In particular, Tony and Marquis of Vauban, who had entered the arena to fight before.

The arena can perfectly replicate the abilities and strengths of the group members.

Other than dying in the arena, not really dying.

In other respects, it is exactly the same as the real one!

This magical chat group of the heavens and the world, in the past, could not carry the energy of a leg of Pangu.

Now it is estimated that even after the upgrade, it is impossible to really bear the true strength of Pangu!

"This is trouble.

"It's a little troublesome."

"God Pangu can't do anything at will, otherwise, if the chat group in the heavens and the world really explodes..."

"If it really blows up, we must die as hard as we can."

"However, this ugly evil god really deserves a beating!"

"I can't help but want to kill him!"

"me too!"

"It's a pity that it's not the opponent of this monster. I don't know what the Great God Pangu will do?"

Just as the group members were guessing, there was finally a change in the arena.

I saw a black hair suddenly appear.

Everyone present was stunned.

Ruthless Empress, Nie Xiaoqian, Whitebeard, Tony Stark, Marquis of Woban, Yue Buqun... These old members have weird expressions.

At this time, they couldn't help but think of something from the past.

"This is... is this the leg hair of the great god Pangu?"

"This is the culprit that almost made the chat group explode by sending red envelopes before?"

"Leg hair appeared, but the chat group didn't explode?"

"It should be the reason for the upgrade of the chat group."

"I don't know, is this evil god who can devour the world so powerful, or is it a leg hair of the great god Pangu?"

"It's definitely the group leader's big brother's leg hair!"

"Lin Jiu feels the same way!"

in the arena.

The evil god who devoured the world looked at a hair that appeared out of thin air, and he was stunned.

His size is huge.

If He wanted to, he could even swallow a world directly.

Of course, it is generally a miniature world, or a small world.

In the ordinary world, He can only nibble a little.

Even so, his size is evident.

The huge and terrifying body shape is not too obvious in contrast to the mediocre leg hair.

The ignorant and fearless evil god who devoured the world said to death:

"God Pangu? Hurry up and give me the position of the group leader, otherwise, you will end up the same as those so-called gods who smell crispy chicken!"

"No, you're so young, I'm afraid you can't even taste the taste of chicken, hahaha!"

The evil god who devoured the world burst into laughter.

PS: Ask for flowers!Ask for evaluation!Ask for support! ! ! .

===Chapter [-] Ruthless New Goals and Strong Fouls! 【Seeking support】===

"You laughed so much!"

Pangu's voice said lightly.

"So what?" The evil god who devoured the world didn't take it seriously.

On Pangu's leg hair, there was a trace of his spiritual thoughts.

Through these traces of spiritual thoughts, Pangu realized the power of destruction in the evil god who devoured the world.

In this world, there is yin and yang, there is a beginning and an end, there is life and death, there is creation and destruction...

In the past, Pangu realized more about the power of creation, the power of destiny, the power of order, the power of the world...

And the power of destruction... now is a good opportunity.

Pangu did not immediately kill the evil god who devoured the world.

Speaking of which, the devouring power and destruction power of this old ruler had a great effect on Pangu.

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