words, Pangu wanted his group members to know so that they could know.

I don't want them to know, so even a powerful person like the Ruthless Empress would not be aware of it.

Whitebeard continued to accept his son, the Marquis of Woban looked for the god of disobedience to kill and deprive him of his power, and the ninth uncle would soon move the coffin to Mr. Ren's house.

Tony was a little busy, and arranged for people to study the three monster corpses Xiaoqian gave him to develop genetic medicine.

He also redesigned the shape of the canned steel armor, and flirted with his assistant, Pepper.

The cute little Susu has more snacks.

My sisters Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong are very caring.

I only want to ask her one thing, and that is to have a better relationship with her group leader brother, a better relationship, a better relationship...

Yue Buqun robbed darts to kill people, and came to Fuwei escort bureau ahead of time, with a plan.

Ruthless was on her way, and Pangu didn't know where she was going.

With the continuous live broadcast, continuous insights.

The speed at which Pan Gu became stronger soared again.

Pangu, who quit the group live broadcast, was in chaos.

"Let me see, what would it be like to create miniature worlds now?"

PS: Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation!Ask for support! .

===Chapter [-]: Is it the first to open up the world or to split the avenue first? 【Seeking support】===

I still want to accept my son's white beard: "@Lin Jiu, newcomer boss, tell me, do you have any special relationship with God Pangu?"

Woban, who stood at attention after being beaten, said, "I'm also very curious. Could it be the inside story? I wonder about JPG!"

Please call me Can Iron Man: "Marquis Woban's consciousness is that there is a py transaction between the newcomer and the great god Pangu?"

Everything is for Huashan: "It's a big piece of shit. Feilu will update the chapter as soon as possible, and you are finished. I have already taken a screenshot. If there is no exclusive red envelope, I will send the screenshot to the group owner privately."

He also wanted to accept his son's white beard: "Pfft, hahaha! Yue Buqun is mourning [dry] heart [gets] sick [floating] crazy [bright]!"

Woban, who stood at attention after being beaten: "Add one to the screenshot, it's a JPG you know!"

Xiao Susu, who loves snacks: "Add one to the screenshot, you know the JPG of the big shit!"

Maoshan Taoist Lin Jiu: "Add one to the screenshot, the shit is big, you know JPG!"

Little Ghost Nie Xiaoqian: "The essence of human beings is indeed a repeater, hee hee, I'm a female ghost, I'm different, add one to the screenshots, it's a big JPG you know!"

Please call me Can Iron Man: "You bad people, you are actually cheating on me???!!!"

I also wanted to accept my son's white beard: "Haha, you forgot the big shit. How dare you say that the group master is a bad person."

Woban, who stood at attention after being beaten: "No one can save you now."

Everything is for Huashan: "Yes, unless you give out a red envelope."

Xiao Susu, who loves snacks: "Tony, look at my ID, look at my ID!"

Please call me Can Iron Man: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't say that the group owner is a bad person, and the group owner is not a person at all!"

Maoshan Taoist Lin Jiu: "You are finished, you actually call the group owner not a person. Now the ancestors can't save you!"

I also want to accept my son's white beard: "It's big shit, you're really finished."

Woban, who stood at attention after being beaten: "Everyone said, should the big feces be steamed or braised?"

Xiao Susu, who loves snacks: "I think stir-frying will be more fragrant."

Little Ghost Nie Xiaoqian: "I suggest frying."

Everything is for Huashan: "Will it be fresher to eat raw?"

Maoshan Taoist Lin Jiu: "Mr. Big Shit, let me help you."

Please call me Can Iron Man: "Lin Jiu is a good man! Thank you so much JPG!"

Maoshan Taoist Lin Jiu: "No thanks. I suggest wrapping it in bread crumbs, sprinkle with cumin powder, and then fry it until golden brown. The child next door is crying."

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