I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 107: Apply for Guinness, high-altitude tightrope run! !


"Fog grass, fog grass, fog grass!"

"What's so special?? Good guy, people who show me directly are stupid!"

"What happened just now? Did it thunder?"

"Bi Bo Ran! I saw that my girlfriend didn't respond. I slapped her twice without hesitation. Brothers, do you think I did the right thing?"


In Qin Hao's personal live broadcast room, after a moment of silence, it suddenly broke out!

The audience is boiling!


You can't control every cell in your body!

"At this moment, Brother Hao seems to have turned into a ray of light!"

"You are electricity, you are light, you are the only myth!"

"Everyone, you can slow down four times, and you can see every movement of Brother Hao clearly. Really, I never thought that a person's speed could be so fast. You can't see it clearly when you watch it in normal mode."

"Four times slower? Misty grass, how fast is that?"

Soon, the audience began to play slowly.

At the same time, Li Haoran in the director's group did the same thing, because Brother Hao's performance just now really scared him!

It was so fast that he couldn't see clearly at all!

That's right, I didn't even see the throwing action!

One can imagine how far Qin Hao is going!

"Play back, slow down four times."

Li Haoran said in a deep voice.


All the staff nodded in unison, and soon, the picture of four times slowing down appeared in front of them.

In the picture, after Qin Hao exhaled, he tightened the javelin in his hand, and then threw the javelin directly in a standard throwing posture like an athlete!

And the target is the stadium that is more than 100 meters away or even close to 200 meters away!

Even four times slower, they can see that the javelin is flying fast in the air!

Then, it slammed into the wall above the stadium, making a loud noise!

All of this sounds complicated, but it's only done in the blink of an eye!


After seeing all the pictures, all the staff took a breath, and their eyes were full of astonishment.

In their minds, several huge questions appeared involuntarily.

"Is this **** still human?"

"Can people really get this fast?"

"Can people really have such strength?"

It should be noted that the thrown javelin consumes a huge amount of power in the air, and as a result, the distance is close to 200 meters, and it can still plunge into the wall fiercely.

How much should this total power be?

Maybe so many people can't understand it, so simply put, the world's highest record for the farthest javelin is currently about 100 meters.

It is conceivable that Qin Hao's throw directly threw the world record!

"Sure enough, my brother Hao is still my brother Hao!"

Li Haoran touched his chin and muttered in a low voice, his eyes flickering.

"Go and report to Guinness. As we all know, there are no special effects for live broadcasts. Everything is real. I think it is necessary to apply for Brother Hao!"

After a long while, Li Haoran said slowly.


No one was surprised, because Hao Ge's performance was indeed eligible to apply for the world record.

Moreover, there may be no one to surpass in the future, even if it is surpassed, it is Qin Hao who surpasses himself.

On the other hand, Qin Hao didn't know the excitement and excitement of the live broadcast room and the director team.

He fixed the steel wire at his end, pulled the steel wire gently, and found that it was very stable, so he nodded with satisfaction.

"Audience, what do you think of the performance just now?"

Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Damn, this is too much punishment!"

"It's too hard to beat!"

"Hahaha, I guess the director cried and fainted in the toilet instantly. This wall of this stadium is considered a waste!"

The audience chatted.

"However, the performance has only just begun. Next, please open your eyes."

"System, exchange for advanced acrobatics."

Qin Hao said to the system in his heart.

"Ding, exchange for advanced acrobatics skills, consume 20,000 value points."

Qin Hao: "???"

This time, he was a little stunned. Although his current value point has reached a terrifying figure of more than 400,000, it does not mean that the system can cheat him!

"Ding, because acrobatic skills include too many acrobatics, 20,000 value points are already very economical."

As if he knew what Qin Hao was thinking, the system explained.

Qin Hao then looked at the introduction of acrobatics.

"Acrobatics: a highly difficult performance skill, soft skills, car skills, ventriloquism, bowling, tightrope walking, juggling, lion dancing and other skills, including Vientiane!"

The next moment, Qin Hao felt a sudden pain in his brain.

In my mind, one by one, the skills appeared quickly like watching flowers on a horse.

After three full minutes, Qin Hao came back to his senses.

This is the longest time he has accepted the skill, and it is also the most uncomfortable one.

However, it has to be said that acrobatics is an overall skill that includes too many things.

Qin Hao exhaled and looked down at the inspectors and security personnel below. At this time, they were arranging people to remove the big box and the doll princess.


Qin Hao smiled slightly, took the bag in his hand, jumped gently, and stood firmly on the wire.

All the audience were frightened by Qin Hao's actions!

You must know that this building is dozens of stories high. If it falls from here, it will be light.

Most likely, directly into watermelon pie.

"Don't be impulsive, falling from here will really kill you!"

"Really, I'm a little afraid to watch it, it's so scary!"

"Yeah, this is really killing it!"

All the audience shivered with fright.

However, Qin Hao didn't know their reaction, only saw his body move!

He walked briskly on the tightrope and ran towards the opposite stadium.

That's right, run wild!

Running at an altitude of hundreds of meters, as if walking on the ground, is as easy as walking in your own back garden!

And because it was very dark above, the attention of the inspection and security was completely on the ground, so no one noticed that a figure passed over their heads.

After all, who in normal would have thought that someone could walk across the sky? !

It's not that the inspectors are not good, nor that the security personnel are unprofessional, but that this is completely out of the way of normal people's thinking!

"I got it! Really, I really got it!"

"Yeah, you can walk a tightrope, just come here, I just want to ask, what else is there not to know about Brother Hao?"

"Every time I see Brother Hao, I always remind me that I am a waste!"

The audience was apprehensive at the beginning, to the end of the day.

They felt that Qin Hao was really an omnipotent person, and no matter how biased it was, this guy could come at will.

Can one person really know so many things?

Even if you start learning from a young age, you can't be proficient in everything, right?

But no matter how amazed the audience, Qin Hao has reached the edge of the stadium wall!

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