I Participated In the Show and Was Considered a SSS-class Fugitive

Chapter 130: Shura field, trash doesn't deserve to know my name

How powerful is the blast of a firearm?


And most importantly, it's all about luck.

That is to say, at the moment when the chamber explodes, it depends on whether you are lucky or not. If it is not good, serious injury and death are very likely.

At least it will be slightly injured, as for no injury, it is basically impossible, unless the luck is very good.

It's just a pistol!

What about submachine guns or rifles?

It is conceivable that when all the bullets are concentrated together to explode, although the explosion is not so exaggerated, it is almost the same.

At this moment, all the audience were stunned.

This scene came so suddenly, they never dreamed that the lone criminals who were so arrogant to shoot at one moment would become dead and disabled the next moment.

Especially the broken hands and broken arms all over the floor, the audience's faces turned pale.

"Fog grass, isn't there a high-energy alarm? I almost spit it out!"

"Me too, really, if it's just a movie, I guess I'd eat it with relish, but this isn't a movie!"

"I cried out with a wow, how can I still see this scene in reality?"

The live broadcast room immediately boiled.

In this civilized and peaceful era, who has seen such a big scene?

Even in cruel movies, everyone is used to it, and they have given themselves psychological hints, at least they know that the movie is fake!

But now what?

This is a live broadcast!

In the director's group, Li Haoran's face changed slightly, and he quickly turned his head and said, "Mosaic."


The technician nodded, and just a few seconds later, a mosaic appeared on the live broadcast screen.

But obviously, it's too late, and the audience has basically seen what they should see.

In an instant, the number of people in the live broadcast room was greatly reduced.

From the original more than 50 million online users, it has been reduced to about 20 million.

After all, in this peaceful age, not many people can afford such a stimulating picture.

Just when the live broadcast room was boiling, the scene was weird!

Wang Hu was so frightened that he even forgot the pain in his palm and stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

It was a blood-red world!

At least half of his subordinates were blue and purple, and fell to the ground screaming and tumbling frantically.

Several of them were lying on the ground, motionless, their chests were blurred with blood.

There are only four subordinates who can still stand safely!

That's right, it's just this moment, a dozen or so vicious brawny men, in the blink of an eye, there are only four healthy ones left!

And these four healthy ones have completely lost their ferocity, their eyes are dull, their legs are trembling, as if they have been frightened.

At this moment, the four of them were a little happy and a little scared.

Thankfully, they hesitated when they shot!

But the fear is, will that person let them go?

Fear is like an opened Pandora's box, surging into their hearts and minds!

"Ah!! Die!"

Suddenly, a big man with a clever look suddenly raised his submachine gun and aimed it at the surrounding trees.

The finger pulls the trigger slightly!

"do not........"

Wang Hu opened his mouth, but the sharp pain from his wrist made him gasp.


The life-threatening sound of breaking through the air sounded again.

Even the lone criminals laying on the ground to explain their teachings couldn't help but tremble.

They now have a subconscious stress response to this sound!


The lone criminal who shot has gone crazy, pulling the trigger of the submachine gun frantically!



The sound of the gun blasting exploded, and in an instant, everyone saw that the brother's waist was swept away by something, and it was cut off in the middle!


The lone criminal's eyes widened and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but a lot of blood poured out of his mouth.

Totally uncontrolled gushing!

It is even mixed with visceral fragments, which looks extremely miserable!


The body was divided into two sections, fell to the ground, and the breath was completely cut off!

At the same time, the number of people in Qin Hao's personal live broadcast room dropped again!

Because, at this moment, even the mosaic on the screen can't be covered!

At a glance, it is a blood-red world! ! !

This is the least popular day since Qin Hao started the live broadcast, except at the beginning!

"Who are you? You can't be undercover!!"

Wang Hu was stunned, mad, roaring loudly, piercing his heart!

He can't accept it! !

Obviously victory was in front of him, but a ghost-like existence suddenly appeared, shattering everything in an instant!

Obviously, he only needs to escape this forest, and he can have money, women, status, and even power again, just a little bit, just a little bit!

Originally, this guy saved the hostages he thought he was undercover, but now......

Huh, undercover?


Who's undercover is so cruel?

The most important thing is that even if you want to be so cruel, you are not so strong!

At this time, there were only three people left, and these three people were trembling all over. The originally ferocious faces were full of horror, and the trouser legs were even more wet.

"Tsk tsk!"

Suddenly, there was a voice of interest.

This sudden voice made all the lone criminals look over subconsciously.

"Tap Tap!"

The footsteps of the **** of death sounded slowly, and the man in the white suit was still spotless, walking slowly and lightly.

The eyes under the mask are full of pity, and there is a good-looking smile on the corner of his mouth.

It's like looking down from God!

Wang Hu raised his head with difficulty, and when he saw the leather shoes in front of him, his pupils shrank. He was horrified to find that the leather shoes were not stained with the slightest blood!

"who are you?"

Wang Hu's voice was hoarse, however, the next moment, a pistol was placed on his forehead.

The cold touch made him tremble, and a huge fear filled his body.

"Trash doesn't deserve to know my name."

A faint voice came from the man's mouth.

"No, I'm rich, I have a lot..."


Wang Hu wanted to say something, but the next moment, the gunshot sounded, his voice stopped abruptly, and a **** hole appeared in the middle of his forehead!

The vitality in his eyes quickly disappeared, and he fell on his back among the leaves.

"Give you a chance, kneel and live. Resist, die!"

Qin Hao glanced at Wang Hu's body like he was looking at garbage, and then looked at the other lone criminals!

There is no trace of pity and emotional fluctuations in the words!

As he said, these people are rubbish!

Director Zheng Jun has already said that these garbage smuggled-smuggled over tons of unique products!

Let tons of unique products enter the land of China!

On the ton, what concept?

How many families were destroyed?

It can be said that these people, if they were pulled out and shot a hundred times, would not be a pity to die!

Qin Hao does not feel that he is a judge, nor a messenger of light, nor is he qualified to plunder the lives of others.

But, garbage is not in this list! ! !

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