I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 119: Roaring in the air, running through the building, arranged at will

Chen Quanci looked at Liu Bochao and narrowed his eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

"It doesn't make any sense, I just feel that even you can't do it, right? The power used in it is too great, and the speed is too fast. It should be the limit three times!"

Chen Quanci nodded thoughtfully.

Then all of them looked up.

I saw that at an altitude of hundreds of meters, I could clearly see that Qin Hao seemed to be waiting for something after posing for that projection.



A humming sound sounded, this is the sound of the javelin being too fast, cutting through the space!

The next moment, a few people saw the silver light flashing across the dark sky!


A loud bang appeared, look again.

Qin Hao was already standing on top of the javelin in another building.

The javelin was deeply inserted into the building.

"I guess Director Li Haoran may be about to cry!"

Chen Quanci said with a strange expression.

Liu Bochao nodded in agreement. Indeed, this is not a small amount. After being pierced, the surface of the building is considered to be a waste. If the piercing is deeper, tsk tsk...

It's even more troublesome to repair!

Then, there was a very funny and distressing scene.

The inspectors who had just arrived on the rooftop saw Qin Hao appear in another building, and ran all the way downstairs.

Go to another building!



The sound of one after another javelin piercing the building sounded, with a loud boom, like a cannonball.

In the midst of this voice, more than a hundred inspectors followed behind, panting from exhaustion, sticking out their tongues.

"I rub, it's obviously a very tense moment, why do I want to laugh?"

"It's the same with me. These inspectors were so angry that they all tried their best to catch Brother Hao, but they were all consumed on the road."

"It's estimated that the anger will subside in a while, hahaha!"

"Like when I'm out walking the dog at night!"

The audience looked at this exciting and joyful picture and laughed very happily.

"Hey, why do you think you are doing this?"

Qin Hao was sitting on the javelin with a height of 100 meters below, but he didn't care at all.

Looking at the inspectors who had just walked out of the other building for a long time, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

At this time, the more than 100 inspectors were covered in sweat, as if they had just taken a shower.

No way, to tell the truth, even if they are retired inspectors, their physical strength should not be so bad.

However, I didn't eat all night, I finally ate some, and I vomited out yesterday's food. I was exhausted, and I ran all the way. Would you try it?

"Qin Hao... If you have the ability, don't run!"

"That's right, oh my, I can't do it anymore, I really can't catch up, I feel like my whole internal organs are on fire!"

"Me too!"

One by one, the inspectors looked at Qin Hao who was sitting at an altitude of 100 meters, and his eyes were a little desperate.

So angry!

But can't hit it!

"Hehe, since you are not chasing anymore, then, goodbye!"

Qin Hao smiled slightly, did a backflip, pulled out the javelin inserted in the building, appeared on the rooftop, and then......

Carrying the javelin so carelessly, he disappeared on the rooftop.

"It's our turn to act!"

Chen Quanci squinted, no matter where Qin Hao goes, he will definitely come down from this building!

This is their chance!

As long as they surround the whole building and wait for Qin Hao to appear, that will be his death!

"Go, lie in ambush!"

Chen Quanci gave an order, and the inspectors chased after him dejectedly.

"Your move is really good. With Qin Hao's character, he is really inflated!"

Chen Quanci looked at Liu Bochao and said with a smile.

"It's inevitable. Qin Hao is eccentric and likes to act in a high-profile manner. If he says something unpleasant, he walks the inspector like a dog. Do you think he will be unhappy?"

Liu Bochao smiled confidently: "Even if it's me, I'm proud because it's my ability!"

"But the result of being proud is that mistakes and omissions are prone to occur, which is paralyzed!"

"As long as he wants to leave, he will inevitably come down from the building. He will think that our inspectors are tired and have no time to catch him, but he doesn't know that this is just our trap!"

Just after speaking, I saw the panting inspectors, all laughing, and the exhaustion was swept away.


Fog grass? ? ?

"No, who can explain it to us?"

"What's going on here? Didn't Brother Hao play tricks on them? Why doesn't it seem right now?"

"It's a plan!"

"Think about it carefully. When the inspectors think the water is urine, do normal people get angry? When they are angry, they will do irrational things!"

"The irrational thing is naturally to go up and catch Brother Hao. If they don't go, Brother Hao will be suspicious and overhearted, so the inspector will just count on it!"

"However, if you carefully calculate the time when the inspectors go upstairs, you will find that it is very slow. They are walking up, not running up, so the physical strength consumed will be very small. Hao brother mistakenly thought that the inspectors were angry. , consumes a lot of physical strength!"


Among the audience, there are some viewers with strong analytical skills. After saying these words, all the audience understood and took a breath!

good guy!

Real good guy!

In such a short period of time, the inspectors actually forcibly suppressed their anger, and by the way, could they plan a perfect decoy plan?

But they watched the inspectors all the time, when the plans were laid out and when they started to be implemented, they didn't find out at all!

Thinking of this, many viewers feel their scalps go numb!

Is this an audit?

so horrible!

"Although I am often played with by Brother Hao, a professional is a professional!"

"To tell the truth, I used to think that these inspections were really trash, but now I see that it's not that the inspectors are trash, but that Brother Hao is too strong."

"So, don't commit crimes in the future, you can commit crimes if you want, at least you have to be better than Brother Hao!"

Just as the audience was chatting, the inspectors had quietly spread out on the green belt below the building, waiting for Qin Hao to appear.

As long as there is no rumbling, it proves that Qin Hao has not left!

Qin Hao will definitely come down from this building!


After waiting for more than half an hour, Qin Hao still did not appear.

However, the inspectors are very patient, not to mention half an hour, when performing tasks in reality, staying for a few days is something that often happens!

The night is getting deeper and darker, and the surroundings are quiet, only the chirping of some insects can be heard!

The inspectors are ready to go, as if as long as Qin Hao appears, he will definitely suffer a thunderous blow!

Even the audience gradually quieted down, holding their breath!

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